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Resolution 136 (1957)

Position of national minorities in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - (see Doc. 731, Report of the Legal Committee). This Resolution was adopted by the Assembly at its 27th Sitting, on 29th October 1957

The Assembly,

Recognising that in various Member States of the Council of Europe there are population groups conscious of belonging to a national minority in which another Member State is interested ;

Noting that Article 14 of the Convention on Human Rights already satisfactorily protects individuals belonging to these minorities against discrimination on these grounds, at least in countries where the right of individual application is recognised, but that it is desirable, both from the human standpoint and for the promotion of good relations between the States, to ensure satisfaction of the collective interests of the national minorities themselves, to the fullest extent compatible with safeguarding the essential interests of the States to which they belong ;

Considering that a comparative study of the laws and regulations in force, and of existing situations in this regard, might show whether, and to what extent, improvements could be effected,

Invites Governments of the Council of Europe concerned in these matters to transmit all desirable information to the Secretary-General ; and

Instructs its Legal Committee to submit a fresh report on the subject in the light of the information thus obtained.