List of amendments

Collection of written amendments (Revised version)

  • Doc. 14031
  • After the Brussels attacks, urgent need to address security failures and step up counter-terrorism co-operation

Draft resolution

1The Parliamentary Assembly is horrified by the terrorist attacks at Zaventem Airport and Maelbeek metro station in Brussels on 22 March 2016 in which 32 people were killed and over 300 were injured, 45 of whom remain in hospital with severe injuries. It deplores the loss of innocent lives and expresses sympathy and solidarity with the families of victims and all those who suffered in these inhumane attacks.

Tabled by Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Mr Burhanettin UYSAL, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Mr Erkan KANDEMİR
In the draft resolution, paragraph 1, after the first sentence, insert the following sentence: "These attacks have been the latest in a series of serious terrorist acts, including the ones in Paris, Ankara and Istanbul targeting the Council of Europe member States."
Tabled by Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Mr Burhanettin UYSAL, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Mr Erkan KANDEMİR
In the draft resolution, paragraph 1, at the begining of the second sentence, replace the word "It" with the following words: "The Assembly".

2The Assembly reiterates its strongest condemnation of terrorism in all forms, and recalls its previous resolutions relating to terrorism, in particular Resolution 2090 (2016) “Combating international terrorism while protecting Council of Europe standards and values” and Resolution 2091 (2016) on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. In this context, it notes that the barbaric terrorist entity known as “Daesh” has claimed responsibility for the Brussels bombings.

3Terrorism feeds itself off hatred and intolerance and aims to destroy our political system and the very foundations of democratic societies. It must be confronted with equal resolve wherever it occurs, whatever reasons are put forward to justify it, and whoever it is directed at. Likewise, our solidarity shall be extended to all victims of terrorist acts, whether they occur in a major European city or elsewhere in Europe or the world.

4The Assembly regrets that, after each new terrorist attack, State leaders are quick to make solemn statements but are reluctant to learn lessons and to take resolute action. The statements are necessary to reaffirm our values but are not enough to protect them and to guarantee security.

Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 4, replace the first sentence with the following sentence: "The Assembly urges State leaders not only to make solemn statements after terrorist attacks, but also to learn lessons and to take resolute action."

5All Council of Europe member States must urgently draw conclusions from the tragic events in Brussels, which are also due to failures and shortcomings at national, European Union and international levels.

Tabled by Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Mr Burhanettin UYSAL, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Mr Erkan KANDEMİR
In the draft resolution, paragraph 5, after the word "Brussels", insert the following words: "and other member States".
Tabled by the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
In amendment 3, replace the word "other" with the words "in other cities of".
Tabled by Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, Mr Włodzimierz BERNACKI, Mr Arkadiusz MULARCZYK, Mr Daniel MILEWSKI, Mr Andrzej WOJTYŁA, Mr Johannes HÜBNER, Sir Alan MEALE, Mr John HOWELL, Mr Huw MERRIMAN, Ms Kelly TOLHURST, Mr Giorgi KANDELAKI, Mr Dominik TARCZYŃSKI, Ms Naira ZOHRABYAN, Ms Anne LOUHELAINEN, Mr Viktor VOVK, Sir Jeffrey DONALDSON, Mr Paul SCULLY
In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 5, add the following sentences: "This Assembly also urges Belgium to profoundly reform the Brussels Capital Region, with its 8 ministers, 89 Members of Parliament, 19 mayors and 6 police zones for a population of about 1 million inhabitants. This level of fragmentation and lack of coordination has proven to be too dysfunctional to respond to modern security needs."
Tabled by the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
In amendment 14, replace the sentences with the following words: "Coordination in the Brussels Capital Region has not proven sufficiently functional to respond to modern security needs and therefore needs to be profoundly reformed."

6The Assembly recalls its Resolution 2091 (2016) and expresses its concern about the continuing supply of foreign fighters from European countries. It notes that, whereas France, Germany and the United Kingdom reportedly supply the highest numbers, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden have the highest per capita figures. It also notes with concern that Belgium has become a hub for jihadist recruiting and a safe haven for terrorist activities, which are often carried out in other countries.

(If adopted, amendments 8, 4, 9 falls)
Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 6, replace the last sentence with the following sentence: "It also notes with concern that the deteriorating position of Daesh in the Middle East may lead to a surge in jihadist recruiting and terrorist activities on the European continent."
Tabled by the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
In amendment 7, replace the words "paragraph 6, replace the last sentence with the following sentence" with the following words: "at the end of paragraph 6, add the following sentence".
(If adopted, amendments 4, 9 falls)
(Falls if amendment 7 is adopted)
Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 6, replace the last sentence with the following sentence: "It also notes with concern that certain areas in European cities have become a hub for terrorist activities and jihadist recruiting."
(Falls if amendments 7, 8 are adopted)
Tabled by Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Mr Burhanettin UYSAL, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Mr Erkan KANDEMİR
In the draft resolution, paragraph 6, last sentence, replace the words "jihadist recruiting" with the following words: "recruiting foreign terrorist fighters".
(Falls if amendments 7, 8 are adopted)
Tabled by Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 6, last sentence, delete the following words: "and a safe haven for terrorist activities, which are often carried out in other countries".

7Due to lack of political guidance to ensure the necessary co-ordination and co-operation amongst various – and at times competing – security and law-enforcement agencies, certain areas in European towns have become “no-go zones” for the police and a breeding ground for radicalised extremists and terrorists.

8For too long, officials and politicians in Europe have turned a blind eye to the lack of integration and the growing radicalisation among young people, and have ignored or underestimated the scale of the terrorist threat. We must now urgently make a realistic assessment of possible security gaps. Our States are duty-bound to protect the lives of citizens and the fundamental values of democracy. Our societies must be ready to pay a much higher price for security.

Tabled by Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, Mr Włodzimierz BERNACKI, Mr Arkadiusz MULARCZYK, Mr Daniel MILEWSKI, Mr Andrzej WOJTYŁA, Mr Johannes HÜBNER, Mr John HOWELL, Ms Kelly TOLHURST, Mr Huw MERRIMAN, Mr Giorgi KANDELAKI, Mr Dominik TARCZYŃSKI, Ms Anne LOUHELAINEN, Mr Viktor VOVK, Sir Jeffrey DONALDSON, Mr Paul SCULLY
In the draft resolution, paragraph 8, after the first sentence, insert the following sentence: "The accusations by former Belgian Justice Minister Marc Verwilghen that some of his colleagues deliberately blocked any anti-terrorist and anti-radicalisation measures out of political opportunism should be investigated on their merit."
Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, at the end of paragraph 8, add the following words: "with the highest possible respect for individual freedom, privacy and our democratic values."

9In the face of ever-growing international terrorist networks, a co-ordinated pan-European response is needed more than ever. As terrorism is an international phenomenon, counter-terrorism efforts must go beyond European boundaries and involve the third countries ready to co-operate, in particular in neighbouring regions.

10In the light of the above, the Assembly calls on the relevant authorities of the Council of Europe member and observer States, as well as those whose parliaments enjoy partnership for democracy and observer status, and other neighbouring States to ensure:

10.1at national level:

10.1.1the highest possible level of communication, information sharing, mandatory co-ordination and co-operation between various law-enforcement agencies, special services and, where applicable, regional and municipal police, including the sharing of relevant databases;

10.1.2the implementation of effective measures to prevent and combat radicalisation; in this respect, the Assembly stresses the importance of inclusive, civic and secular education and refers to the specific measures in this field put forward in its Resolution 2091 (2016); it also refers to the Council of Europe Action Plan on the fight against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism, which provides support to member States in the designing of appropriate measures in the public sector, in particular in schools and prisons, and on the Internet;

10.1.3the integration of various “closed” communities into their local neighbourhood with a view to ensuring that there are no “no-go zones” and ghettos where common rules are inapplicable;

10.1.4that appropriate means are granted to law-enforcement bodies and security and intelligence services to prevent and fight inflammatory rhetoric and hate speech;

10.1.5that insignia and symbols of internationally recognised terrorist organisations are forbidden;

10.1.6a careful study of best practice of countries with extensive counter-terrorism experience, in particular as regards the safety of public buildings and transport infrastructure, as well as cyber-security;

10.2at international level, enhanced, efficient and timely communication, information sharing, co-ordination and co-operation among the relevant law-enforcement agencies, special services and international mechanisms with a view to controlling and, if appropriate, preventing the travel of individuals suspected of belonging to terrorist networks or being involved in terrorist activity;

Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 10.2, replace the words "enhanced, efficient and timely communication, information sharing" with the following words: "as far as terrorist activities are concerned, mandatory, efficient and timely information sharing".

10.3at both national and international levels, the widest possible information and experience sharing on the causes, the contributing factors, the development, the action by law-enforcement agencies in dealing with, and the post-crisis management of terrorist attacks in Europe.

Tabled by Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Mr Burhanettin UYSAL, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Mr Orhan MİROĞLU, Mr Erkan KANDEMİR
In the draft resolution, after paragraph 10.3, insert the following paragraph:
"facilitation of strengthened international cooperation with an equal level of determination against all terrorist entities in preventing and suppressing their activities and pursuing and prosecuting all terrorist groups and their members."

11At European Union level, the Assembly underlines the need for an ambitious European security strategy, including better exchange of information between intelligence services and a closer co-operation between police and judicial authorities. In this respect, the Assembly:

11.1welcomes the recent European Parliament approval of the Passenger Name Record (PNR), which it called for in Resolution 2031 (2015) on terrorist attacks in Paris: together for a democratic response, and invites all actors involved to study ways of extending the application of the PNR to countries which are not European Union members;

11.2calls for a common European intelligence unit.

Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 11.2, before the word "intelligence" insert the word "counterterrorism".

12The Assembly recognises that there is currently a lack of co-operation, co-ordination and sharing of best practice among parliamentarians in the oversight of defence and security policy and urges parliaments of member States to consider ways and means of tackling this problem, including the possibility of re-establishing an inter-parliamentary body to fill the void in this field.

Tabled by Mr Rik DAEMS, Mr Damien THIÉRY, Mr Dirk Van der MAELEN, Mr Alain DESTEXHE, Ms Petra De SUTTER
In the draft resolution, paragraph 12, after the words "inter-parliamentary body", insert the following words: "and/or, reactivating the ESDA (European Security and Defence Assembly, the former WEU-Assembly),"

13In addition, the Assembly refers to the proposals contained in its Resolution 2090 (2016) “Combating international terrorism while protecting Council of Europe standards and values” and Resolution 2091 (2016) on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq, which remain of utmost relevance, and again calls on the relevant authorities of the Council of Europe member and observer States, as well as those whose parliaments enjoy partnership for democracy and observer status, and other neighbouring States, to implement them as a matter of priority.

Tabled by Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, Lady Diana ECCLES, Mr Suat ÖNAL, Ms Margareta BUDNER, Mr Andrzej WOJTYŁA, Mr Volodymyr ARIEV, Ms Andżelika MOŻDŹANOWSKA
In the draft resolution, after paragraph 13, insert the following paragraph:
"The Assembly decides to initiate a monitoring procedure in respect of Belgium and entrusts it directly to the Monitoring Committee."
Tabled by Mr Włodzimierz BERNACKI, Mr Arkadiusz MULARCZYK, Mr Daniel MILEWSKI, Mr Andrzej WOJTYŁA, Mr Johannes HÜBNER, Mr John HOWELL, Mr Huw MERRIMAN, Ms Kelly TOLHURST, Sir Alan MEALE, Mr Giorgi KANDELAKI, Mr Dominik TARCZYŃSKI, Ms Anne LOUHELAINEN, Mr Viktor VOVK, Sir Jeffrey DONALDSON, Mr Paul SCULLY
In the draft resolution, after paragraph 13, insert the following paragraph:
"In conclusion, this Assembly stands ready to help Belgium to restore the Rule of Law on its entire territory and assist in any way it can to review objectively the democratic institutions to make them more functional and efficient."