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Resolution 621 (1976)

Political impact "North-South" dialogue

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 4 May 1976 (2nd and 3rd Sittings) (see Doc. 3763, report of the Political Affairs Committee). Text adopted by the Assembly on 4 May 1976 (3rd Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Having noted the report of its Political Affairs Committee on the political impact of the "North-South" dialogue (Doc. 3763) ;
2. Considering that economic problems lie at the heart of international politics today, and that substantial shifts in economic and political power have taken place between the industrial countries and the countries possessing raw materials ;
3. Considering that the various forms of development aid, the consequences of overpopulation and underemployment, the over-exploitation of natural resources and the protection of man's environment are all factors which influence the working of the international political system ;
4. Aware that the oft-deplored gap between the industrial countries and the developing countries is growing generally wider despite all efforts to narrow it, and that, as a result of the present economic situation, the social problems now facing the industrial countries are more acute than at any time since the end of the second world war ;
5. Concerned at the fact that the current economic problems are seriously affecting the confidence of peoples in the future of their societies, undermining their trust in democratic institutions and engendering extremist political attitudes and ideological demagogy ;
6. Aware of the bitterness felt by the developing countries at an international economic and social system which they regard as unjust and at variance with trends in political relations in the contemporary world, and, consequently, aware of the risk of a confrontation between the industrial countries of the North and the developing countries of the South becoming superimposed on the confrontation between East and West ;
7. Considering that, in view of world economic interdependence, economic and social co-operation between the industrial and the developing countries should favour a dialogue rooted in the concepts of fairness and realism, with a real impact on a changing world, and that such a dialogue should be conducted in a spirit of mutual understanding and solidarity.
8. Welcomes the initial sessions of the Conference on International Economic Co-operation which has opened in Paris, and hopes that the dialogue thus instituted will prevail over the essentially arithmetical confrontations customary hitherto and liable to cause dangerous disruptions in "North-South" relations ;
9. Invites the industrial democracies, and especially those that are Members of the Council of Europe :
a. to initiate creative, dynamic co-operation which will strengthen them in their joint responsibility for the social, technical and economic progress of the developing world, on which political stability depends
b. to foster an economic detente in "North-South" relations, by developing common interests and so preventing the use of economic power as a political weapon ;
c. to recognise that respect for social justice and the right to share in the world's prosperity is a moral imperative in the present age ;
d. to do their utmost to ensure that international co-operation is conducted on the basis of mutual undertakings freely entered into, its aims harmonising with the development plans of the countries concerned and contributing to implement them ;
10. Resolves, for its own part :
a. to contribute through its public debates to a better understanding of the mutual problems of "North-South" relations, to international interdependence, to informing public opinion in the member states, and to the framing of national policies in the sphere of international economic co-operation ;
b. to keep the question of the political implications of "North-South" relations on its agenda.