1. Introduction
1. The Parliamentary Assembly has repeatedly underlined
the importance of protecting and defending social rights as an integral
and indivisible part of human rights, such as in
Resolution 1884 (2012) “Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social
rights”. In the context of economic and political crises in Europe, social
and democratic rights are at risk. The right to freedom of assembly
and association with others, including the right to form and to
join trade unions for the protection of one’s interests and the
right to bargain collectively and to strike, constitutes a fundamental
right guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5,
“the Convention”) and the European Social Charter (revised) (ETS
No. 163).
2. Nevertheless, these rights are under threat today. In the
context of the economic and social crisis and the increased levels
of unemployment in many countries, they are often questioned as
elements of overly rigid labour markets, and have thus been seriously
weakened through legislative and executive action. While some of
the measures – when seen individually – might modify the systems
of collective bargaining within the limits of fundamental social
and economic rights, others constitute excessive restrictions of
rights. The overall – individual and combined – effect of measures
taken should therefore be closely monitored.
3. In the present report, I wish to examine the concrete impact
of recent reforms and current developments on labour relations and,
ultimately, on the quality of employment through different country
case studies. Moreover, the precedence of economic freedoms over
fundamental rights in the European Union will be critically examined.
The objective will be to formulate policy recommendations for European
and national levels aimed at protecting and promoting the right
to bargain collectively, including labour conflicts and “social dialogue”,
as an essential component of the European Social Model and fundamental
value of European market economies.
2. European
and international standards protecting collective bargaining as
a fundamental right and current national practice
4. The right to freedom of assembly and association
with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions
for the protection of one’s interests, constitutes a fundamental
right guaranteed by Article 11 of the European Convention on Human
Rights. In its case law, the European Court of Human Rights (“the
Court”) unanimously decided that Article 11 encompasses a right
to collective bargaining and a right to strike for unions.
addition, the right to organise and to bargain collectively in a
labour context and the right to strike are respectively guaranteed
by Articles 5 and 6 of the European Social Charter (revised). Also
of relevance in this context is the Additional Protocol to the European
Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints (ETS
No. 158) according to which certain international and national non-governmental organisations
may “submit complaints alleging unsatisfactory application of the
Charter”; this mechanism is regularly used by national trade unions.
5. At European Union level, the Charter of Fundamental Rights
of the European Union provides for the right of collective bargaining
and action in its Article 28. The development of a coherent European
approach to collective redress aimed at preventing unlawful business
practice has been under consideration for a while, but has so far
only led to non-binding recommendations at the European Union level.
6. For the International Labour Office,
collective bargaining is one of
the main pillars of the European Social Model,
which is currently further being
explored in another report prepared by the Committee on Social Affairs,
Health and Sustainable Development.
bargaining is a fundamental right rooted in the ILO Constitution,
specified in Conventions Nos. 98, 151 and 154, and reaffirmed as
such in the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights
at Work. The ILO further defines collective bargaining as “a key
means through which employers and their organizations and trade
unions can establish fair wages and working conditions. It also
provides the basis for sound labour relations”. In practice, typical
issues on the bargaining agenda include wages, working time, training,
occupational health and safety and equal treatment as well as other
employment and working conditions. Enhancing the inclusiveness of
collective bargaining and collective agreements is generally perceived
as a key means for reducing inequality and extending labour protections.
7. At the national level and according to available EU data (28
EU States plus Norway), the proportion of employees covered by collective
bargaining – main indicator of this right – varies from well over
90% to 15%. The countries at the top of the table either have high
levels of union membership, as in the Nordic countries, or have
legal structures which ensure that collective agreements have a
wide coverage. In the countries at the bottom of the list, enterprise-level
bargaining dominates. In some countries, such as Belgium, Italy
or Sweden, there are links between different levels of bargaining,
but in others, like Luxembourg or Cyprus, various levels simply
coexist. Overall, the trend seems to be towards greater decentralisation
and the development of transnational corporations, and the crisis
has clearly accelerated these trends.
Table 1
Employees covered by collective
bargaining (%)
Key level of collective
Industry and company
National (sets framework)
Industry – but much left
to company negotiations
Industry – but much left
to company negotiations
Industry (also some company)
Industry – but much left
to company negotiations
National and industry
Industry – but new law
gives precedence to company agreements
Industry, but crisis
has given greater role to company negotiations
Industry and company
Industry and company
Industry and company
(varies according to sector)
Czech Republic
Industry and company
Slovak Republic
Industry and company
United Kingdom
EU average
Average, including Norway
3. Current threats
to the right to bargain collectively, including the right to strike
8. When looking at threats generated by the economic
crisis, but also by the dynamics of globalisation, we need to distinguish
impacts on social dialogue as such, and their consequences for employment
and working conditions felt by the individual. Accordingly, I would
like to examine structural trends in the field of labour relations
at different levels, including: 1) legislation and policies linked
to collective bargaining processes and agreements as such (as elements
structuring the “social dialogue”); 2) their actual or potential
outcomes for the working population, for example on wages or safe
and healthy working conditions. Selected countries may serve as
examples to illustrate some of the recent or current developments.
3.1. Interference with
labour relations as responses to the crisis
9. The financial and economic crisis has led to a sharp
increase in unemployment. The predominant view amongst European
governments and other stakeholders, such as the employers, is that
this unemployment is to a large extent the result of rigid institutional
frameworks concerning the labour market. Consequently, legislative
and executive action has been taken in many member countries of
the Council of Europe to introduce more flexible elements – often
sold as the modern but controversial concept of “flexicurity”.
It is not only high unemployment,
precarisation, for example by changing the status of workers to
“self-employment”, and outsourcing that have affected the exercise
of collective rights. In my view, austerity policies reinforce the current
negative trends in the labour market instead of effectively addressing
them. This view was also expressed by the Assembly in its
Resolution 1884 (2012) “Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social
10. Some of the reforms of labour markets in regulation and practice
have also had direct consequences for the right to bargain collectively.
Amongst others, measures have tended to or continue to lead to the decentralisation
of collective bargaining systems, to the weakening of these systems,
to a weakening of the unions, to direct interventions in systems
of collective bargaining and to the prohibition of strikes.
These trends may be illustrated
through selected examples that illustrate how the existing systems
of collective bargaining have changed in different contexts.
3.1.1. Greece
11. Greece, like some other countries, has recently seen
its collective bargaining system dismantled and widely replaced
by enterprise-level agreements, thus at the same time weakening
or discontinuing permanent collective representation at enterprise
level. Negotiations aimed at renewing collective bargaining agreements have
almost ceased and trade unions have almost no influence anymore.
Already more than a year ago, Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General, stated
that “the interventions of the Troika in EU programme countries
have created serious difficulties for collective bargaining and
social dialogue, and that in some of the worst hit countries, such
as Greece, social dialogue even stopped functioning”.
12. In order to respond to the crisis, Greece introduced major
changes to laws concerning collective bargaining. Laws that used
to guarantee certain standards of working conditions, wages and
the means of achieving collective agreements, were notably changed
under the impact of the “Memorandum of understanding” between Greece
and the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB)
and International Monetary Fund (IMF)), one of the first consequences
of which was the suspension of collective agreements.
13. Subsequent legislation passed in the country also led to the
prohibition of salary increases and limited benefits and allowances,
first in the public service, later also in the private sector.
After 2011, salary increases were
only allowed if covered by the National General Collective Agreement
(EGSSE). As of 2012, and still under the austerity programme, new
legislation brought further substantial changes to collective agreements by
limiting their validity periods.
14. Another example illustrating how the system of collective
bargaining was changed through the new legislation is the strengthening
of alternative representation to unions or workers’ councils, notably
the so-called “association of persons”. This form of representation
was originally created to secure the participation of employees
in small and medium-sized enterprises where no unions existed. This
role was undermined by new legislation which now extends the possibilities
for creating such associations in all small and medium-sized enterprises,
even those where unions exist.The fact
that a three-fifths majority of the employees may decide on the
creation of such associations, opens the doors to pressure exerted
by employers to conclude unfavourable agreements.
15. Furthermore, in 2010, the concept of “special enterprise agreements”
was introduced, allowing for pay and terms of employment to deviate
from those of branch agreements.
Nowadays, nearly 50% of the collective
agreements concluded every year are such “special enterprise agreements”,
thus concerning 4 000 enterprises with about 700 000 employees,
most of them concluded with an “association of persons”.
3.1.2. Portugal
16. The trend of dismantling the overall collective bargaining
system could also be seen in Portugal: according to the European
Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the 116 agreements negotiated
in 2010 had gone down to 9 by 2013, whilst the number of workers
covered had decreased from 1.5 million to 300 000 (in 2012).
The adjustment programme
of the Troika ended the automatic extension of sectorial collective agreements
and introduced high representativeness criteria for an extension.
In practice, the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity has not
extended collective agreements since June 2011.
17. The Decree-Law 19/2013 issued in February 2013 was adopted
without prior consultation with the social partners and imposed
on workers in the banking sector the suspension of the collective
agreements that were in force. The
dos Bancários do Sul e Ilhas filed a complaint with the
ILO against this violation of its rights.
Concerning limitations on strikes,
the excessively long list of “services of public utility” in which operational
service can be imposed in the event of strikes, include a wide range
of sectors: food production and distribution; public transport;
pharmaceutical production; shipyards; banking; and the national
defence industry.
3.1.3. Romania
18. With the purpose of applying austerity measures,
the Romanian Government passed new legislation which had a direct
impact on collective agreements.
legislation was,
inter alia, the
outcome of a round table involving Romanian tripartite constituents,
the IMF, the World Bank, the European Commission and the ILO, and
introduced the first substantial changes in 20 years.
new legislation notably limited the duration of collective agreements
to a minimum period of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months (while
no maximum limits existed beforehand) and abolished all kinds of
collective agreements and bargaining at the national level. To establish
a trade union, it is now necessary to gather at least 15 employees
of the same unit (enterprise), while the previous law only required
15 employees of a same branch or profession. The fact that about
90% of all enterprises in Romania employ less than 10 employees
therefore makes it impossible for most workers to organise and defend
their rights.
19. According to the ILO, the new Romanian approach clearly constitutes
an undue interference in a collective bargaining system as guaranteed
by fundamental international labour standards.
Since 2011, collective
agreements may be negotiated at the level of an enterprise, a group
of enterprises or a branch of activity. Especially the abolition
of collective agreements at the national level is to be considered
as a violation of the principle of free and voluntary collective
3.1.4. Spain
20. In Spain, several legislative changes affecting the
collective bargaining system were recently introduced; certainly
also under the pressure of austerity and the search for more flexible
approaches. The principle of favourability was inverted, so that
agreements at the enterprise level now have precedence over higher-level agreements.
This already far-reaching change was amplified by allowing non-union
groups of workers to conclude collective agreements. Subsequently,
the influence of unions has been distinctly reduced and collective
agreements increasingly decentralised to enterprise level.
21. A third major change in the balance of power between social
partners was implemented by limiting the residual action of collective
agreements: previous agreements had always remained valid until
a new one was reached, whereas any agreement concluded from now
on will lose its impact after one year. This new way of functioning
not only strips workers of the agreed protection of their interests,
but also puts their representatives in a weaker position in the
bargaining process, and will decrease the employers’ interest in
concluding collective agreements, thus resulting in lower collective
bargaining coverage. Furthermore, enterprises have been enabled
not to apply collective agreements not only for economic reasons,
but as well for technical, organisational or process-related reasons.
At the beginning of the crisis, the government was focused on negotiating
its policy with the representatives of enterprises and workers and
only after the failure of social dialogue did they start implementing
emergency decrees. However, the new government is characterised
by a unilateral approach that even overruled existing collective
22. Generally, Spanish workers’ organisations face more judicial
pressure against their collective action. The current “manifest
in defence of the right to strike and of union freedoms” states
that, after 35 years of constitutionally guaranteed rights, public
authorities are challenging these rights, as indicated by the 200 judicial
cases against union members for calling for and organising legitimate
3.2. Undermining of
the social dialogue for different reasons
23. In some national contexts, collective bargaining
systems may be under pressure generated independently of the austerity
agenda at the European level, even though they may reflect the current economic
context and the intention to make savings at different levels or
to improve (investment) conditions for employers. In some cases,
such as in my own country Germany, the social dialogue needs to
be modernised by overcoming traditional approaches such as a limited
right to strike for civil servants.
and Turkey shall therefore serve as examples for the prevalence
of various threats or obstacles to collective bargaining systems.
3.2.1. Germany
24. The right to strike in Germany has been shaped by
court decisions, given that there is no explicit right to strike
in the Federal Constitution (Grundgesetz)
– even though the Constitutions of several federal States (Länder) include relevant provisions.
In the absence of specific legislation, court decisions are generally
based on the freedom of association protected by the Grundgesetz.
25. Obviously, there are differing understandings of collective
bargaining and the right to strike in bodies related to the European
Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter (revised)
on the one hand and at the national level on the other. The European
Committee of Social Rights has concluded, for example, that the
situation in Germany is not in conformity with Article 6.4 of the
European Social Charter on the grounds that: 1) strikes not aimed
at achieving a collective agreement are prohibited (no possibility
to strike for ensuring safety and health regulations in the workplace
or reacting to dismissals); and 2) the requirements to be met by
a group of workers to form a union satisfying the conditions for
calling a strike constitute an excessive restriction to the right
to strike.
26. The European Court of Human Rights has also made it clear
in several judgments that the ban on strikes for civil servants
constitutes a violation of Article 11 of the Convention, as only
particular categories chosen by functional criteria should be excluded
from the right to bargain collectively, including the right to strike. Article 33.5
of the German Constitution does not contain a general ban on strikes
for civil servants, but may limit their rights in practice.
The German
courts and legislation should therefore better take into consideration the
guarantees for a right to strike under international law and give
more priority to overcoming non-conformity with international obligations.
In this respect, I recall the case law of the German Constitutional
Court on Article 46.1 of the Convention that obliges Germany to
follow the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in principle
also when these are against other States Parties.
27. Current trends, however, rather point in the opposite direction:
The German Government recently announced new legislation aimed at
establishing a single collective agreement for the workers of one enterprise.
“Tarifeinheit” (tariff
uniformity) law aims at expanding the duty not to engage in industrial
action beyond the contracting parties of a collective agreement,
for example to other unions and their members. Whilst the political
goal of achieving more unity in workers’ representation may be legitimate,
the attempt to decree such unity by law is hardly compatible with
the rights to bargain collectively and to strike according to Article
11 of the Convention. It is evident that several trade unions in
Germany are fierce opponents of the proposal.
28. Germany is also currently the scene of a labour conflict which
seems symptomatic in times of globalisation: For more than a year,
employees of Amazon in Germany have repeatedly gone on strike in
order to fight for their right to a collective bargaining agreement
as guaranteed by German legislation.
In this case, national legislation
can be considered in conformity with international standards, but
there are obstacles to implementation in an international enterprise.
In my view, notably concerted European action may help the workers
concerned to face their transnational employers.
3.2.2. Turkey
29. Turkey has not ratified Articles 5 and 6 of the European
Social Charter and has a long history of cases on collective rights
before the European Court of Human Rights. The amendment of the
Constitution in 2010, which allows for the improvement of trade
union rights of civil servants and employees in the public sector,
were welcomed as a promising signal. However, in 2012, trade unions
reported that their objections had not sufficiently been taken into
consideration in the drafting process of the new legislation.
30. The EU-Turkey Joint Consultative Committee has regularly affirmed
that the government cannot use the lack of consensus in consultations
as an argument for not bringing Turkish legislation into line with
international standards and noted that the newly amended law further
limits collective bargaining.
It may be noted that its 2013 report
notes several improvements introduced by the new legislation. It
refers to remaining areas of concern, notably the lack of protection
against anti-union discrimination for workers in small companies,
the obstacles to gaining competence for collective bargaining and
the restriction on the right to strike.
Nevertheless, the abrogation of
the ban of strikes in the airline sector is certainly to be welcomed.
31. Despite the expectations arising from the constitutional amendment
of 2010, the actual changes in legislation are disappointing and
still have not established the right to organise for all civil servants.
Current legislation still prevents a number of employees from joining
unions, including workers in the armed forces, civilian officials
and civil servants in the Ministry of National Defence, the Turkish
armed forces, and the police, as well as a number of other professions.
the Constitutional Court has challenged some of these regulations,
notably with regard to the latter categories (civil servants in
the Ministry of National Defence, the Turkish armed forces, and
the police). In the public sector, the right to collective bargaining
remains unduly restricted and the right to strike is still non-existent.
32. Turkish legislation moreover still provides a broad range
of restrictions on trade unions' right to organise their administration,
to elect representatives and to fully self-administer, such as:
- the removal of union executive
bodies can be requested by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in
case of non-respect of requirements concerning meetings and decisions
of general assemblies;
- strict regulations are imposed on the composition and
internal functioning of trade unions (such as the number of executive
board members or the quorum required for the adoption of decisions);
- if a union seriously contravenes the laws governing its
activities, it can be forced to suspend its activities or enter
into liquidation by order of a labour tribunal, and (like in the
previous legislation) trade union officers’ mandates end if they
are elected members of parliament;
- to take a decision, the absolute majority vote of members
present of the general assembly is required (and in any case not
less than one fourth of the total number of members);
- a strict procedure needs to be followed for the election
of authorities of trade unions, and involves the supervision by
judicial authorities;
- aid or donations from political parties and other public
institutions or organisations is prohibited.
33. The right to strike is limited in the following manner by
the latest Turkish legislation:
- strikes
are only permitted if they are the result of a dispute during collective
bargaining negotiations;
- it is not lawful to call a strike in the following sectors:
funeral and mortuary, natural gas and petroleum, petrochemical works,
productions based on naphtha or natural gas;
- a lawful strike or lockout that has been called or commenced
may be suspended by the Council of Ministers for 60 days with a
decree if it is prejudicial to public health or national security.
If an agreement is not reached within that period, the matter may
be referred to compulsory arbitration.
34. Some of these regulations clearly violate the right to strike
as defined in the European Social Charter.
The possibilities provided to end
strikes are open to abuse. For example, the Council of Ministers
ended a major strike in the glass industry on far-fetched grounds
of “public health and national security”. In their complaint letter
to the ILO, the unions deplored that the “provision relating to
suspension of the labour legislation had been misused systematically
by the Government of Turkey to undermine the freedom of association
and the right to strike”.
In order to comply with international
standards, the Turkish Government and courts should therefore strictly
adhere to the limitations of restrictions to the right to strike
according to Article 11.2 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Most recently, the need to comply with international standards was
confirmed by the European Union Progress Report 2014 on Turkey.
3.3. Reasons for dismantling
social dialogue and consequences for labour markets
35. The few country examples described above show that
the rights to bargain collectively and to strike are facing various
pressures, threats and obstacles in modern economies. Some of these
are linked to joint European responses to the economic and financial
crisis or austerity programmes imposed on countries by the Troika
and other stakeholders. Others are rather linked to specific national
contexts in which social partners find it difficult to overcome
traditional patterns (for example Germany) or where the economy
also follows an overall trend of reinforcing the role and influence
of the State (for example Turkey).
36. Some of the current challenges are clearly linked to globalisation
trends. Transnational corporations facing different national labour
markets are increasingly in a position to negotiate working conditions
of their employees “downwards”, under threat of delocalising activities
to another country where conditions are more favourable for employers.
Smaller enterprises cannot compete with larger ones in this respect,
and are often following similar trends of dismantling social rights.
I recall the European Parliament’s resolution on cross-border collective
bargaining and transnational social dialogue
that addresses the missing legal
framework for transnational agreements between unions and employers.
I share the conviction expressed therein that “the inclusion of
the most favourable clause and the non-regression clause is necessary
to avert the danger that a European transnational company agreement
might result in evasion of national collective agreements and national
company agreements, or impair them”. But also without a specialised
legal framework, Article 28 of the European Union Charter of Fundamental
Rights guarantees the right to negotiate collective agreements at the
appropriate level and the right to collective action – even without
a limitation to appropriate levels. I also recall that the issue
of transnational corporations was already explored by the Assembly
in its activities leading up to Resolution 1993 (2014) on decent
work for all, in which it calls for the guarantee “[of] coherent implementation
of global core labour norms and relevant provisions of the European
Social Charter, in particular those concerning freedom of association
and collective bargaining, fair remuneration and social coverage,
non-discrimination and employment services, protection of minors
and a healthy and safe work environment”.
37. International standards also have varying positions in different
member States of the Council of Europe. While some have never fully
ratified central social rights instruments such as the European
Social Charter, others have done so, but fail to accept all articles
and/or to implement relevant articles. In the light of the short- and
long-term consequences of dismantled collective bargaining systems,
it is of utmost importance that countries uphold the meaning of
international standards that they have subscribed to already or
that they aspire to through their membership of European institutions
such as the Council of Europe.
38. It is evident that, in an evolving socio-economic context,
labour relations and conditions may also constantly evolve to respond
to topical challenges. However, while some of the measures described
above, when seen individually, may modify the systems of collective
bargaining within the limits of fundamental rights, others clearly
constitute an excessive restriction of rights. Any restrictions
on the right to collective bargaining, including the right to strike,
can only by reconcilable with the European Convention on Human Rights
and the European Social Charter when they are “necessary in a democratic
society in the interests of national security or public safety,
for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health
or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others”.
39. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) believes that
some of the measures required by the Troika in programme countries
were wrong and too far-reaching: the pace of fiscal consolidation
was too ambitious, the programmes focused too much on cutting public
spending, social dialogue was not respected, and social protection
and collective bargaining systems were dismantled. In some countries,
austerity measures had been imposed without proper consultation
of social partners (for example in Cyprus, many meetings had been
held with employers, but only two with the trade unions) or negotiated
agreements had not been respected (for example the “tripartite agreement
on growth, competitiveness and employment” of 2012 in Portugal which
was overruled by the Troika’s recommendation to restrict the legal
extension of collective agreements). Minimum wages were cut far
below the acceptable and social partners were no longer given any say
(for example in Greece, where minimum wages were cut by 22% overall
and 32% for young workers up to 24 years of age, or in Portugal,
where agreed increases of minimum wages were frozen).
40. According to the ETUC, however, some of the current trends
leading to the weakening of the European Social Model are not a
sheer necessity resulting from the crisis. They are considered as
a political choice that was made well before the financial and economic
crisis, while measures continue to be “sold” to people as an inevitable
response to the current situation. Other stakeholders, like European
employers’ federations, while convinced that fostering competitiveness,
growth and employment is the main challenge for European economies
today, believe that some of the current problems are not predominantly
linked to the crisis (which has only exacerbated them), but are
based on longstanding structural weaknesses of European labour markets which
need to be overcome. Amongst measures to be applied, they see the
reduction of non-wage labour costs and certain adaptations to the
system of industrial relations, which may benefit from decentralisation
trends at the national level.
As rapporteur
of the present report, I would admit that industrial relations certainly
do need to evolve, but I am convinced that global competitiveness
must not be an argument for dismantling social rights standards
in Europe. The European Social Model is still a value worth being
protected and which could serve as “good practice” and orientation
to other parts of the world.
41. I further agree with the view of ETUC that social dialogue
and collective bargaining are long-standing rights of workers which
deserve to be protected as cornerstones of democracy.
this respect, I would also like to recall Assembly
Resolution 1884 (2012) “Austerity measures – a danger to democracy and social
rights”, in which we called on national governments to “prevent
the undermining of existing democratic standards when it comes to
decisions linked to the ‘sovereign debt crisis’ and possible joint
European action to be taken, by preserving maximum possible discretion
for national governments and other national democratically legitimated
institutions, in particular parliaments”. Next to governments and
parliaments, the democratically legitimated institutions also clearly
include the trade unions, which are one expression of the self-organisation of
employees and their right to be involved in decision-making processes.
42. As a regular observer of these socio-economic trends across
Europe, I believe that the weakening of national collective bargaining
systems will have a significant negative impact on a number of social
rights which have been achieved over many years and decades of social
dialogue. The extent to which collective bargaining coverage will
be lowered is also expected to have a significant influence on the
proportion of low-wage earners.
In my view, we cannot yet fully
estimate the impact on wages or safe and healthy working conditions, and
further subsequent consequences that this may have on income levels,
people’s well-being and social cohesion in our societies.
4. Contradictory European
responses: European Union legislation and crisis management versus national
and European obligations
43. By undermining collective bargaining, the traditional
social dialogue as an important pillar of the European Social Model
is called into question, and the balance of power between the –
increasingly global – employers and – still very local – employees
are profoundly altered. Any evolution taking a wrong, non-democratic
orientation should be stopped now and fundamental social rights
should be protected and promoted to the greatest extent possible.
To this end, European standards and action should be harmonised and
guaranteed at a high level in order to apply coherent responses
to European and global challenges, which is not the case today.
4.1. European Union
legislation and case law and international obligations
44. The Charter of Fundamental Rights contains a right
to strike in Article 28. The Charter also states in Article 52.3,
that if “any of the rights correspond to rights guaranteed by the
European Convention on Human Rights, the meaning and scope of those
rights is to be the same as defined by the convention, though EU
law may provide for more extensive protection”. Moreover, Article
53 defining the level of protection, not only refers to the European
Convention on Human Rights, but also, inter
alia, to international agreements to which all member
States are Party. This includes, for example, the United Nations
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the eight core
conventions of the ILO on freedom of association, prohibition of
forced and child labour as well as discrimination and on labour
inspection as well as, at Council of Europe level the European Social
Charter (be it in its original version of 1961 or the revised version
of 1996). Additionally, the preamble of the Treaty on European Union
(TEU) as well as Article 151 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
the European Union (TFEU) explicitly refer to the “fundamental social
rights” as defined in the European Social Charter.
45. Furthermore, the European Union has committed itself in the
Memorandum of Understanding with the Council of Europe to ensure
coherence of EU law with relevant conventions of the Council of
Europe. However, in May 2014, the Secretary General of the Council
of Europe, in his report “State of Democracy, Human Rights and the
Rule of Law in Europe”, once again addressed the “inconsistency
between EU law and principles of the European Social Charter” as
one of the main challenges in the area of social rights.
46. Concerning the right to strike, it is worthwhile elaborating
on the differences between the legal systems of the European Union
and the Council of Europe: The relation between collective bargaining
and the right to strike on the one hand, and the freedoms prevailing
in the internal market of the European Union on the other, was challenged
by the Court of Justice of the European Union in its decisions on
the broadly discussed cases Viking and Laval. Although the court made references
to the relevant international conventions, it neither took into
account their range of application, nor the preconditions for restricting
the right to strike as laid down in the European Social Charter
and the Convention. While the Court of Justice took the precedence
of the freedoms of the internal market over social rights as a starting
point for its reasoning, it failed to take into account that these
freedoms could be taken as a basis to allow restrictions in accordance
with Article 11.2 of the Convention, only in so far as, in a democratic
society, these would have had to be required in the interests of national
security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime,
for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of
the rights and freedoms of others. The Court of Justice should –
as has happened before and is required by the Charter of Fundamental
Rights (legally binding since 2009) – adapt its decisions to the rulings
of the European Court of Human Rights.
47. From the perspective of the Convention and the European Social
Charter, and considering the guarantee of these rights in the European
Union (Charter of Fundamental Rights), there is an evident right
to strike that is not limited to national level. The right to a
European, transnational strike could only by restricted on the conditions
of the Convention as developed by the European Court of Human Rights
that has claimed at no point that restrictions to the right to strike
could be legitimate to protect transborder economic activity. There are
no reasons why such a protection of economic activity should be
necessary in a democratic society in the sense of Article 11 of
the Convention. Clarifying the situation and strengthening the right
to strike at European level should therefore be a priority for the
Council of Europe, its member States as well as the EU bodies.
48. The development of EU legislation and its application should
be observed more closely by Council of Europe bodies wherever this
may have an effect on the right to collective bargaining and the
right to strike. For example, the Commission’s “Monti II Regulation”
for regulating the right to collective action in relation to the freedom
of establishment was ended after a subsidiarity complaint by twelve
national parliaments broadly based on the argument that the regulation
would challenge national constitutional law, especially with regard to
the right to strike. Another example is the state of emergency in
respect to the solidarity clause of Article 222 of the TFEU, if
applied to strikes. Also, the postponed Port Package III and the
Revised Railway Package include regulations with possible effects
on the right to strike. Last but not least, possible effects of
the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” on the protection
of collective rights should be closely monitored. Member States
should strive to ensure that the European Union promotes the right
to strike and sets limits to its restrictions in accordance with
judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
4.2. European Union
crisis management and national and international obligations
49. Against the background of the first facts presented
above, it becomes evident that responses given to the current economic
situation at the European level are often contradictory and that
some of the decision-makers are lacking democratic legitimacy. Whilst
the Troika does not have any legal standing, the European Commission
and European Central Bank are still bound by treaties protecting
fundamental rights (Articles 51 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
and Article 13 TEU), as well as by the obligation to promote the
role of social partners and to facilitate social dialogue and the
autonomy of social partners (in particular by Article 152 TFEU).
the trend of undermining the right to collective bargaining seems
to be universal in all member States, there are specific contexts
to be taken into account for different countries. The IMF, for example,
just like the EU-Troika, has regularly demanded labour market reforms
in its memoranda with States requesting financial assistance. Even
though the European Union has no competence in wage-setting and
collective bargaining policies, there is a paradigm shift from
de jure support for (or at least
acceptance of) free collective bargaining in particular by Article
28 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights at EU level and Article
153.5 of the TFEU for the national level to direct political intervention
in national collective bargaining.
50. With the new “six-pack regulations” of the European Union,
the Commission obtained new means
of exerting pressure on Eurozone member States. The European Fiscal
Compact took this approach even further, as the competences of EU
policymakers were strengthened by obliging countries in “excessive
deficit procedure” to submit their economic and structural reform
programmes, potentially covering the area of wages and collective
bargaining, for control and endorsement.
The proposed Convergence and Competitiveness Instrument
for the European Union, formerly known as the Competitiveness Pact,
could intensify this trend: ETUC has condemned the Pact as an “attack
on collective bargaining” leading Europe to a “dead end”.
51. In addition to posing a threat to the effective exercise of
the right to collective bargaining, these forms of governance lack
democratic legitimacy. This is, for example, illustrated by the
view presented by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial
Affairs of the European Commission, which has gained increasing
influence in recent years. Its report on “Labour Market Developments
in Europe 2012” contains a sub-section on the “wage bargaining framework”
that calls on those responsible: to decrease statutory and contractual
minimum wages; decrease the bargaining coverage; decrease (automatic)
extension of collective agreements; reform the bargaining system
in a less centralised way, for instance by removing or limiting
the “favourability principle”; introduce/extend the possibility
to derogate from higher level agreements or to negotiate firm-level
agreements; and promote measures which “result in an overall reduction
in the wage- setting power of trade unions”.
52. A line of discussion can therefore be observed in Europe which
considers trade unions and collective bargaining processes as being
amongst the obstacles to resolving the crisis situation. The case
of Portugal has repeatedly evoked harsh criticism as the country’s
Constitutional Court defended the Constitution against the implementation
of several measures envisaged in the context of adjustment programmes.
5. Conclusions
and recommendations: how to protect the right to bargain collectively
53. In the light of the threats and obstacles to some
of the traditional industrial relations and the shortcomings of
recent replies to the crisis as outlined above, I would notably
like to underline the importance of protecting the right to bargain
collectively, including the right to strike. In doing so, I wish
to follow the line regularly taken by the American economist Paul
Krugman when he says: “In principle, every … citizen has an equal
say in our political process. In practice, of course, some of us
are more equal than others. … Given this reality, it’s important
to have institutions that can act as counterweights to the power
of big money. And unions are among the most important of these institutions”.
54. In order to preserve the European Social Model and its fundamental
components, including social dialogue and the right to bargain collectively
and to strike, current economic policies should change their focus from
austerity to investment. Social dialogue and collective bargaining,
already largely dismantled or undermined across Europe in recent
years, should be restored. “Social partners” should be considered
as what they are: “partners” in achieving economic performance and
equal distribution of wealth and sometimes as opponents fighting
over the distribution of power and scarce resources. Modern economies
striving for an equal distribution of wealth and opportunities should
base their decisions on principles of good and democratic governance,
be it in the public or the private sphere. Investing in social rights
is an investment in the future.
55. EU bodies and member States should respect their obligations
stemming from the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the EU treaties
to protect the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike
at least at the level of protection guaranteed by the European Convention
on Human Rights. The European Union should finally overcome remaining
obstacles in the accession to the Convention, thereby guaranteeing
an individual legal protection against EU measures. All Council
of Europe member States should fully ratify the European Social
Charter (revised), if they have not yet done so, and continue to
implement – in a more efficient manner – the relevant provisions
contained in the Convention (Article 11) and the European Social
Charter (revised) (Articles 5 and 6). They should also give full
support to the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter
Providing for a System of Collective Complaints to provide trade
unions with an instrument to submit complaints in cases of non-respect
of the European Social Charter.
56. As regards further measures, major stakeholders in this debate
have recently made substantial recommendations. For example, the
European Trade Union Confederation presented its plan for investment for
Europe in November 2013 as an alternative to the austerity policies,
proposing amongst others:
- an
additional investment of 2% of EU Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per
year for a 10-year-period;
- greater co-operation between member States and democratic
control over strategic policy orientation;
- the involvement of social partners in strengthening social
- collective bargaining and workers’ participation, particularly
in relation to economic governance processes at national and EU
level and labour market reforms;
- the promotion, respect and enlargement of European social
57. The new President of the European Commission has committed
to an investment programme worth € 300 billion within the first
year of his term, but it remains unclear what mixture of public
and private investment is envisaged. However, the IMF believes that
the European Union needs to invest more as the Eurozone is in danger
of secular stagnation.
In my view, European governments
should not only start investing to kick-start the economy, but should
also strengthen the consultation of workers’ organisations and refrain
from promoting structural reforms which lower the wage-setting powers
of collective labour organisations and which negatively affect working
conditions as a reaction to high unemployment.