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Report | Doc. 661 | 30 April 1957

Treaty instituting the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)

Committee on Economic Affairs and Development

Rapporteur : Mr Gerard de GEER, Sweden

Origin - See 4th Sitting, 1st mai 1957 (Referred back to the Economic Committee). 1957 - 9th Session - First part

A. Draft Resolution


The Assembly,

Reaffirming its conviction that it is only by concerted action that Western Europe can ensure the rapid and efficient development of atomic power and thus safeguard its future independence in energy supplies,

Congratulates the six Governments participating in the Intergovernmental Committee upon the conclusion of the Treaty instituting the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom);

Notes with satisfaction that on vital points—security control, the open character of the Community, co-operation with 0. E. E. C, incorporation of Euratom in the general Common Market—the Treaty conforms to wishes previously expressed by the Consultative Assembly;

Emphasises the need for the policy followed by Euratom to be fitted into a general policy for, energy;

Draws attention to the risk that priorities allowed in the Treaty for individual national reactor programmes may endanger the balanced development of the Community's supply policy;

Emphasises the particular importance of close collaboration with 0. E. E. C. in the planning of joint enterprises so as to avoid duplication of effort and waste of resources;

Urges that in developing the Community's programme private enterprise be guaranteed a proper share consistent with the objectives of the Treaty;

Urges the Governments and Parliaments to make every effort to secure the speedy ratification of the Treaty.