See related documents
Recommendation 2109 (2017)
Migration as an opportunity for European development
1. The Parliamentary Assembly, referring
to its Resolution 2175
(2017) on migration as an opportunity for European development,
underlines that in order to ensure that migration into Europe has
beneficial consequences for both migrants and host countries, the
member States should take concrete measures to optimise the impact
of migration on European societies.
2. The Assembly welcomes the important work in this area accomplished
by various Council of Europe bodies and institutions, including
intergovernmental activities, the Council of Europe Commissioner
for Human Rights and the Special Representative of the Secretary
General on Migration and Refugees. However, it regrets that there
is no intergovernmental body in the Council of Europe to specifically
promote Council of Europe standards among the member States.
3. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers
consider the feasibility of creating, possibly as an enlarged partial
agreement in co-operation with the European Union, a European migration
and intercultural development observatory, which would assist Council
of Europe member States in the development of strategies, legal
frameworks, action plans and specific projects in the field of migration.