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Recommendation 161 (1958)

Calling for speedy ratification of the International Convention of 2nd December 1949 for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Explotation of Prostitution

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - (a) Subject introduced on 1st October 1957 by the tabling of a Motion for a Recommendation, Doc. 706, by M. Radius and a number of his colleagues.<br>(b) 16th October 1957, reference to the Social Committee (Reference N°. 174).<br>(c) 13th March 1958, tabling of the report of the Social Committee, Doc. 791. (d) 3rd May 1958, debate in the Assembly (see 9th Sitting of the 10th Session). The Recommendation was adopted unanimously.

The Assembly,

Having regard to the Statute of the Council of Europe ;

Having regard to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ;

Considering that the traffic in persons for prostitution and the exploitation of the prostitution of others are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person, are a flagrant violation of the individual freedom of the persons thus victimized, encourage the growth of a criminal class living on the fringe of the law and flouting the rule of law and, furthermore, represent a complete denial of the spiritual and moral values which are the common heritage of the peoples whose Governments founded the Council of Europe ;

Considering that many cases of the expatriation of persons for the purpose of exploiting them or others as prostitutes have been established in recent years, that nationals of the Member States have been involved and that such acts have been committed in their territories ;

Considering that a convention for the suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on 2nd December 1949, that the world-wide ratification and implementation of this convention would put an end to the situation described above and that this convention, which entered into force on 25th July 1951, has since been ratified by certain States and acceded to by others, but has been ignored by most of the Member States of the Council of Europe,

1. Recommends to the Committee of Ministers that they urge the Governments signatories to this convention to ratify it if they have not yet done so - and that they call upon the other Governments to accede to this international instrument ;
2. Requests the Committee of Ministers to inform it of any action taken on this Recommendation.