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Report | Doc. 99 | 14 January 1953

Examination of credentials

Credentials Committee

Rapporteur : Mr Adrien van KAUVENBERGH, Luxembourg, SOC

1. In accordance with the provisions of Rule 6 of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee appointed for the verification of credentials examined the credentials of the new Representatives and Substitutes to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, appointed as a result of General Elections or resignations.

2. The following Members : Greece, Netherlands and Saar, for this reason, presented new credentials, attested by their competent Ministers.

3. In the case of the Netherlands, Mlle. Klompé, hitherto a Substitute, has been appointed a titular Representative in place of M. Serrarens, who has been appointed a Judge in the Court of the European Coal and Steel Community. M. Wendelaar has been appointed Substitute in the place of Mlle. Klompé.

In the case of Turkey, the resignation of M. Urgüplü, Vice-President of the Assembly, necessitated the appointment of a new Representative, but, as the latter has not yet been nominated, the number of seats held by the Turkish Delegation is thereby reduced to 9, and, in view of the fact that Italy has not yet appointed a Representative to fill the vacant seat in its Delegation, the total number of seats in the Assembly is reduced from the statutory 132 to 130.

4. 4. No objection having been raised, the Committee unanimously submits the following names of new Representatives and Substitutes for the approval of the Assembly :

GreeceAllamanisSaarBraunGreeceCassimatisNetherlandsMl l e KlompéGreeceMM. LychnosGreeceMercourisSaarMillierGreeceRallisSaarSingerGreeceTriantafyllakosGreeceVoyatzisGreeceM. AntoniouSaarMme FuestSaarMM. KirnSaarKurtzGreeceNomicosGreeceVoultzosNetherlandsWendelaarGreeceYalistrasGreeceYerocostopoulos,GreeceZalokostasGreeceZannis