1. Introduction
1. Environmental pollution and continuous exposure of
human beings to toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and
lead are seriously growing problems throughout the world. Exposure
to metals has risen dramatically in the last fifty years as a result
of an exponential increase in the use of heavy metals in industrial
processes and products. We are generally exposed to metals in a
latent manner and in small daily doses, as they are present in various
environmental components, foods and materials. We can also be more seriously
exposed through an accident: an unfortunate example of this is the
chemical accident at an aluminium production plant near the Hungarian
village of Kolontar on 4 October 2010 that killed nine people.
2. An increasing number of illnesses, in particular chronic disorders,
are suspected or have for some time been known to be caused by exposure
to heavy metals and other chemical substances present in our environment.
It is therefore time that heavy metals were recognised as a serious
public health problem and member states should do everything within
their power to prevent exposure and provide better treatment for the
resulting diseases.
3. International scientific literature has brought to light a
considerable amount of evidence showing that heavy metals are extremely
harmful to human beings. Some of the effects – for example the impact
of lead on blood pressure and therefore on cardiovascular diseases
– have been known for over 120 years. Generally speaking, people
have been aware of lead poisoning since antiquity. Thanks to extensive
research carried out in this area, the impact of heavy metals, at
least as co-determinants, can be determined for numerous disorders.
4. The purpose of this report is not to conduct a detailed scientific
analysis of the health hazards of heavy metals, nor to cover all
substances and every single disorder, nor to draw scientific or
medical conclusions, but to outline the problem in a way that is
understandable for political decision-makers and the general public.
The report seeks to make decision-makers and the public aware of
the pressing nature of the problem by taking a selective look at
certain metals and disorders, and to urge member states and their
governments to take action or facilitate the action that needs to
be taken by other stakeholders at national level.
2. Heavy
metals: a public health problem
5. The presence of heavy metals in our immediate environment
and their impact on human health might initially be perceived to
be an individual health problem resulting from the increased susceptibility
of certain people. However, the steady rise for many years in disorders
that are known to be linked to environmental pollution, combined
with ever more specific scientific and medical knowledge, should
lead the member states of the Council of Europe to acknowledge the
serious public health problem of heavy metals and to find appropriate
6. Several countries have moved beyond merely acknowledging the
problem as far as certain metals are concerned. For example, the
use of amalgams in dentistry has been restricted or prohibited in
Denmark, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden, as well as in Japan.
Other countries should follow suit. The same scientific and political
attention should be paid to heavy metals other than dental mercury.
The issue of amalgams in dentistry will also serve as an example
in a more in-depth examination of the extent of health risks and
possible political responses.
7. It is becoming increasingly urgent to take action in the present
economic situation, where health insurance funds, like other public
bodies, face budgetary constraints. In the future, a larger number
of health problems should be tackled at their origin in order to
contain health care costs. This applies especially to chronic illnesses
that are often linked to environmental effects and are particularly
costly for public health systems.
2.1. Metals in the human
8. Metals occur naturally in our environment, especially
in the Earth’s crust, where they contribute to the balance of the
planet. However, as a result of human activity they are distributed,
concentrated and chemically modified, which may increase their toxicity.
Due to mining, industrial and agricultural activities, hunting,
and the fact that large amounts of consumer products end up as waste,
the air, water, soil, microorganisms, plants, animals and, finally,
human beings are being polluted and poisoned by heavy metals.
9. There is accordingly no escaping exposure to heavy metals
and other toxic substances, which are omnipresent in our daily lives.
It is time this problem was tackled more systematically and with
greater commitment to ensure that, over time, human contact with
toxic heavy metals is avoided to the maximum possible extent and
the risks they pose to human health are eliminated.
10. The presence of metals in the environment has been well known
for many years. A study published by the French National Assembly
and Senate in 2001 showed that many metals used in industrial processes,
such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, manganese, mercury,
nickel, selenium or organic zinc, end up in the human environment
as a result of air and water emissions and as solid waste.
One important
source of heavy metal emissions is also human transport (by land,
air, inland waterway or sea). These sources will not be discussed
in greater depth here as the problems associated with metals emissions
from these sources are already the subject of specific studies.
11. Apart from their natural presence in the Earth’s crust and
their industrial uses, many metals can be found more directly in
the human environment without everyone necessarily being aware of
this. The table below outlines a number of sources of metals with
which human beings come into direct contact. This overview shows it
would be wrong to think some people are not affected by the problem
just because they have no amalgam fillings or are not employed at
a metal-working company, since there are other sources that could
put them at risk of exposure.
12. Presence of metals in the direct human environment (non-exhaustive
Drinks cans, medicines
(vaccines, stomach liners, orthopaedic and dental ceramics, medical
glues), cosmetics, sun cream, toothpaste, deodorants, saucepans,
aluminium kitchen foil;
Food chain: drinking water,
vegetables, food additives (biscuits, dairy products and other sweetened products)
Food chain: drinking
water (natural mineral deposits), vegetables, especially lettuces,
Ceramic products in contact
with foodstuffs, cigarettes and cigarette smoke, batteries; Food
chain: drinking water, vegetables, seafood, animal livers and kidneys
Production of chlorine,
gold extraction, batteries, measuring instruments, dental amalgams,
cigarette smoke;
Food chain: fish (swordfish, tuna,
rays and sharks)
Jewellery, coins;
chain: drinking water, molluscs, chocolate, soya, nuts, oat flour
Batteries and accumulators,
old paints
Organic zinc
Vitamin supplements,
sun screens, deodorants, athlete’s foot products, anti-dandruff
13. The problems associated with some heavy metals are
taken into consideration in political agendas, at least in some
regions of the world. The mining of mercury is being replaced more
and more by its recycling. Accordingly, secondary production (from
waste recycling) is currently double the primary global production
of around 3 000 tonnes a year (extracted from the mineral cinnabar).
This is doubtless for economic but also for environmental reasons
(even though the main source of pollution is coal-fired thermal
power stations).
The European Union put forward an
ambitious strategy on mercury in 2005
which is currently being revised, and many countries seem prepared
to sign a future binding international treaty.
14. Nonetheless, certain recently adopted industrial processes
seem somewhat counterproductive as far as the elimination of mercury
is concerned: a sector that consumes great quantities of mercury
is that of so-called “environment-friendly” low-energy light bulbs,
which can contain 3 to 5mg of the metal. In addition, the decision to
prohibit the production of mercury in the European Union (as of
15 March 2011) has led to the resumption of its small-scale, clandestine
production in China, Russia, Mongolia and other countries. In addition
to ensuring the substantial reduction in its own emissions, Europe
should shoulder its responsibilities in the light of global pollution,
which is not decreasing.
15. Another metal in respect of which radical measures have been
taken for some years is lead. Its use was still very widespread
in industry, printing and paint production in the first half of
the 20th century but many industrial uses were subsequently discontinued,
including its use in automotive fuels (leaded fuels are now prohibited
almost everywhere in the world). However, it is still present in
batteries and accumulators, in industrial lead products and in the
chemical industry, not to mention buildings in large urban areas,
where old paints are still very much present (see section 2.3 below).
2.2. Why are the effects
of heavy metals underestimated or not sufficiently taken into account?
16. Heavy metals, like other toxic substances, seldom
appear in doses high enough to trigger immediate illness. They are
consumed in small doses but continuously, and build up in various
organs of the human body where they become “time bombs”. In addition,
according to some experts, the healthy human body can cope with
weak doses of heavy metals and eliminate them without developing
any specific reactions. People do not all respond in the same way
to exposure to heavy metals owing to their different genetic predispositions
and states of health. It is therefore often difficult to establish
a causal link.
17. Some substances do not have any effect on their own, but only
in combination with another substance. It is the combination of
heavy metals and other chemical substances which produces dangerous
“cocktails” and very little is yet known about their combined effects.
Similarly, it is difficult to analyse the interaction, in the human
body, of heavy metals and oral or intestinal bacteria. Consequently,
the magnitude of the direct or indirect effects of heavy metals
is difficult to evaluate and there are no targeted scientific and
medical responses today.
18. Sometimes preconceived ideas based on a lack of scientific
knowledge may persist. One example of this concerns toxic substances
more generally: formaldehyde, which is often feared as a substance
that is harmful to the environment and to health, ranks 244th on
the priority list of hazardous substances, whereas arsenic, lead
and mercury are ranked one to three and cadmium seven. Despite these
rankings, which are scientifically established on the basis of combined
metals and other substances are difficult to measure and to identify
in individuals. Their traces may appear in blood or urine, but they
generally accumulate in other organs of the human body where they
may generate serious, often chronic, diseases.
19. Finally, any scientific information on heavy metals that may
exist is not accepted by the medical profession as a whole and is
at any rate not systematically put into practice in medicine. As
a result, medical personnel in many member states currently have
a very limited knowledge of heavy metals and their proven or suspected
effects on health, and this situation makes it hard to take effective
counter-measures against the health hazards posed by heavy metals.
After all, and without wishing to analyse this aspect more closely
here, powerful economic interests doubtless contribute to ensuring
that heavy metals continue to be used in many situations, sometimes
owing to a lack of alternatives and sometimes in order to avoid
substantial investment costs (bound up with changes in existing
industrial processes).
2.3. Health risks of
metals: existing knowledge on the subject and initial political
2.3.1. General overview
of the health effects of metals
20. Continuous exposure to small doses of heavy metals
can trigger numerous reactions in human beings. The main reactions
include cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis or thrombosis,
as a recent South Korean study on mercury has once again shown.
large amount of research and experimentation has proved that heavy
metals can contribute to immunological disorders such as multiple
sclerosis or other shortcomings in the immune system (chronic inflammation,
immunosuppressive effects, allergies). They have also been found
to have disruptive effects on the reproductive and endocrine system
(including all organs/glands which have the function of secreting
hormones) and cytotoxic effects (causing cell damage). Neurotoxic effects
occur directly when heavy metals pass through the brain barrier
and this leads to a disturbance of the central nervous system, such
as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and disturbance of foetal
brain development.
21. One illness which, in French, is even named after a heavy
metal because of the obvious link between illness and metal, is
“saturnisme”, designating acute or chronic lead poisoning (the planet
Saturn being the symbol for lead in Alchemy). Unlike most heavy
metals, lead does not play any recognised role in the human organism
and it is known to be harmful to the cells, irrespective of its
concentration. Very young children are more vulnerable than adults
to lead poisoning because of their specific behaviour (they put
everything in their mouths, for example), their greater susceptibility
and the fact that their bodies are developing. Lead poisoning can
stunt physical and cognitive growth; the same applies to the foetus
and the embryo, both of which can be contaminated by their mother
through the placenta. In France, for example, in recent years a
number of children were still being poisoned by lead found in old
paint (in particular paint used in buildings constructed prior to
1949): 213 new cases of lead poisoning were detected in 2007, 116
of which involved young children under 6 years of age. Some 70%
of the persons concerned were living in the Ile-de-France region,
and 70% of the cases were in fact linked to old paint.
the ban on lead in paint and petrol in many countries, serious cases
of lead poisoning (or other lead-related illnesses) can still be
found in most major cities and industrial regions.
22. As already mentioned above, the health risks of heavy metals
also depend on personal susceptibility. For example, genetic predispositions,
age and general state of health play a role with regard to the effects
that heavy metals may have on a patient, and these effects become
co-determinants for the development of certain disorders. This may
lead to various interpretations of the toxicity of heavy metals,
which can have devastating effects on some people and no measurable
effect on others. The following table provides examples of organic, neurological
and physical disorders that may be caused, inter
alia, by the co-influence of potentially toxic metals.
23. Suspected or proven effects of metals on human health (non-exhaustive
and psychiatric effects
Joint pains, bone calcium
loss, anaemia
Dementia, Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, encephalopathy with loss of memory, concentration and
Type 2 diabetes
Damage to the nervous
system, leading to weakness, deafness, paraesthesia, organic psychoses
with drowsiness, agitation, stupor, delirium, schizophrenia
Damage to kidneys and
lungs, fragile bones, anaemia, increased risk of cancer if inhaled
No reference found at
this stage
Brain damage, autoimmune
diseases (rheumatic arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis), cardiovascular diseases
(such as hypertension), liver cancer
Diminished intelligence,
speech disorders, restlessness, aggressiveness, visual and hearing disorders,
polyneuropathy, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer's
Allergies, dermatitis,
Headaches, dizziness,
lack of sleep
Haematological and cardiovascular
effects (hypertension), kidney
Depression that may lead
to suicide, lack of attention, damage to visual intelligence and
motor functions, memory disorders, learning difficulties, fatigue,
agitation, aggressiveness, psychoses, hallucinations, peripheral
polyneuropathy, encephalopathy, saturnism (lead poisoning)
Organic zinc
Stomach cramps, nausea,
vomiting, anaemia, damage to the pancreas
Cerebral oedema with
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, visual disorders, cramps, forgetfulness,
fatigue, lack of interest, headaches, sleeping difficulties
24. It should be pointed out that all the information
given above on the sources and possible health effects of metals
is not presented in any systematic manner as it is extremely hard
to establish the causality between exposure to a metal and the emergence
of certain disorders. For example, no distinction is drawn between
the health effects of heavy metals originating from industrial sources
and those involving more direct human contact. The sources, routes
of exposure and health effects are presented without any formal
classification with the aim of illustrating the complexity, seriousness
and extent of the problem. Nor are any details provided of the health
effects of the lack of certain substances, such as zinc, which must
above all be taken in sufficient quantities by pregnant women and
young men.
25. The possible effects of heavy metals, which are already alarming
in adults, are even more serious where children are concerned. When
exposed to the same level of toxins, the organism of a foetus, a
baby or a child would react more than an adult’s body. During the
first months and years of life, children’s organs develop rapidly,
making them more prone to functional damage. The nervous system
continues to develop throughout childhood and therefore children
are especially vulnerable to toxic chemicals in their personal environment
as well as in their food and water.
metals can also reach the foetus through a prolonged exposure of pregnant
women to cigarette smoke which contains cadmium. In the context
of the European Union’s PHIME integrated research project (6th Framework
Programme), it was, furthermore, established that the level of exposure
to lead above which children’s intelligence could be affected was
lower than previously thought. The European researchers associated
with the PHIME project concluded from this that the efforts to eliminate sources
of lead pollution should be relentlessly pursued. Similar claims
are made with a view to other heavy metals. At an international
seminar held at the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen on
10 February 2011, PHIME experts presented the main results of their
five years of work under the title “Effects of exposure to metals:
no margin of safety in Europe”.
26. Scientific and medical experts are currently concerned with
a number of problems to which solutions have yet to be found: how
to identify or measure heavy metals in the human body at an early
stage and well before the negative effects are felt; how to identify
their presence in vital organs where they cause the most harm; what
quantities of heavy metals in the body indicate that medical treatment
is necessary; and what kind of treatment should be given (tackling
the problem at its origin if possible, detoxification by innovative
methods even if they have not been recognised by all medical professionals,
etc.)? It is crucial for scientific research in this area to be
continued and politically supported by all member states in the
context of their health policies, while at the same time fully acknowledging
the influence of heavy metals as a public health issue.
2.3.2. We are all affected:
the contentious debate on dental amalgams
27. One of the major focuses of the controversy surrounding
heavy metals is the issue of dental amalgams, which contain mercury
at levels of up to 50%. In most countries in Europe and in the world,
amalgams continue to be used as dental fillings. However, some European
countries such as Austria, Germany and Russia have restricted the
use of amalgams and Denmark, Norway and Sweden even banned them
in 2008/2009.
The debate
is currently very animated in France, which is probably the largest
consumer of amalgams in Europe,
and it is for this reason that the arguments
put forward in this country will be used as examples. For instance, the
French representatives of the arguments for and against the continued
use of dental amalgams attended a heated debate on this subject
in Paris on 23 March 2011, hosted by the Sub-Committee on Health.
28. Marie Grosman, a lecturer in life sciences, adviser to the
association against the use of mercury in dentistry, “Non au mercure
dentaire”, and
member of the
environmental health campaign group Environmental Health Network
(RES), spoke on behalf of the Chemical and Toxicology Association
(ATC), demanding that for environmental and health reasons the use
of mercury in dental treatment be abandoned as soon as possible. In
her view and that of the researchers with whom she works, amalgams
are the prime source of exposure to mercury for developed countries,
also affecting embryos, foetuses (through the placenta)
children (through breastfeeding). Exposure to mercury can seriously
affect the health of patients and dental professionals, and early
exposure to low doses of mercury (during pregnancy and through breastfeeding) increases
the risk of a decrease in the intelligence quotient (IQ) among children.
29. According to the World Health Organization in 2005, certain
studies show that mercury may have no threshold below which some
adverse effects do not occur.
According to various scientific
studies, it has genotoxic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, reprotoxic,
embryotoxic and endocrine disrupting effects and it has been proved
that mercury collects by bioaccumulation in various organs of the
human body (such as the blood, cerebral cortex, pituitary gland
and thyroid). More recently, it has become increasingly clear that
mercury may be one of the many causes of Alzheimer’s disease. Accordingly,
the researchers’ strong advice is to apply the precautionary principle
and abandon the use of mercury immediately rather than waiting for
irrefutable proof.
30. In France, the critical experts demand toxicity testing on
all dental materials and assume that mercury will be immediately
excluded because of its proven toxic effects. They call for patients
to be fully informed and asked to give their consent before being
given fillings made of amalgam. They also highlighted the high ultimate cost
of the use of amalgams, whose impact on the health of patients and
professionals places a heavy burden on health systems. According
to European studies, between 60 and 90 tonnes of mercury from dental
surgeries are released into and contaminate Europe’s atmosphere,
surface waters and soil every year.
French experts criticise the French authorities’ inconsistent stance
on the issue. Whereas they are officially opposed to the end of
the use of mercury by dentists in the European Union, the National
Health and Environment Plan for 2009-2013 singles out mercury as
one of the substances giving most cause for concern and recommends that
emissions of and public exposure to mercury should be reduced by
30% by 2013.
31. In the face of this ardent criticism of mercury, the French
Dental Association (ADF) has taken a more qualified stance on the
issue for years. In its view, the dental amalgam used for the last
150 years or so is still the dental filling substance which poses
the least threat to patients, and no serious illness resulting from
its use has been detected or scientifically proven to date.
Michel Goldberg, who is a researcher at the French national medical
research institute (INSERM) and represents the ADF, endorses the
position adopted by the French Health Product Safety Agency (AFSSAPS),
confirmed by the European Union committee, the Scientific Committee
on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENHIR) – see below),
both of which he sits on. According to the AFSSAPS’s findings, “amalgam
is still the material most suited for the repair of permanent back
teeth where there is a high incidence of tooth decay and multiple,
widespread lesions, particularly in children, adolescents and young
32. The AFSSAPS also points out that materials other than amalgam
are still complicated, costly to use and less durable. Undesirable
health effects have also been detected in certain new synthetic
dental filling materials.
Furthermore, American studies have shown
that dental amalgams have no effect on the brain development of
children over the age of 7 with fillings of this sort.
Professor Goldberg says that “France’s 40 000 dentists are using
amalgams less and less and there are two main reasons for this:
firstly, the current agitation about mercury has prompted them to
adopt the precautionary principle and secondly, aesthetic considerations”.
among experts who are less critical of mercury, the fitting and
removal of dental amalgams is considered to be highly ill-advised
for pregnant women, even though it is claimed that the doses of
mercury passed on by a mother’s milk are at such a low level that
no adverse effects have ever been detected.
33. Over and above national strategies and debates, the future
of mercury is currently being debated at European and world level.
The European Commission is in the process of revising its Community
strategy on mercury. In the conclusions presented at the 3075th
meeting of the Environment Council in Brussels on 14 March 2011,
the Council of the European Union referred to the importance of
reducing mercury emissions and stated that the ultimate goal should
be to phase out all mercury products. On the other hand, with regard to
the use of mercury in dental treatment, the Council sets the Commission
the relatively unambitious goal of considering, where appropriate,
the possible need for measures to reduce the environmental impact
of mercury in dental amalgam on the basis of a previous investigation,
the results of which are expected by the end of 2011. By adopting
this goal, the Council appears to remain true to the conclusions
drawn by the SCENHIR Committee, which concluded as recently as 2008,
in a study ordered by the European Commission, that “dental amalgam
is an effective restorative material and may be considered the material
of choice for some restorations … It is generally concluded that
no increased risks of adverse systemic effects exist”.
34. The rapporteur welcomes the active debate at European Union
level, but considers that in view of the clear scientific evidence,
the countries of the European Union and Greater Europe as represented
by the Council of Europe should take a more critical view of the
issue of dental amalgams and take this unique opportunity to tackle
the scourge of the health effects of mercury. Europe should act
as a pioneer in the efforts to eliminate mercury and a leader in
the current negotiations under the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) to prepare a binding instrument on mercury for 2013. A stance
of this type was called for recently by the Swedish delegation of
the European Union, which considers that the success of the efforts
to counter the harmful effects of mercury depends on a harmonised,
consistent approach at European level. The rapporteur would like
to express his wholehearted support for this argument.
a recent development likely to change the global debate on amalgams
is the announcement by the United States government that it will
support a “phase down” of the use of dental amalgams with the goal
of a complete “phase out” of their use in the long run.
35. To provide the whole background to the current debate, it
is important to mention that the alloys used in the dental field
also seem to play a role in the emergence of another problem, which
is electrosensitivity. This phenomenon apparently finds its cause
in the simultaneous presence of mercury and diverse other metals
in the oral cavity (nickel, cobalt, chrome, etc.) – a combination
which creates measurable electrical (galvanic) currents, which are
at the origin of disruptive electromagnetic fields. Persons with
dental amalgams could thus be more concerned by electromagnetic
disruptions of the environment, as the metals in their oral cavity
could act as resonating bodies.
wishing to examine this question more in-depth here, reference is
made to the report
“The potential
dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment”,
by the rapporteur himself in the context of the Assembly's Committee
on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs and
should also be debated by the Standing Committee in May 2011.
3. Conclusions
– recommendations
36. Political awareness and reactions with regard to
relatively new problems in the public health field often come too
late, are too slow and are not comprehensive enough. In response
to the issue of heavy metals, whose toxic properties are being increasingly
highlighted, health policymakers should apply the precautionary principle
at all levels and ban all the possible uses of these substances
before conducting more specialised research. In this context, measures
to protect the life and health of European citizens affected by
heavy metals should explicitly recognise the right of every individual
to a healthy environment.
37. Scientific and medical knowledge of heavy metals has undoubtedly
reached such a level that there is no longer any reason for deferring
practical action to reduce or eliminate their health risks and consequences. Some
already well-researched issues call for quick action, such as on
amalgams in dentistry, which have now been prohibited by several
European countries. This is also one of the areas that illustrate
very well the extent to which this affects us all, since a large
proportion of the global population have fillings made from these products.
In the case of France alone, the French Health Product Safety Agency,
for example, estimated in a report published in 2005 that about
14 million amalgam fillings were inserted each year and that most
French people over 30 years of age have them.
38. In view of the conflicting arguments put forward by different
scientists and despite the fact that immediate action would be advisable
in certain areas, such as the use of mercury in dental treatment,
the rapporteur concludes that research on the subject should continue.
Indeed, it will have to be intensified in certain specific areas,
such as the interactions of various substances or their reactions
in and with the human body, and be stepped up so that more can be
ascertained about the effects on the environment and human health. Appropriate
responses need to be identified and effective means applied to deal
with the problem. Closely linked to the problem of heavy metals,
research should also be reinforced concerning metal nanoparticles (often
containing zinc, silver or titanium), regarding which certain effects
on human health have started to be identified.
39. Preventive health strategies to reduce human exposure to heavy
metals and take more account of the impact of heavy metals in all
forms of treatment should be high on the political agendas of Council
of Europe member states. To encourage such groundbreaking health
strategies, the Assembly should recommend that member states take
the following measures:
- define
heavy metals and their health hazards as national public health
priorities, while emphasising the prevention of chronic illnesses
caused by such substances and reinforcing the precautionary principle wherever
possible by abandoning some uses of heavy metals as soon as possible;
- prohibit or limit the use of the most toxic heavy metals
in agriculture or industry (following the example of the ban on
leaded petrol), especially with regard to the production of foodstuffs
and consumer goods, which discharge heavy metals into the direct
environment of every human being;
- support medical research on this subject, including systematic
and comprehensive scientific monitoring, in order to consolidate
knowledge of the effects already identified, for example research
into chronic illnesses, and supplement this with knowledge on subjects
into which there has to date been little research (the combined
effects of substances, factors contributing to people’s vulnerability),
and on the treatment approaches to be adopted (new detoxification
methods, etc.);
- work with international organisations such as the World
Health Organization to harmonise international policies and standards
in the sphere and foster such changes in those member states which
are members of the European Union;
- promote the broad dissemination of information on the
health effects of heavy metals to allow all professionals and consumers
to make informed choices with regard to matters such as medical treatment
methods, consumer products, food and means of transport without
having to wait for more radical political measures.
40. Lastly, the Council of Europe member states should see to
it that Europe becomes a pioneer in promoting groundbreaking health
policies and harmonising political responses to the problem of the
health hazards of heavy metals and a leader in the international
negotiations on the preparation of a binding international instrument
under the United Nations Environment Programme.