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Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 79 | 28 November 1951

Objectives of European policy

Signatories: Mr Guy MOLLET, France

The Assembly,

Noting the Declaration published in Washington on the 14th September, 1951, by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the United States, France and the United Kingdom,

Considering it essential that a fresh impulse be given to the economic, financial and social unification of Europe,

Considering that it is desirable to put into execution at the earliest possible date plans envisaged in 1950, as constituting the foundations of the European Community referred to in the Declaration,

Considering that it is desirable to define the relationships which are to be established between these Institutions, the States which have agreed to participate and the United Kingdom (in association with the Commonwealth) and the other European States,

Considering that this policy implies the strengthening of existing European Organisations and the establishment of particularly close relations with the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, with a view to ensuring a coordination of their efforts with those of Europe within the Community of the free world,

1. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers :

should consider the draft of the new Statute presented b y the Assembly and should submit it for signature and ratification by Member States ;
should immediately put into force those measures contained in the new Statute to which the procedure agreed b y the Ministers during the May Session of 1951 may be applied.

2. Urgently requests the Parliaments of the signatory countries of the Treaty instituting the European Coal and Steel Community to ratify this Treaty with the least possible delay.

3. Recommends to the Governments participating in the Paris Conference on the European Army that negotiations on the European Defence Community should be continued in the hope of reaching a decision in the near future.

Considers that the establishment of a genuine European Defence Community involves the setting up of a Political Authority having specific powers for the unification of the foreign policy of Member States in certain fields.

4. Recommends signatory Governments of the Treaty instituting the European Coal and Steel Community to commit themselves to their Parliaments to invite observers from the United Kingdom, and other European countries directly interested, to participate in the control organisations of the High Authority (Council of Ministers—Joint Assembly).

5. Considers it essential, for the further development of European policy, that the Government of the United Kingdom should furnish a clear definition of its position in the following fields :

whether or not it will agree to active participation in negotiations regarding the European Army and will indicate the nature of the agreement which it might be prepared to conclude with the European Coal-Steel Community once the latter has been set up;
whether it is disposed to facilitate the complete integration of free Europe with the sterling area and Commonwealth.

In this respect the Assembly recalls its Recommendation of 5th September, 1949, for the convocation of a Europe-Commonwealth Economic Conference.

6. Recommends that the Governments of Member States should take steps to call a European Conference for the beginning of 1952, composed of representatives of all Governments and Parliaments of free Europe, with the participation of all European Institutions, including Lhe Council of Europe and the Assembly; such a Conference, it is suggested, might also benefit by the cooperation of qualified representatives from the Commonwealth countries.

It is understood that the aim of such a Conference would be the re-grouping and reorganisation of existing European institutions and the definition of new links to be established between the countries of the European Continent, Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries. This Conference would submit detailed recommendations to this effect to the Governments concerned.