See related documents
Recommendation 1469 (2000)
Mothers and babies in prison
1. Assembly Recommendation 1257 (1995) on conditions of detention in Council of Europe member states recommends more limited recourse to prison sentences.
2. Despite this, the number of women being sent to prison under sentence and
on remand is increasing in many Council of Europe member states. The
overwhelming majority of women sent to prison are accused of, or convicted of,
relatively minor offences and they do not represent a danger to the
3. It is not known how many babies and young children are separated from
their mothers in prison. There are about 100 000 women in prison in European
countries, and the Howard League for Penal Reform, a non-governmental
organisation in the United Kingdom, estimates that this means that some 10 000
babies and children aged under 2 are affected by this situation.
4. Experts agree that early maternal separation causes long-term
difficulties, including impairment of attachments to others, emotional
maladjustment and personality disorders. It is also recognised that the
development of young babies is retarded by restricted access to varied stimuli
in closed prisons.
5. In view of the adverse effects of imprisonment of mothers on babies the
Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite member states:
5.1. to develop and use community-based
penalties for mothers of young children and to avoid the use of prison
5.2. to develop education programmes for criminal justice professionals on
the issue of mothers and young children, using the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights;
5.3. to recognise that custody for pregnant women and mothers of young
children should only ever be used as a last resort for those women convicted of
the most serious offences and who represent a danger to the
5.4. to develop small scale secure and semi-secure units with social
services support for the small number of mothers who do require such custody,
where children can be cared for in a child-friendly environment and where the
best interests of the child will be paramount, whilst guaranteeing public
5.5. to ensure that fathers have more flexible visiting rights so that the
child may spend a little time with its parents;
5.6. to ensure that staff have appropriate training in child
5.7. to develop appropriate guidelines for courts whereby they would only
consider custodial sentences for pregnant women and nursing mothers when the
offence was serious and violent and the woman represented a continuing
5.8. to report back on the progress made by the year