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Motion for a resolution | Doc. 60 | 16 August 1950

Protocol relative to the creation in each Member or associated State of a Ministry for European Affairs

Signatories: Mr Giovanni PERSICO, Italy

Whereas on 6th September 1949 the Assembly of the Council of Europe agreed to consider that " the aim and goal of the Council of Europe is the creation of a European political authority with limited functions but real powers ",

Whereas in its Report of 30 th June 1950 the Committee on General Affairs proposed to the Committee of Ministers that it should recommend to the Member States that they " nominate a Minister, Secretary or Under-Secretary of State who, without prejudice to the responsibility of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, should be charged with the supervision of European Affairs ",

Whereas one Member State of the Council of Europe has already nominated its Minister for European Affairs,

And whereas it is desirable that the work of the Ministers for European Affairs should be co-ordinated on the European plane,

the following Draft Protocol is submitted to the Assembly.

ARTICLE 1. — In application of Article 14 of the Statute and as a permanent measure in compliance with the requirements therein stated, each Member State or Associated Member shall appoint, in accordance with the procedure adopted by the respective Governments, a Member of the Government specially responsible for European Affairs.

ARTICLE 2. — The members of the National Governments who are appointed for this purpose shall meet monthly to discuss European Affairs.

ARTICLE 3. — The Committee of Ministers, which under the terms of Article 13 of the Statute is competent to represent the Council of Europe, shall supervise the activities of the members of Governments responsible for European Affairs.

ARTICLE 4. — In application of Article 22 of the Statute the Assembly shall make Recommendations in regard to the course of action to be followed by members of National Governments appointed as indicated above. The Assembly shall examine periodically the action taken by members of National Governments in pursuance of its Recommendations. To this end it shall adopt or reject the Reports addressed to it by these members.