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Agenda | Doc. 13518 | 23 June 2014
3rd part of the 2014 Ordinary Session (23-27 June 2014)
- Bur Bureau of the Assembly
- Per Standing Committee
- Pol Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
- Jur Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
- Soc Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development
- Mig Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons
- Cult Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
- Ega Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
- Mon Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee)
- Pro Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
- SOC Socialist Group
- EPP/CD Group of the European People's Party
- EDG European Democrat Group
- ALDE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
- UEL Group of the Unified European Left
- NR Representatives not belonging to a political group
Bureau of the Assembly
- Monday08:00 - 09:30
- Friday08:30 - 10:00
- Monday14:00 - 15:00
- Tuesday08:30 - 10:00
- Tuesday14:00 - 15:30
- Wednesday14:00 - 15:30
- Thursday08:30 - 10:00
- Thursday14:00 - 15:30
Political groups
- Monday09:30 - 11:00
- Monday17:00 - 19:00
- Wednesday08:30 - 10:00
Opening of the part-session
Statement by the President
Examination of credentials
List of new members:
Changes in the membership of committees (Commissions (2014) 06 + Addendum 1)
Request for debate:
Current affairs debate: “Political and humanitarian consequences of the crisis in Ukraine”
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of the minutes of proceedings of the Standing Committee (Baku, 23 May 2014) (AS/Per (2014) PV 02)
Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
Presentation by:
Observation of the presidential election (13 and 27 April 2014) and of the early parliamentary elections (27 April 2014) in "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
Presentation by:
Observation of the early presidential election in Ukraine (25 May 2014)
Presentation by:
Address (15:00 - 16:00)
Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly
Presentation by:
Mr Elmar MAMMADYAROV, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers
Parliamentary question:
Joint debate
The “left-to-die boat”: actions and reactions
Presentation by:
The large-scale arrival of mixed migratory flows on Italian shores
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 23 June, 16:00)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13532)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13531)
Election (continued) (15:30 - 17:00)
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Violence in and through the media
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 23 June, 16:00)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13509)
Evaluation of the implementation of the reform of the Parliamentary Assembly
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 23 June, 16:00)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13528)
[Possibly 2nd round] Election
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
List of candidates:
Towards a better European democracy: facing the challenges of a federal Europe
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 24 June, 10:30)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13527)
Ceremony (12:30 - 13:00)
Commemoration ceremony of the 100th anniversary of the First World War
[Possibly 2nd round] Election (continued) (15:30 - 17:00)
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Parliamentary contribution to resolving the Western Sahara conflict
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 24 June, 16:00)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13526)
Joint debate
Identities and diversity within intercultural societies
Presentation by:
Integration of migrants in Europe: the need for a proactive, long-term and global policy
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 24 June, 16:00)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13522)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13530)
Current affairs debate
Political and humanitarian consequences of the crisis in Ukraine
Statement by:
Mr Nils MUIŽNIEKS, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Challenges for the Council of Europe Development Bank
Presentation by:
Statement by:
Mr Rolf WENZEL, Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 25 June, 16:00)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13513)
Europe’s public administrations in flux: public service under threat?
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 25 June, 16:00)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13529)
Reinforcement of the independence of the European Court of Human Rights
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 26 June, 10:30)
- Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 13524)
Child-friendly juvenile justice: from rhetoric to reality
Presentation by:
- List of speakers
- Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 26 June, 10:30)
- Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 13511)