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Report | Doc. 655 | 29 April 1957

Draft European Code of Social Security

Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

Rapporteur : Mr Henri C. J . HEYMAN, Belgium

Origin - See 10th Sitting, 4th May 1957 (draft Opinion adopted) and Opinion No, 25 1957 - 9th Session - First part

A. Draft Opinion


The Assembly,

In reply to the Committee of Ministers' request for an opinion of 18th March 1957 ;

Having examined the draft European Code of Social Security drawn up by the Governmental Committee of Experts on Social Security,

Expresses its agreement with the method of work used by the Committee of Experts on Social Security;

Having noted that a Protocol is shortly to be added to the draft European Code of Social Security;

Considers that it should make a careful study of all these texts before expressing an opinion;

Considers, moreover, that a meeting of its Social Committee with the corresponding Committee of Experts of the Committee of Ministers is essential in order to clarify and amplify certain points in the draft Code submitted to it;

Expresses the wish that the Committee of Ministers should continue to work in this field in close co-operation with the International Labour Organisation.