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Written question No. 678 to the Committee of Ministers | Doc. 13701 | 29 January 2015

Release of Ms Savchenko

Question from Mr Pieter OMTZIGT, Netherlands, EPP/CD

On 8 October 2014, I tabled a written question on the case of Ms Savchenko, a Ukrainian fighter pilot who was captured on Ukrainian soil and subsequently incarcerated in a Russian prison (Written question No. 665, Doc. 13625). As yet, I have not received a reply.

Since then, Ms Savchenko has been elected a Member of Parliament and she is a member of the Parliamentary Assembly and thus has parliamentary immunity.

Furthermore, she has been on hunger strike for 48 days and her health is deteriorating rapidly.

Yesterday, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted the following text: “The Assembly calls on the Russian authorities to release Ms Savchenko within 24 hours and to ensure her return to Ukraine or hand her over to a third country.” (Resolution 2034 (2015) on the challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the delegation of the Russian Federation)

Mr Omtzigt,

To ask the Committee of Ministers,

What action has the Committee of Ministers taken in the last four months on the case of Ms Savchenko, and in particular vis-à-vis the Russian authorities, in order to ensure her release?

I would be grateful if the Committee of Ministers could reply at the earliest possible opportunity.