See related documents
Recommendation 2074 (2015)
Increasing transparency of media ownership
1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers
to its Resolution 2065
(2015) on increasing transparency of media ownership and draws
the attention of member States to a growing lack of transparency
of the ownership structures of media outlets in Europe. This tendency
is alarming in view of the transparency and pluralism requirements
for media under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights
(ETS No. 5) and other Council of Europe standards.
2. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers:
2.1. review and further develop Council
of Europe standards in this field, in particular its Recommendation
No. R (94) 13 on measures to promote media transparency and Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)2
on media pluralism and diversity of media content;
2.2. invite the European Audiovisual Observatory of the Council
of Europe to consider extending its action in line with the technological
convergence of digital media and report, for instance in the framework
of its MAVISE database (database on TV and on-demand audiovisual
services and companies in Europe), on media ownership;
2.3. co-operate with the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities
(EPRA), in order to:
2.3.1. increase
compliance with transparency standards in all member States;
2.3.2. co-ordinate common action by regulatory authorities, with
a view to avoiding geographic lacunae in Europe;
2.3.3. provide targeted support to enhance the implementation
of transparency standards at national level;
2.4. invite associations of media outlets, such as the European
Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), the International Federation
of the Periodical Press (FIPP), the World Association of Community
Radio Broadcasters (AMARC Europe), the Association of Commercial
Television in Europe, the European Broadcasting Union and the European
Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA), to set up, in
a co-ordinated way, ethical standards on transparency of media ownership.