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Recommendation 1043 (1986)

Europe's linguistic and literary heritage

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 19 September 1986 (12th Sitting) (see Doc. 5624, report of the Committee on Culture and Education). Text adopted by the Assembly on 19 September 1986 (12th Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Drawing attention to the significant fact thatEurope has developed as a cultural unity based on a diversity of interconnected languages, literary and cultural traditions ;
2. Recalling that language is not only a means of communication, but essentially a necessary way for countries and regions to maintain their identity and personality, and also a creative art, and thereby abasic medium of cultural expression of individuals and communities ;
3. Wishing to ensure the survival and continued creative richness of the European linguistic and literary heritage ;
4. Recalling earlier Council of Europe action relating to books, libraries and modern languages in Europe ;
5. Aware, however, of the new challenges andpossible threats posed for many European languages by the rapid industrialisation of natural languages and the increased commercialisation of language products, as a consequence of the growing interface between these natural languages on the one hand and informatics and electronics on the other ;
6. Concerned also at the prospect of a more general decline in literacy in Europe as a result of increased reliance on the audiovisual as a means of communication ;
7. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers :
a. defend and encourage multilingualism inEurope, both in written material (whether in book or other form) and the audiovisual media ;
b. take active steps to safeguard Europe'slinguistic and literary heritage, and encourage its continued creative development ;
c. encourage reading in Europe, while also combating illiteracy ;
d. urge the governments of member states to support through appropriate measures the development of the language industriinitiate specific projects to further European co-operation in these fields
e. initiate specific projects to further European co-operation in these fields.