1. Introduction
1. Following the motion on “The extension of the European
Higher Education Area to all countries” (
Doc. 12289), tabled by Mr Luca Volontè
and others, the Committee on Culture, Science and Education appointed
me rapporteur on 10 October 2010.
outline report was presented to the committee in Zagreb on 13 May
2011 and the title of the report was changed. The committee took
its final decision on the title as it appears above at its meeting
on 23-26 June 2012. Professor Marina Lebedeva (Moscow) was commissioned to
prepare a background report, which was discussed in Paris on 6 December
2011. An introductory memorandum was presented and discussed on
5 March 2012 in Paris at the hearing organised jointly with UNESCO,
with the participation of Ambassador Arif Mammadov, Chair of the
Council of Europe Committee of Ministers’ Rapporteur Group on Education,
Culture, Sport, Youth and Environment (GR-C), Professor Pavel Zgaga,
Director of the Centre for Educational Policy Studies, University
of Ljubljana, Professor Germain Dondelinger, Co-ordinator for Higher
Education, Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research, Luxembourg,
Dr Annette Pieper de Avila, Senior Consultant, Section for Higher
Education, UNESCO, Ms Anna Glass, Secretary General, Magna Charta
Observatory, Bologna, Ms Ligia Deca, Co-ordinator, Romanian Bologna
Follow-Up Group Secretariat, Bucharest, and Mr Frank Petrikowski,
Higher Education Unit, Directorate-General for Education and Culture,
European Commission, Brussels.
2. The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
a substantial achievement in international co-operation that involves
higher education institutions through the Bologna Process, which
was launched in 1999. The establishment of the EHEA put higher education
reform strongly on the broader political agenda and identified areas
requiring structural reforms not only in the education field as
such, but also in many other public policy areas.
3. Some of these reforms have not yet been completed and major
differences still exist among EHEA member States. Successful implementation
and functioning of the EHEA depends on the active participation and
support of all stakeholders in the Bologna Process. An intergovernmental
framework is an effective tool for rapid decision making and reform
promotion, but the success of the actual implementation lies with
its endorsement by national parliaments, higher education institutions
and student associations.
4. This report aims to propose specific action that can and should
be taken to make sure that the objectives of the EHEA are met. Expanding
the higher education reforms requires commitment and engagement
by public authorities and higher education institutions. However,
this commitment cannot last if political support is lacking. I therefore
see a role for the Parliamentary Assembly in ensuring the sustainability
of this process.
5. I also believe that the EHEA will not become a fortress excluding
non-European countries: it should remain open and enable students,
teachers and researchers to maintain international exchange programmes with
non-EHEA countries. Therefore, the report proposes opening the processes
that led to the establishment of the EHEA to countries outside the
geographical area already covered by the Bologna Process in the
form of a community of practice that would enable progress and foster
international co-operation in a global setting.
6. Prior work of the committee in this field led to Assembly
Recommendation 1892 (2009) on
the contribution of the Council of Europe in the development of
the EHEA, prepared by our distinguished late colleague Andrew McIntosh,
preceded by
1620 (2003) on the Council of Europe contribution to
the higher education area and
1762 (2006) on academic freedom and university autonomy.
7. The intergovernmental sector of the Council of Europe has
been closely involved in the Bologna Process and the EHEA. Its latest
practical contributions are summarised in the document submitted
to the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) meeting in Gödöllö (Hungary)
on 17 and 18 March 2011.
2. From European co-operation in higher
education to the EHEA
2.1. Standard-setting in higher education – An historical
8. Higher education has long been identified as a key
element in creating an environment conducive to European integration.
European co-operation in higher education started essentially through
three Council of Europe treaties: the European Convention on the
Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities (ETS
No. 15) (1953), the European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods
of University Study (ETS No. 21) (1956) and the European Convention
on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications (ETS No. 32) (1959).
Another important step was achieved with the European Agreement
on Continued Payment of Scholarships to Students Studying Abroad
(ETS No. 69) (1969). The first three conventions were largely updated
in 1997 through the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
concerning Higher Education in the European Region (ETS No. 165,
“Lisbon Recognition Convention”), elaborated by the Council of Europe with
9. With the entry into force of the European Union Lisbon Treaty
in December 2009, the role of the European Union with regard to
education policies was clearly defined under Article 165 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union which stipulates
Union shall contribute to the development of quality education by
encouraging cooperation between Member States and, if necessary,
by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting
the responsibility of the Member States for the content of teaching
and the organisation of education systems and their cultural and
linguistic diversity. … Union action shall be aimed at: … encouraging
mobility of students and teachers, by encouraging inter alia, the
academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study, promoting
cooperation between educational establishments, developing exchanges
of information and experience on issues common to the education
systems of the Member States, … encouraging the development of distance
education. … The Union and the Member States shall foster cooperation
with third countries and the competent international organisations
in the field of education and sport, in particular the Council of
10. The European Commission has been a major source of funding
for student mobility between universities since the creation of
the Erasmus Programme in 1987, which enabled more than 2 million
students to participate in exchange programmes during its first
two decades. It currently constitutes some 40% of the EU Lifelong
Learning Programme 2007-2013, which has a total budget of nearly
7 billion euros. In addition, the European Commission created the
Erasmus Mundus Programme in 2004, which funds student exchanges
in the framework of one- or two-year masters courses at universities
within the European Union and the EEA/EFTA (European Economic Area/European
Free Trade Association) for students from abroad.
11. Universities in Europe and beyond co-operate directly also
under the Magna Charta Universitatum and its Observatory in Bologna.
The Magna Charta Universitatum is a political text opened for signature
by universities in Bologna in 1988.
contains basic principles regarding university autonomy and freedom
of academia and research.
2.2. The EHEA today
12. The European Higher Education Area was officially
launched at the ministerial conference in Budapest and Vienna in
March 2010, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Bologna Process
– a political initiative launched in 1999 by several European education
ministers. The EHEA maintains this structure of multilateral political
co-operation of education ministers from currently 47 European countries
and the Holy See. Participating education ministers regularly produce
political declarations under the Bologna Process. New member States
have to accede to those declarations which are not, however, legally
binding treaties under public international law.
13. The European Union has not signed the Bologna Process declarations.
However, Article 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union identifies the European Parliament and the European Council as
the EU organs in charge of devising EU instruments to support the
development of educational policies and the country chairing the
European Council also co-chairs the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
14. The Council of Europe participates in the EHEA as a “consultative
member” alongside the European Centre for Higher Education of UNESCO
(Bucharest), the European University Association (EUA) (Brussels), the
European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)
(Brussels), the European Students’ Union (ESU) (Brussels), the European
Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) (Helsinki),
Education International (EI) (Brussels) and Business Europe (Brussels).
15. The EHEA aims to build bridges between national structures
and to make them more compatible, but not to harmonise or develop
a single European higher education system. The first decade of the
Bologna Process focused on structural reforms: qualifications frameworks
and degree systems with the adoption of a system of easily readable
and comparable degrees, quality assurance and recognition with the
establishment of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), with
increased mobility and attractiveness as transversal goals and,
in the course of the period, an increasing focus on the social dimension,
as well as on the EHEA in a global context.
16. The major impact of the Bologna Process has been the introduction
throughout Europe of bachelor degrees after a study period of generally
three years as well as of a system of credits (ECTS) for higher education
studies or hours of work per academic year, thus following the credit
systems established much earlier by American universities as well
as the traditional degree systems of British and American universities. The
distinction between universities and other institutions of higher
education such as polytechnics was largely abolished by reducing
the first academic degree to a bachelor degree after a study period
of three years instead of a first university degree after a study
period of at least four years which existed typically in continental Europe.
17. In addition, many education ministries and relevant non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) participating in the Bologna Process created
the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education in Brussels,
which builds a network of national quality assurance organisations.
18. The Bologna Process has become an institution in a more sociological
sense, acquiring value and legitimacy beyond the performance of
concrete tasks. It reflects a common policy vision. In policy-making terms,
it has also been a mechanism for developing policies and testing
co-operation modes within the larger pan-European community, taking
place on equal, benevolent terms, meaning that there is no supranational power
to enforce reforms, but that it is the country itself that decides
on the measures to be taken.
19. The Council of Europe provides the geographical framework
for the Bologna Process through the European Cultural Convention
(ETS No. 18). Being a party to the Cultural Convention is not enough,
however, to be admitted to the European Higher Education Area, since
the competent authorities must also commit to the values and priorities
of the Bologna Process, including its fundamental values of academic
freedom, institutional autonomy and student participation – all
of which are sound Council of Europe values.
3. Challenges for the EHEA
20. Twelve years after the start of the Bologna Process
and one year after the launch of the EHEA, the EHEA faces a number
of challenges. Higher education systems across the 47 EHEA countries
look significantly different: most structural elements of the area,
namely those involving legislation and national regulations, have been
implemented at least partly and most reformed structures are now
in place. However, the extent to which the new structures are actually
implemented varies somewhat and some countries have yet to finalise
their qualifications frameworks. It should also be taken into consideration
that some of the desired outcomes of the key objectives of compatibility,
comparability and attractiveness require post-implementation time
to bear its fruit.
3.1. Differences in implementation paces
21. Eighteen countries joined the Bologna Process between
2001 and 2010; this led to different paces in national and institutional
implementation, with some countries and institutions lagging behind
or choosing the “à la carte” approach. As the EHEA is a political
commitment taken by each participating country, there are no means
of enforcing uniform performance or practices. Indeed, both the
Bologna Process and the EHEA were conceived as a non-binding framework,
a community of practice in which reform implementation is the responsibility
of each country. Not all EHEA members started from a similar baseline,
as some already had certain elements of their higher education systems
similar to those required by Bologna, which made the adjustment
process easier.
22. The 2010 Budapest-Vienna Declaration stressed that “EHEA action
lines such as degree and curriculum reform, quality assurance, recognition,
mobility and the social dimension are implemented to varying degrees”. These
conclusions are echoed in the latest stocktaking report (2009) which
demonstrated that the original objectives of the Bologna Process,
set to be achieved by 2010, had proved to be overly ambitious. In
addition, due to the voluntary character of engagement, some countries
have not always been able or made enough effort to catch up with
the pace of the Bologna Process. Thus, a number of goals still remain
to be achieved in order to have a genuine cohesive Europe-wide higher
education area.
23. It is important to ensure coherent implementation of the “Bologna
policies” throughout the EHEA in order for it to establish itself
as a global player reinforcing the attractiveness of European higher
education. The question of what to do in the case of countries that
are a long way from implementing the main goals remains open. Should
these countries be kept in the EHEA with only some limited support
through technical advice from other countries of the EHEA or should
the membership of these countries be called into question?
3.2. Enhancing mobility
24. Mobility is one of the core goals of the Bologna
Process; key issues are to increase the attractiveness of the area
for students from non-EHEA countries and boost the level of student
and staff circulation within the higher education area itself. The
Leuven Communiqué set a concrete 20% target to be achieved by 2020. Student
mobility includes credit mobility (relatively short-term placements
abroad integrated in the general course of study) and diploma mobility
which presupposes a full period of study leading to the award of
a diploma. The internal openness of the EHEA is measured by the
growth in internal diploma mobility as well as by the increase in
the number of students with study experience in another EHEA country.
25. Mobility facilitation, a crucial point for EHEA consolidation,
is closely interconnected with better implementation of the Lisbon
Recognition Convention, of the Diploma Supplement and of the European
Credit Transfer System, together with the qualifications frameworks
and quality assurance systems.
26. Unfortunately, imbalance of mobility flows between States
continues to make western European countries the major recipients
of foreign EHEA students, while eastern Europe and Turkey are the
area’s main exporters. The 2012 Bologna implementation report depicts
the incoming degree mobility rate
EHEA countries, showing mobile students from the whole world coming
to an EHEA country, but excluding mobile students from other EHEA
countries. In four countries, namely Cyprus, the United Kingdom,
France and Ireland, the number of these students is more than 5%
of the total number of students enrolled. These countries thus seem
to be the most attractive countries for students coming from outside
the EHEA. At the other end of the spectrum, in 16 countries the
ratio is below 1%. The weighted average of all countries is 2.25%.
However, the overall volume of incoming students also needs to be
considered. Indeed, a different picture emerges when looking at
the distribution of incoming mobile students by country of destination.
Four countries – the United Kingdom,
France, Russia and Germany – attract 76% of all students from outside
the EHEA. There is also the specific case of small countries such
as Luxembourg, Andorra and Liechtenstein with limited capacity in
higher education, in which the proportion of students studying abroad
is very high.
27. An exceptional and instructive case is the Czech Republic,
which witnessed an almost 400% increase (from 1.2% to 5.8%) in incoming
students from the EHEA between 1999 and 2007. The secret of such
success is based on the provision of free educational services to
foreign students if they are enrolled in Czech-language programmes,
in addition to a large variety of State, university and regional
scholarships (such as, for example, the Visegrad Fund scholarships).
Interested foreign students have the possibility of undertaking
a one-year paid language proficiency course after which they are
able to continue their studies in the national language (Czech)
for a degree at public and State institutions free of charge. This
concept has enabled the country both to internationalise (that is,
increase the number of foreign students) and to promote its mother
28. To boost mobility among students coming from all EHEA countries
requires overcoming various barriers, such as financial hardship,
visa and language barriers, lack of relevant information and differences
in academic calendars. Positive aspects of mobility may also be
jeopardised by the brain-drain tendency in certain EHEA States,
perceived as a result of student exchanges.
29. European governments have signed up to increasing academic
mobility, yet many governments have a stated policy of reducing
immigration and seem unwilling to make exceptions for academic mobility.
There is therefore incoherence between the stated goals for the
EHEA, to which all countries have committed through their ministers,
and national immigration policy and practice.
30. The incoherence of our domestic policy making, when international
co-operation commitments by education ministers are not backed up
by interior and foreign affairs ministers in charge of defining
immigration policies both domestically and at European level, is
a problem that needs parliamentary involvement for it to be solved.
This matter is particularly important and must not be overlooked,
since almost half of the EHEA member States are not part of the
Schengen Area.
31. Greater attention is also to be paid to the development of
scholar and professor mobility within the EHEA, an issue currently
neglected. While higher levels of student mobility are a crucial
factor in the creation of the “Europe of knowledge”, the paradox
of learning globally while teaching locally should be avoided. Internationalisation
of scientific research and publications, conducted within one common
programme by several universities from the EHEA, can be one of the
first viable steps in this direction. I therefore welcome the Bucharest
at the EHEA Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education at
their meeting on 26 and 27 April 2012,
calls on member States to promote quality, transparency, employability
and mobility in the third cycle, as the education and training of
doctoral candidates has a particular role to play in bridging the
EHEA and the European Research Area (ERA).
3.3. Improving the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
32. The cornerstone of the Bologna Process is the 1997
Lisbon Recognition Convention, which stipulates that each party
to the convention shall “recognise the qualifications issued by
other Parties meeting the general requirements for access to higher
education in those Parties” (Article 4(1)). In 2003, the Berlin
Communiqué reiterated the importance of the convention. Today, significant
progress has been achieved in terms of compliance of national legislation
with it. Nevertheless, current recognition practices, especially
those in higher education institutions, show that improvements are
still needed.
33. Readable and comparable degrees imply a common degree structure
(bachelor’s-masters-doctorate), which itself requires the development
of common Bologna “tools”, such as the European Credit Transfer
and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement. Today, the ECTS,
which enables students to collect credits for courses taken during
their study period and to automatically validate the courses taken
abroad at their home university on the basis of credits collected,
is fully implemented in 36 participating States (Eurydice 2010).
The main challenge is the harmonisation of the ECTS points in substance,
which implies clear and standard credit measurement in terms of
student workload and unambiguous linkage to learning outcomes, whereas
today the ECTS points are mostly calculated on the basis of contact
34. In addition, the number of hours required for one ECTS point
varies significantly among countries, defined in Norway as 20 hours
of study and in Spain as 10. Wider implementation of the ECTS is
also a crucial tool in achieving one of the most innovative and
prospective aims of the Bologna Process, namely the popularisation
of the process of lifelong learning, during which students unable
to follow the traditional route in higher education would be able
to collect the credits and acquire a degree over a longer period
of time. This scheme seems to have significant potential taking
into consideration that today’s employer prioritises what the graduate
knows and is able to do, rather than the procedure through which
the qualification was achieved.
35. The second instrument of the Bologna toolkit is the Diploma
Supplement, defined as a document attached to a higher education
diploma that describes the nature, level, contents and status of
the studies completed as well as the competencies and knowledge
gained. The Berlin Communiqué stipulates that the Diploma Supplement
should be issued to every student at the end of his or her studies
automatically, free of charge and in a widely spoken European language.
While overall progress has been made, only half of the member States
have managed to implement it fully, the others either fail to issue
it automatically and to all graduates, or do not produce a standardised
easily readable document.
36. The EHEA member States must also ensure that the introduction
of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System does not
remain a formalistic exercise disconnected from new developments,
such as learning outcomes and qualifications frameworks. The recognition
of credit transfer, central to the promotion of mobility, must be
37. A pan-European mechanism aimed at facilitating the recognition
of qualifications, such as a European qualifications passport, could
be developed to enable recognition of both formal and non-formal
learning and the development of competencies throughout life.
a document could refer to certified qualifications (diplomas for
example), employment history, professional skills and competencies
(acquired on the job, non-certified), and other competencies (languages,
computer skills, etc.)
3.4. Other issues
38. In order to develop, the EHEA needs to evolve from
simply consisting of intergovernmental co-operation and gain wider
political support, in particular from national parliaments, higher
education institutions, students and academic staff. Higher education
institutions need to be better prepared for greater competition
with other higher education institutions inside their country and
abroad. At the same time, teachers and researchers need to be better
prepared for greater international co-operation.
39. An intergovernmental framework is an effective tool for rapid
decision making and reform promotion, but the success of the actual
implementation lies with its endorsement by national parliaments,
higher education institutions and student associations. This is
why the members of the Parliamentary Assembly should stand ready
to provide all the necessary political support to ensure implementation
of “Bologna policies” in their respective countries.
40. At the hearing on education policies, held in Paris on 5 March
2012, Ms Ligia Deca, Co-ordinator of the Romanian Bologna Follow-Up
Group Secretariat, confirmed that the main EHEA goals for the coming
years can only be achieved by close co-operation between governments,
higher education institutions and stakeholders. She also stressed
that global dialogue between students and academic staff, as well
as the internationalisation of higher education institutions, are
essential in creating links which go beyond intergovernmental talks.
This dialogue should be intensified in the future and focused on
specific topics of interest.
4. Consolidation and international openness of the
41. Neither a European fortress nor an ivory tower, the
EHEA should take account of globalisation, reinforcing international
co-operation in higher education. The Lisbon Recognition Convention
provides an adequate legal basis for co-operation with non-European
States. Non-European signatories to this convention should have
the possibility of closer co-operation with higher education institutions
in the EHEA. However, although possible geographical enlargement
is looked upon favourably, expanding the process within the already
existing member States remains a priority.
42. The consolidation of the EHEA is sometimes interpreted as
“standardisation”. Even though the aim is to have comparable degree
structures, which requires putting a certain system into place,
this should not lead to uniformity in European higher education.
The major strength of the EHEA is that it is very diverse. As was explained
by Anna Glass, each university, while promoting the academic principles
and values outlined in the Magna Charta Universitatum, should not
aim to be a “generic best”, but to be the best in some discipline,
the best for some purpose, the best for someone. Licensing, accreditation
and quality assurance should take into account the specific mission
and objectives of a given university.
43. The Bologna Declaration sets itself an objective of ensuring
that “the European higher education system acquires a worldwide
degree of attraction”. Consolidation of the EHEA through the expansion
of reform processes and the widening of the geographical area of
countries sharing the goals of the Bologna Process will help make
the EHEA more open and more attractive to global co-operation initiatives.
The EHEA would thus become stronger from within and also be supported
by the outside world thanks to its allies.
44. The strategy for the external dimension of the Bologna Process
– “European Higher Education in a Global Setting”
is a solid basis for the proposals put forward in this report. The
strategy does not exclude any region or country of the world. However,
individual European countries have strong links with specific regions
or countries outside Europe, and they may want to develop those
links further. The diversity of the international co-operation activities
of individual countries and institutions of higher education across
the world should be perceived as a strength and an asset for the
45. The strategy encompasses the following core policy areas,
presented in greater detail below: improving information on the
EHEA; promoting European higher education to enhance its worldwide
attractiveness and competitiveness; strengthening co-operation based
on partnership; intensifying policy dialogue; and furthering recognition
of qualifications.
4.1. Improving information on the EHEA
46. The Bologna Process has a high degree of visibility
outside the EHEA. It has enhanced the attractiveness of Europe as
a destination for students and scholars from other parts of the
world. Mobility from other parts of the world towards the EHEA has
increased substantially and faster than it has grown worldwide, with
the EHEA countries attracting 30% of the overall number of foreign
students in 2007.
this does not mean that all relevant stakeholders outside Europe
know enough about the key elements of the Bologna Process. In many
cases, there are even important misperceptions, which need to be
rectified. It is therefore important to monitor global perception
and assessment of the Bologna Process, to provide correct information about
the EHEA and make the “Bologna label” better known.
47. Although a website devoted to the EHEA has been launched,
too little is done by the European higher education systems themselves
to enforce the legal “personality” of the process, with most countries
preferring to promote their own higher education systems internationally
rather than the entire EHEA.
This situation could change in the near
future, with an increasing number of higher education institutions
throughout the EHEA proposing programmes in English and creating
financially favourable conditions for non-EHEA students to enrol
in their programmes. Inter-EHEA joint degrees and mobility programmes
between lesser-known institutions can help attract students even
to traditionally less popular destinations, provided that they offer good-quality
services for moderate prices. Ensuring the comparative quality of
educational standards is an essential precondition for rendering
the EHEA more open and attractive internationally.
4.2. Promoting European higher education to enhance
its worldwide attractiveness and competitiveness
48. Europe must make concerted efforts to increase its
international attractiveness to students, teachers and researchers
across the world. To this end, all Bologna countries should designate
an organisation as having prime responsibility for co-ordinating
efforts for the international promotion of their higher education
systems and institutions.
49. The goal of an EHEA in which students, staff and holders of
qualifications are able to move freely cannot be reached through
measures of higher education policy alone. This important goal equally
depends on facilitating the granting of visas and on facilitating
social security coverage, as well as on granting staff work permits.
While these measures are outside the competence of ministers responsible
for higher education, they are within the competence of the governments
of Bologna Process countries.
50. As Dr Anette Pieper de Avila, senior consultant to UNESCO,
stressed at the hearing on education policies held in Paris, international
openness means co-operation with universities outside the EHEA and namely
in developing countries. An open door is an invitation to come in,
but it is also an invitation to go out, at least for a while. Therefore,
when one talks about international openness of the EHEA, on the
one hand its attractiveness for students and researchers from outside
the area comes into play. But, on the other hand, the possibilities
for students and professors of the European Higher Education Area
to go out and co-operate with universities worldwide are just as
important. International openness should never be perceived as a
one-way street, and UNESCO has strongly encouraged this dual dimension
of international openness.
4.3. Strengthening co-operation based on partnership
51. Apart from the information and promotion activities
intended to showcase and strengthen Europe’s attractiveness, there
is a need for enhanced higher education co-operation with non-EHEA
countries in a spirit of partnership and solidarity, aimed at mutual
benefit on all levels and covering the full range of higher education
programmes, including lifelong learning.
52. This need for co-operation and partnership extends to all
regions of the world, covering highly developed, emerging and developing
countries alike. However, co-operation with institutions of higher education
in developing countries has been and must remain an especially important
task for the EHEA countries in order to build capacity in higher
education, which is a crucial condition for the socio-economic development
of these developing countries.
53. Like the Tempus programme, launched at the beginning of the
1990s to promote the spirit of political change in central and eastern
Europe, the Bologna “spirit” of co-operation and partnership can
also be shared with other parts of the increasingly interconnected
and open world. An important step in this direction was made with
the creation of the Bologna Policy Forum, which took place for the
first time in 2009, followed by the Second Forum in 2010 (the third
is scheduled for 2012).
54. China has been carefully examining the degree structure synchronisation
undertaken in Europe as well as mobility enforcement measures, using
European experience in its development of a strategic plan for higher education
up to 2020. Australia has gone even further, clearly stating that
it could not afford to ignore the changes taking place in Europe,
unless it wanted to “be left out of the tent”.
co-operation projects were launched not only between European and
Australian universities, which already have strong ties, but also
within the region, leading to the adoption of the 2006 Brisbane
Communiqué, which launched the Asia-Pacific Higher Education Area,
covering 52 countries.
55. All players should join forces to provide the requisite framework
conditions, including balanced exchanges or capacity-building measures
to counteract brain drain. Citing one of the recent developments
at the Parliamentary Assembly, one could suggest that co-operation
with countries that acquired Partner for Democracy status with the
Parliamentary Assembly be extended to enable co-operation in the
field of higher education.
56. Greater bilateral and multilateral co-operation between EHEA
and non-EHEA countries on the larger policy development level and
on the level of individual institutions is to be encouraged, especially
in cases where historical and cultural links already exist. Thus,
further development of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Area
project, well complemented by the Euro-Mediterranean University
Forum, is desirable. Such co-operation, based on close communication
and good practice sharing, proves advantageous not only for the countries
directly engaged, but for the entire area, promoting better understanding
of its values and potential.
57. Another interesting case is the Russian-speaking area, which
transcends the EHEA “borders”. Russia has a close relationship and
strong co-operation ties with higher education systems in the Central
Asian States, such as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, which
are not members of the EHEA. Traditionally, their higher education
systems have been closely connected with Russian universities, but
the Bologna Process puts them on the “external side”. In this sense,
it is of crucial importance not to construct artificial borders,
but to act as a bridge between these countries and the larger EHEA
community, which can also be a wider reform initiator in the field
of higher education. Moreover, the pace and quality of reforms in
Russia affect other countries in this area. As an example, although
the Russian Federation acceded to the Bologna Process in 2003, there
is still no direct access to higher education after twelve years
of study. This has a direct negative effect on the system in the
Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, where universities
continue to apply Russian Federation rules. Improving the implementation
of the Bologna reform in Russia would, therefore, have a positive
impact elsewhere in Europe.
58. Greater EHEA openness and visibility can also be promoted
via the Tuning projects implemented today in 60 countries worldwide.
They were launched with “Tuning Latin America” in 2003, when Latin
American higher education institutions suggested that an intercontinental
project, based on the Bologna Process experience, be launched both
to “tune up” the region’s higher education institutions, harmonising
their qualifications framework, and to make the Latin American programme
more compatible with the European framework.
59. This proved to be a successful experience and it paved the
way for new Tuning projects, such as “Tuning USA”, “Tuning Australia”
and the recently launched “Tuning Africa”. In the United States,
three State higher education systems (Indiana, Minnesota and Utah)
have formed study groups to examine the applicability of the European
experience to American higher education institutions as well as
trying out a few of its procedures. Utah went even further, adopting
its own version of the Diploma Supplement as an information tool.
60. Co-operation and partnerships should be built both externally
and internally. The EHEA can benefit also from the opening of European
higher education institutions to the socio-economic world. Universities
have developed important links with social and economic forces in
their respective regions. These links are built through the development
of professional channels, which provide for the participation of
professionals in education and internships in business, through
the involvement of universities in continuous training, and the creation
of research contracts.
4.4. Intensifying policy dialogue
61. The Bologna Process has had and will continue to
have a large impact on the global higher education architecture,
not solely in terms of student mobility, but also in terms of policy
development. It would be useful to systematise and broaden the policy
dialogue already initiated with non-EHEA country governments and stakeholders
regarding the introduction of higher education reform and innovation
in order to exchange new ideas and share good practice. The participation
of non-EHEA country stakeholders in Bologna seminars is one approach
in this respect. Joint conferences and seminars on issues of mutual
interest and in different languages are another possibility.
62. Policy dialogue should be based on already existing and well-functioning
fora, such as Bologna ministerial conferences and Bologna policy
fora (which since 2009 have been organised on the margin of the ministerial
conferences. A number of non-European countries are invited to this
forum). This, however, does not imply a formal recognition in relation
to the EHEA.
63. Co-operation with UNESCO should be strengthened to enable
policy dialogue with other regions of the world. This requires resources,
however. The latest budgetary cuts in higher education exchange
programmes due to austerity measures will bring to a halt a series
of initiatives, making Europe lose momentum in higher education
reform and making it more difficult to respond to challenges in
a global setting in the long run.
64. The European Union is already very active in supporting the
Bologna Process,
therefore should be involved systematically in policy making related
to the implementation of the EHEA. A knowledge-based economy – which
is one of the major goals of the European Union – can only be built
if transfer of knowledge is not restricted by administrative barriers,
such as diverging visa regimes, or regulations preventing receipt
of residence and work permits.
65. The Assembly should act to ensure that the Council of Europe
remains an active counterpart in the Bologna Process, including
also through the External Dimension of the Process that defines
co-operation with countries that are not Council of Europe member
4.5. Furthering recognition of qualifications
66. The recognition of qualifications is a key element
in facilitating mobility to, from and within the EHEA. Developing
policies and practice furthering the fair recognition of qualifications
is therefore a key element of the Strategy for the European Higher
Education in a Global Setting.
of qualifications should also lead to fair treatment of visiting
lecturers, ensuring them the same salaries as nationals of the host
country. Difference in income, when significant, could act as a
barrier and discourage third-cycle mobility.
67. Within the EHEA, the recognition of qualifications is based
on the Council of Europe/UNESCO Lisbon Recognition Convention (1997)
and its four subsidiary texts. This legal framework is implemented
through policy and practice developed at national level, including,
from 2007 onwards, national action plans in the Bologna Process,
and, in particular, for the ENIC (European Network of Information
Centres) and NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres)
networks, co-ordinated jointly by the Council of Europe, the European
Commission and UNESCO-CEPES (European Centre for Higher Education).
68. Two important features of the current policy developments
are, first, a shift of emphasis from the procedures and formalities
of higher education to learning outcomes and, second, the development
of a better common understanding of the concept of “substantial
differences”, that is differences between qualifications that may
lead to partial recognition and non-recognition. The recognition
of prior learning should also be given increased priority.
5. Concluding remarks
69. Member States should do their utmost to ensure that
Europe stays attractive as a destination for higher education. To
achieve that, European governments must promote the mobility of
students and teachers. They must build a coherent European higher
education space in a framework which is developed in common and which
preserves the richness and the diversity of national systems.
70. Since the Council of Europe is expressly referred to in the
Lisbon Treaty of the European Union with regard to education, Council
of Europe bodies should reinforce their action for the benefit of
the EHEA. The Committee of Ministers and specialised ministerial
conferences, as well as the Parliamentary Assembly, the Conference
of International NGOs and the European Youth Forum, should play
a more active role.
71. Given the principle of academic freedom and university autonomy,
is important to consider higher education institutions as key stakeholders
of the EHEA. Degree and course requirements should not be imposed
top-down. Higher education institutions should determine these requirements
to a greater extent, because they know best the systematic problems
and students’ expectations. Subsidiarity is the keyword.
72. The European Agreement on Continued Payment of Scholarships
to Students Studying Abroad should be revitalised and possibly amended,
because it could particularly help students from non-EU countries
and be enlarged to non-European countries.
73. As the only existing international treaty in this field, the
Council of Europe/UNESCO Lisbon Recognition Convention should become
a global convention, thus enabling student exchanges beyond Europe.
It has already been ratified by Australia, Belarus, the Holy See,
Israel, Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic, New Zealand and Tajikistan
and signed by Canada and the United States. More should therefore
be done to encourage further worldwide accession to this convention.
74. International openness of the EHEA would not only stimulate
and facilitate contacts and co-operation, but can also serve as
a mirror in which the Europeans would better see their own challenges.
Moreover, the desire to open up internationally leads to the modernisation
of pedagogical approaches at national level.
75. International openness should never be perceived as a one-way
street. On the one hand, students and researchers from outside the
area are invited to enter, and on the other hand, the possibilities
for students and professors of the EHEA to go out and co-operate
with universities worldwide are just as important. This dual dimension
of international openness should be supported by all stakeholders.
76. Greater engagement of all stakeholders in the functioning
and implementation of the EHEA is absolutely essential, as the area
can no longer develop through closed intergovernmental co-operation
alone. Those affected and engaged in the process should participate
not merely as subjects but as empowered actors whose contribution
enriches the whole process.
77. The potential of a greater involvement of local and regional
authorities should not be overlooked. Higher education and research
are at the heart of economic, social and cultural development. They
are a factor of attractiveness and development for cities and regions
and are crucial for the advancement towards innovation and a knowledge
society in 21st-century Europe.
78. The Council of Europe should play an active role in the development
of the EHEA. Already participating and providing expertise in Armenia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the Council of Europe has
the necessary tools and capacities to boost the understanding of
the Bologna Process not only at governmental, but also at grass-roots
level and can help countries succeed in their reform efforts.