See related documents
Recommendation 2092 (2016)
Fighting the over-sexualisation of children
1. Referring to its Resolution 2119 (2016) on
fighting the over-sexualisation of children, the Parliamentary Assembly
calls on the Committee of Ministers to ensure that the issue is
addressed within the programme “Building a Europe for and with Children”
and in particular the new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights
of the Child (2016-2021), as well as within the work programmes
of other relevant Council of Europe bodies.
2. More specifically, the Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers
2.1. transmit the said resolution
to the governments of member States;
2.2. invite the new Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the
Child (CAHENF) to take into account the recommendations presented
in the said resolution, and to devise a specific activity aimed
at fighting the over-sexualisation of children, as well as to support
targeted activities carried out by other bodies of the Council of
Europe in a transversal manner;
2.3. as regards the activities of other Council of Europe bodies:
2.3.1. ask the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) to draw up new
standards specifically aimed at fighting the over-sexualisation
of children;
2.3.2. ask the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society
(CDMSI) to put a stronger emphasis on the protection of children,
in the context of its activities on human rights for Internet users.