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Recommendation 2092 (2016)

Fighting the over-sexualisation of children

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 21 June 2016 (22nd Sitting) (see Doc. 14080, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Valeriu Ghiletchi). Text adopted by the Assembly on 21 June 2016 (22nd Sitting).

1. Referring to its Resolution 2119 (2016) on fighting the over-sexualisation of children, the Parliamentary Assembly calls on the Committee of Ministers to ensure that the issue is addressed within the programme “Building a Europe for and with Children” and in particular the new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021), as well as within the work programmes of other relevant Council of Europe bodies.
2. More specifically, the Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers to:
2.1. transmit the said resolution to the governments of member States;
2.2. invite the new Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF) to take into account the recommendations presented in the said resolution, and to devise a specific activity aimed at fighting the over-sexualisation of children, as well as to support targeted activities carried out by other bodies of the Council of Europe in a transversal manner;
2.3. as regards the activities of other Council of Europe bodies:
2.3.1. ask the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) to draw up new standards specifically aimed at fighting the over-sexualisation of children;
2.3.2. ask the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) to put a stronger emphasis on the protection of children, in the context of its activities on human rights for Internet users.