List of amendments

Collection of written amendments (Final version)

  • Doc. 14956
  • Labour migration from Eastern Europe and its impact on socio-demographic processes in these countries

Compendium index

Amendment 1Amendment 2Amendment 3

  • Legende:
  • In favor
  • Against
  • No votes
  • Withdrawn

Draft resolution

1Labour migration from eastern European countries to the European Union and other western European countries is a complex phenomenon, with both positive and negative consequences for the countries of origin. The positive effects include the reduction of unemployment and of the resulting social tension; the steady influx of remittances which, on an individual level, raise the living standards of families back home and, on the national level, improve the commercial balance of the countries of origin; possible investments into joint enterprises; promotion of the culture of these countries abroad, etc.

In the draft resolution, paragraph 1, first sentence, delete the word "western".

2There are also negative consequences that cannot be ignored. Some countries experience brain-drain, fall in population, or lack of contributions to the social funds which may become problematic in the long run. The sending countries may face serious social problems within families and local communities. The situation of children left behind by parents who have emigrated to work is particularly worrying.

3The Parliamentary Assembly calls for concerted action by both sending and receiving countries to alleviate the negative impact of labour migration on the countries of origin, while doing everything needed to preserve the positive aspects.

4The Assembly invites national parliaments to regularly monitor progress in the implementation of the European Social Charter (revised) (ETS No.163), giving specific priority in this context to all provisions of Article 19 of the revised Charter; It invited those countries that have not done so to ratify the revised Charter.

5As regards sending countries, the Assembly:

5.1invites national parliaments to regularly assess the situation in the member States with regard to labour migration and to mitigate the negative effects of this migration, including through job creation in sectors where labour migrants are employed abroad, fighting bad management practices and corruption, introducing legislative reforms encouraging the return of skilled workers and prevention of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, especially women;

5.2calls upon the authorities in the sending countries to take urgent actions to support the vulnerable population, especially families affected by the departure of a primary caregiver, especially the mother, to prevent family crisis, weakening parent-children relationships and risks of indefinite separation that may cause the alienation of children from their parents and have, overall, long-term negative psychosocial consequences;

5.3calls for the improvement of social care and support systems, in order to prevent and address abandonment and neglect of children left behind by parents working abroad, which is detrimental to their development. Specific measures are also needed to accompany these children’s transition into adulthood. Systems such as “SOS families” should be supported, allowing children to stay until they can be reunited with their parents. All measures must be taken in the best interest of the child;

5.4asks that measures be taken to ensure that children left behind because of parents’ employment abroad do not drop out of school or risk lowering their education level. Specific psychological support and counselling should be provided in this context, as necessary;

5.5encourages public authorities to set up support systems for potential labour migrants, providing clear information on opportunities and risks associated with labour migration, including through public awareness campaigns. Channels of communication, including in rural areas, should be set up to inform labour migrants about new opportunities in their home countries;

5.6proposes that governments adopt policies to facilitate labour migrants’ return and resettlement in their countries of origin, recognising and validating their vocational experience acquired abroad;

5.7encourages member States to consider other specific action and good practices, such as: local migration focal points acting as connectors between diasporas and their communities of origin; databases mapping the impact of migration and allowing investment opportunities to be identified; consultation of migrants on local priorities, integrating their suggestions in development plans; establishment of Hometown Associations that bring together local governments, local populations, internal migrants and the diaspora to collaborate on local development initiatives and to strengthen transparency and build trust between the diaspora and the local governments in the process.

6Given that most sending countries are not members of the European Union, the Assembly invites the European Union institutions to bear in mind at the same time the positive and the negative consequences of labour migration when devising their labour mobility policies. It invites the European Union institutions to include specific measures in their co-operation programmes and action plans addressed to non-European Union Council of Europe member States from which European Union labour migrants originate.

7As regards receiving countries, the Assembly calls for:

7.1every effort to be made to put a stop to unofficial labour migration which can in worst cases lead to forms of modern slavery and trafficking, as identified by the Council of Europe’s Group of States on Action against Trafficking in Huma Beings (GRETA);

7.2public authorities to make greater efforts towards the integration of labour migrants to enhance the positive impact of labour migration, promoting diversity and better living together, endeavouring to ensure that such processes become self-evident and naturally imbedded in the everyday functioning of European societies;

7.3social integration of labour migrants to be improved through specific action addressed to them, available in the languages of sending countries, and communicated through various channels, including through diaspora organisations and social media;

7.4improvements in frameworks for recognition of qualifications for third-country nationals and related support procedures for professional insertion.

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 7.4, insert the following paragraph:
"provision for extending national retirement pension systems to cover temporary migrant workers and guarantees for the preservation of the labour rights they acquire".

8The Assembly calls upon European Union member States to:

8.1develop European Union-wide job-matching databases compatible with labour migration channels and schemes;

8.2increase opportunities for intra-European Union mobility by lowering barriers, such as income requirements, for seasonal workers, students who have graduated, and other legally present third-country nationals;

8.3harmonise administrative procedures and transferability of labour and residence rights, allowing for a certain degree of standardisation for test procedures and application forms for labour migrants, for example.

9Receiving countries should also allow refugees to access more favourable European Union labour migration schemes. The Assembly calls for a greater application of the Council of Europe initiatives towards the recognition of qualifications of refugees, and, namely, of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees.

In the draft resolution, paragraph 9, first sentence, delete the following words: "European Union".

10Finally, the Assembly, recalling its Resolution 2175 (2017) and Recommendation 2109 (2017) on “Migration as an opportunity for European development”, invites national parliaments to review progress in achieving the recommendations put forward therein. It reiterates its invitation to enhance co-operation between the Council of Europe, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the OECD and the European Union, with a view to promoting a positive image of migrants in Europe by developing joint activities in the fields of human, economic and social development.