1. Introduction
long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world,
none of us can truly rest.” Nelson Mandela
“We have the chance to build
a more human economy, where the interests of the majority are put
first. A world where there is decent work for all, where women and
men are equal, where tax havens are something people read about
in history books, and where the richest pay their fair share to
support a society that benefits everyone.” Oxfam, “An
economy for the 1%”
1. Widening income inequality
has been one of the major socio-economic trends and the subject
of much academic debate in recent years. During the past decades,
the rich have become ever richer, while the vast majority have seen
their income stagnate or decline in relative terms. Increasingly,
the middle class, which has always been considered as an important
pillar of solid economies and democracies, has been affected by negative
income trends.
2. Moreover, much evidence has been provided over the past years
that increasing income inequality not only negatively affects the
well-being of those directly concerned by lower incomes, but poses
a major threat to social cohesion, amongst others by creating unequal
opportunities in accessing social services or employment, and by
contributing to an increase in violence, mental illness, drug addiction,
the social exclusion of certain groups of the population, and a
rise in xenophobic and nationalist movements. Beyond these trends, growing
inequality is also believed to have a negative impact on economic
performance and development, and on the functioning of democracy
as low income is positively correlated with low levels of participation
in democratic processes, for example elections.
3. Despite much evidence of the devastating effects in the short
and long term, the persistent negative trends towards further inequalities
have hardly been met with adequate parliamentary debate and policy response.
With this report, I therefore wish to contribute to filling this
gap, first by providing an analysis of the main trends we can currently
observe in European societies, as well as some of the underlying
causes and consequences of inequalities, then by identifying adequate
policy responses for putting an end to negative trends and promoting
more inclusive growth.
4. To back up recommendations to be conveyed to member States,
I will refer to the evidence gathered by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Labour Organization (ILO)
and others, as compiled by Professor Brian Nolan of the Institute
for New Economic Thinking (INET) of the University of Oxford (United
Kingdom), in an expert report prepared in December 2016. Further
evidence was obtained through a hearing involving experts from the
OECD and the British charity organisation Oxfam, organised by the
Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development
in June 2016,

well as an exchange of views with different experts organised by
the Sub-Committee on the European Social Charter in Turin (Italy)
on 17 March 2016.

further inspiration was found at a recent ILO conference on “Inequalities
and the world of work: what role for industrial relations and social
dialogue?”, held in Brussels on 23 and 24 February 2017, which I
attended on behalf of the Assembly.
5. Overcoming current levels of inequality observed across Europe
and worldwide is a huge challenge. Current patterns of generation
and distribution of income and wealth are deeply rooted in our societies,
and decisions are very often taken in favour of those already advantaged
through respectable levels of wealth, income and education. In order
to reduce the current inequalities gap or at least put a halt to
negative trends which are further increasing them, policy measures
are needed at various levels. It is not through a single report and
debate that we can substantially change entire socio-economic situations
and patterns of distribution, but the Parliamentary Assembly should
at least make an attempt to flag up which measures are needed most urgently
and make a contribution to changing the orientation of certain unwanted
2. Income inequality facts: acknowledging
“an inconvenient truth”
6. In most countries, the gap
between the rich and the poor is at its highest level for 30 years.
The figures are striking: the richest 1% has now accumulated more
wealth than the rest of the world put together. In 2015, 62 individuals
alone had the same wealth as 3.6 billion people – the bottom half
of humanity.

of gross and net incomes has increased substantially since the 1990s
in most of the industrialised world.

Approximately 8% of the world's
financial wealth is held in tax havens, resulting in US$200 billion
of tax revenue lost each year around the world.

trend towards an even greater inequality is likely to continue in
the absence of corrective actions. The time for these has come,
not least thanks to increasing recognition of the fact that excessive
economic inequality can undermine economic performance and social
7. In order to explore possible pathways towards more equal societies,
I will focus on income inequalities (as distinct from, but at the
same time related to other types of inequality, such as in wealth
distribution), to provide more specific policy guidance. Policy
measures having a direct influence on people’s future income could,
in my view, have quite a substantial effect on people’s life situations
in the short- and mid-term, whilst measures aimed at changing patterns
of wealth distribution require different and sometimes more far-reaching legislative
and policy interventions and seem to be even more deeply anchored
in current socio-economic institutions.

8. Measuring income inequality is a statistical challenge, as
measures are not standardised for all countries.

The OECD defines “income” as the
disposable income per household in a particular year, consisting
of earnings, self-employment and capital income and public cash
transfers, with income taxes and social security contributions deducted,
and “income inequality” as the gap between different individuals'
or households' disposable income in a particular year.

The most frequently used measure
is the Gini coefficient (ranging from 0 in the case of perfect equality
to 1 in the case of complete inequality).
2.1. Overall
trends and state of play of income inequality across Europe
9. Over the past few decades,
there has clearly been an upward trend in income inequality. The
picture varies greatly from one country to another and depends on
whether we look at the pre- or post-crisis period. Traditionally,
the Nordic countries had long seen relatively low levels of income
inequality. The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany or Belgium
had slightly higher levels but still lower than Mediterranean countries
(e.g. Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain). As of the early 1980s,
the most substantial increases in income inequality were observed
in the Baltic countries, Sweden and the United Kingdom, leading
to some degree of convergence. The economic crisis as of 2008 and
the recession linked to it had varying effects rather than simply
reinforcing previous trends towards increasing inequality (variations
linked to unemployment or the response of tax and transfer systems).
Accordingly, inequality measured by the Gini coefficient increased
or even decreased very little in the period 2008-2015 in most countries.

10. Beyond this “historical” view, the British charity organisation
Oxfam, through its 2016 study “An economy for the 1%”, takes a more
straightforward approach, looking at the present situation and reminding
us that “the big winners in our global economy are those at the
top”, that economic systems are heavily skewed in their favour and
that income and wealth are sucked up at an alarming rate instead
of “trickling down”.

Amongst structural
causes of income inequality, a phenomenon of great concern, we also
need to mention the persistently high gender pay gap across Europe,
which does not have any justification in modern economies where
women and men often carry out the same professional activities.
For the economy as a whole, in 2014, women's gross hourly earnings
were on average 16.7% below those of men in the European Union (28)
and 16.9% in the euro area (19). Across member States, the gender
pay gap varied by almost 24 percentage points, ranging from 4.5%
in Romania to 28.1% in Estonia.

11. In its latest “Income Inequality Update” of November 2016,
the OECD noted that the economic recovery since 2010, expressed
through renewed gross domestic product (GDP) and employment growth,
had not yet delivered inclusive growth or reversed the trend towards
increasing income inequality observed over past decades. Analysts
believe that this may be linked to the diverging effects of economic
recoveries which should narrow income inequality, but can at the
same time fuel capital incomes concentrated at the top, whilst also
– in the most recent case – being associated with fiscal tightening
aimed at restoring sustainability of public finances and stricter
access to social transfers (“austerity programmes”).
12. These diverging trends have led to the fact that over the
past seven years, overall income inequality levels have remained
at historical highs, reaching a Gini coefficient of 0.318 in 2013/2014
(thus the highest value since the mid-1980s). This indicator seems
amongst others to be based on the fact that incomes at the bottom
of the distribution are still well below pre-crisis levels while
top and middle incomes have recovered much of the ground lost during
the crisis. Amongst underlying trends, the OECD observes that unemployment has
been declining over the past few years, albeit often from high levels,
and that this has most recently benefited youth in particular, whilst
low quality jobs and high disparities among workers in terms of
contracts or job security continue to weigh heavily on low-earning
households and contribute to maintaining high levels of income inequality.
However, the picture is complex and comprises specific challenges,
such as the trend of low-paid jobs regularly taken by highly educated
people from higher income households, often in combination with
prolonged education or domestic care periods, thus driving out the
less qualified of this category of employment.

13. At the same time, redistributive factors, such as income taxes
and cash transfers (e.g. unemployment and other benefits) which
would generally cushion income inequality (alongside non-cash transfers
through health care and education) have been weakened or have stagnated
in most OECD countries, once again reflecting the introduction of
fiscal consolidation measures in a context of austerity. Lower redistribution
rates constitute a challenge for policy makers who, in the face
of widening income gaps and persistent unemployment, not only need
to restore economic growth but also have to make sure that all groups
in society can contribute to and benefit from greater prosperity.

2.2. Selected
country examples
14. Whilst the OECD noted the highest
level of income inequality (in terms of Gini coefficients) since
the 1980s in November 2016, developments in specific countries vary
greatly. Some countries have seen inequality decline significantly,
such as Turkey, Iceland and Latvia. The most significant increase
was seen in Estonia, followed by the Slovak Republic, Spain and
Sweden; trends in other countries were less pronounced though were
mostly upwards.
15. The overall trend of labour incomes recovering to pre-crisis
levels cannot be confirmed for all countries either: Whilst in Estonia
and Latvia the considerable growth in labour incomes since 2010
(7%-8% per year) did not benefit the bottom 10%, low-income households
significantly benefited in Hungary and Turkey, thus reflecting rising
employment. In some countries, weak wage growth has prevented incomes
from fully bouncing back, such as in the United Kingdom, where falling
real wages limited the increase in labour incomes. Other countries
saw their labour incomes decrease while implementing structural
reforms imposed on them by the “Troika” in a context of fiscal consolidation,
e.g. Greece (decrease of 12%), Spain (due to persistently high levels
of unemployment) and Portugal (decrease amongst the bottom 10% due
to unemployment and a minimum wage freeze).

16. Facing this situation, governments across Europe should start
to realise that income inequality is an issue concerning societies
at large. Even wealthier nations such as Germany, my own country,
have until now failed to reach the relevant Sustainable Development
Goals. Whilst, on average, the disposable household incomes in Germany
have seen a real growth of 12% (1991-2014), the development varied
dramatically for different income groups: the highest incomes have
grown by 26%, middle incomes by 8% and low incomes have seen a decline,
thus leading to increased inequality and a higher risk of poverty,
especially for children and young people (18-25). The main causes
for this evolution are an expansion of precarious employment (low-paid
sector) following labour market deregulations, the insufficient
adaptation of social benefits to inflation levels, a weak progression
of old age incomes and demographic developments, as well as, concerning
higher income groups, increasing incomes from capital gains that
are additionally privileged with lower taxes. Analysts believe that
effective counter-measures should involve limitations to precarious
employment, tax reforms

(e.g. in favour of single-parent families,
more progressive income taxes instead of the emphasis on consumption
taxes) and measures facilitating the conciliation of work and family
life. With the upcoming parliamentary election of September 2017,
it is likely that all major parties will include relevant proposals
in their programmes; whilst I generally welcome such a move and
greater awareness, the later implementation of effective policies
remains to be seen.

17. In eastern Europe, transition processes to post-communist
and more liberal economic systems have had various effects, resulting,
amongst others, in increasing income inequality, de-industrialisation
and the spread of poverty. Economic systems in this region remain
dominated by a few financial-industrial groups with strong political
influence focused on raw material exploitation, and small and medium-sized
enterprises. Up until 2010, income inequality rates recorded relatively
small increases compared to 1990, but still remained over 30%, even
though they did not exceed the critical level of 40% (on a scale
of 1 to 100). The highest coefficients were seen in Russia, the
Republic of Moldova and Poland (37.5%, 35.6% and 34.9%

), the lowest in the Czech Republic
and the Slovak Republic (both at 25.8%). Among the main causes of
deterioration of living standards and the rise of income inequality,
researchers saw declining productivity, inflation, rising unemployment
and ineffective policies of macroeconomic stabilisation.

More recent data for these
countries are not easily available, but seem to point to a continuous
increase in income inequality.

3. Uncovering
the roots and causes of deeply entrenched inequalities
18. The upward trend in income
inequality over recent decades in many European countries has generated much
research to understand driving forces. As most evidence shows, and
as previously pointed out by the Parliamentary Assembly, income
inequalities have not only been triggered by the financial crisis
which dominated Europe over the past decade, but also have well-known
structural causes, such as market globalisation, technological developments,
shrinking manufacturing sectors in Europe, the weakening of collective
bargaining powers, demographic trends, the transformation of family
structures and growing migration flows. The OECD already underlined
in 2011 that skill-based technological change, lack of access to quality
education and weakening labour market institutions were factors
contributing to the rise in inequality.

19. European Union research has further underlined how the shape
of individual earnings distribution has changed, in particular based
on increasing inequality in market incomes (stemming from employment, investments
and private pensions, before transfers or taxes). The combination
of globalisation and technological development is regularly found
to be a major cause of developments observed: rich country manufacturing
has entered into intense competition from emerging countries with
lower labour costs, and capital has become increasingly mobile,
whilst information and communication technologies have both dispensed
a number of jobs and allowed for increased outsourcing in global
supply chains.

20. Researchers also underline that neither globalisation nor
technological change are exogenous drivers unrelated to institutional
contexts. On the contrary, both are fundamentally influenced by
State action, changes in global trading rules and de-regulation
of labour markets. At the same time, State action may influence
wage levels through wage-setting and employment policies or leave
sufficient margin to performance-related pay and share options for
top executives, thus providing further grounds for increasing inequalities.
The way in which such trends in individual earnings impact on income
distribution amongst households depends on employment patterns at
the household level. The increasing role of women in the paid labour
force has served to cushion household incomes from the effects of
individual dispersion. The redistributive capacity of the State
through cash transfers and direct taxes has often declined, already
over the decades preceding the crisis. Social security systems have
evolved towards privileging pensioners at the expense of working-age
recipients while struggling to adapt to higher levels of low pay
and in-work poverty, and top income tax rates were generally reduced
since the late 1970s.

21. According to the Oxfam study of 2016, one of the main causes
of a growing concentration of wealth and income is the increasing
return to capital versus labour.

In almost all rich countries,
the share of national income going to workers has been falling whilst
the owners of capital have seen the latter grow consistently (through
interest payments, dividends or retained profits), even faster than
the rate at which economies have been growing overall. Tax avoidance
and governments reducing taxes on capital gains have further added
to these returns. Whilst workers have seen their wages stagnate,
top salaries have continued to increase significantly, amongst others
due to the fact that, across the global economy, firms and individuals
have used their power and position to acquire economic gain for
22. In my capacity as rapporteur, I agree with the analysis and
patterns described by Oxfam. Especially that the global system of
tax avoidance is undermining the sustainability of welfare States
and is a serious violation of democratic principles, as already
pointed out by the Assembly in its
Resolution 1881 (2012) on promoting an appropriate policy on tax havens and
reiterated in
2130 (2016) on lessons from the “Panama Papers” to ensure fiscal
and social justice. We can see that in the face of overall trends
like globalisation and technological developments, the State has
not been in a position to effectively counter the increase in income inequality
over the past few decades. Only through bold public policies will
we be able to achieve more equal societies.
4. The
adverse effects of income inequality
23. Much evidence has been gathered
recently about the adverse effects of income inequality, which are complex
and tend to be self-reinforcing. We know that income inequality
generally poses a major threat to social cohesion and generates
significant economic costs for society.

In terms of household incomes, poverty excludes
many from the mainstream economy, depriving them (and the next generations)
of the opportunity to achieve their potential. When families face
difficulties to pay for decent housing, appropriate health care,
old age security and quality education for their children, the prospects
for sustainable growth are further reduced.

order to change the structures and processes through which income
and wealth are distributed, much political willingness will be needed,
not least because political and economic decisions makers are amongst those
benefiting from current distribution patterns. Despite the urgent
need to protect social rights and social cohesion, I would first
point to the – very convincing – evidence about the economic implications
of income inequality.
4.1. Striking
evidence about the economic effects of inequality
24. The channels through which
income inequality affects economic development mainly include: 1)
growing top income shares holding back consumer demand (since rich
people save more than lower earners); 2) excessive household debt
also leading to firms being more reluctant to invest; 3) few improvements
in household incomes, thus impeding individuals’ capacity to invest
in their own upgrading of skills and retaining their productivity
below what it could be. In a long-term perspective, greater inequality
may increase barriers to socio-economic mobility between generations,
so that equality of opportunity and the future productivity of the workforce
are further undermined.

25. According to the latest OECD statistics, growing inequality
has a significant negative impact on long-term economic growth.
The rise of income inequality between 1985 and 2005 is estimated
to have knocked off on average 4.7 percentage points from cumulative
growth between 1990 and 2010 across OECD countries, reaching even
higher levels in some countries (6% to 10% of GDP growth).

Since the early 1990s,
around half of the jobs created have been in insecure temporary,
part-time or self-employed work.

Accordingly, the OECD noted in
2014 that “if inequality had not grown from 1980 onwards in many
OECD countries, real GDP growth would have been considerably greater”,
whilst the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded that “an
increase in the income share of the top 20% drags down growth”.

26. The ILO once again points to an alarming trend which is cause
and effect of unequal income distribution: In most regions of the
world, the share of national income generated through labour has
declined over the past decades. At the same time, the increasing
share of income accruing to capital ownership has further accelerated
this trend, just like the increasing share of labour income attributed
to corporate executives and financiers. The increasing income share
claimed by the top 1% is not economically useful in the sense of stimulating
better products and services or providing other benefits to the
rest of the world’s population. These trends exacerbate inequalities
and contribute to the erosion of the middle class.

4.2. Effects
of high levels of income inequality on social cohesion, public trust
and individual well-being
27. Turning to the effects on social
cohesion, increasing inequality has also been seen to exacerbate
a variety of social “ills” through different channels. Physical
and mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity,
social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage pregnancies
and child well-being are all significantly worse in more unequal
rich countries.

Even the
IMF points to the fact that countries with higher income inequality
not only have larger gender pay gaps, but also gender gaps in terms
of health, education, labour market participation, and representation
in institutions like parliaments. Especially in the educational
field, inequalities become very visible, as OECD data shows: the
children of poorer parents regularly struggle to keep up with the
social and cultural capital of their wealthier classmates, going
on to lower educational attainment instead of making it to university.

28. Fully in line with the most recent OECD conclusions, I strongly
believe that the levels of income inequality currently observed
have serious impacts for social cohesion in most European societies
as they concern an increasing number of people, given that low-income
households represent an ever-growing group (with up to 40% at the
lower end of distribution in some countries).

A recent ILO study found
a direct correlation between the levels of inequality and the size
of the middle class (with low levels of inequalities correlating
to a stronger middle class). Amongst the explanatory factors in
the world of work are that higher female participation in the labour
market has led to middle class growth (due to higher household incomes)
and that the public sector has been significant for maintaining
the core and upper middle class.

29. In the past, the social impact of economic downturns was regularly
moderated through automatic stabilisers, such as tax and expenditure
policies. This was notably valid until, in the face of the financial
and economic crisis starting in 2008, many European countries applied
(or were forced to apply) austerity policies. Since then, disposable
incomes have been dropping, and most economic analysts, including
those of the IMF, have recognised that the “pain of austerity” has
not been borne equally, thus further increasing inequality trends.

before major economic players recognised this, the Parliamentary
Assembly had already pointed to such effects of austerity programmes
on social rights in its
1884 (2012) “Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social
rights”, based on a report which I had submitted myself at the time.

30. Next to the impact on social rights, services and benefits,
evidence also suggests that increasing inequality erodes trust in
public institutions, with serious consequences for community life
and politics, as solidarity is undermined and alienation increased.
Again, it is the OECD that has undertaken more in-depth research
into the matter: In 2016, the organisation noted that public trust
in institutions had plunged to record lows, with public belief in
governments standing at just 42%, global phenomena such as economic interconnectedness,
trade, migration and technological progress being increasingly rejected,
all this leading to a “growing sense that the global economy is
delivering only for the lucky few”.

31. Regarding political processes, higher inequality is commonly
associated with lower civic participation and voting turnout among
the poor. Based on such evidence, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted
Resolution 2024 (2014) “Social exclusion: a danger for Europe’s democracies”.
Across Europe, inequality is also seen as a cause supporting the
rise of xenophobic movements (e.g. in Hungary or Poland). The fact
that support for xenophobic parties has also risen in countries
where inequality has been fairly stable over time (such as Austria,
France and Germany) illustrates the complexity of the factors at

32. In the United Kingdom, inequality has very recently been seen
as a central driving force in the referendum to leave the European
Union. In-depth research into such claims is only beginning to emerge
but suggests a more nuanced picture. In fact, inequality has not
risen significantly in the United Kingdom over the past 15 years,
but rather did so sharply in the Thatcher area. The long-term effects
of de-industrialisation, a slowdown in income growth from the early
2000s, the impact of the crisis and post-austerity measures on living standards,
as well as the scale of immigration from 2004 may all have played
a role, next to education levels, which are seen as the most consistent
single predictor of how people voted in the referendum.
33. Further social effects of income inequality are also reflected
in indicators measuring well-being and trust, such as those used
in the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) which found that overall
happiness and optimism levels had fallen between 2007 and 2011,
whilst they were still at their highest in the least unequal countries,
such as the Nordic countries or the Netherlands.

34. At this point, I would like to reiterate that it is notably
the distribution of income (not the average income) and the social
status of an individual within a given society which are seen as
determining factors for prosperous and functioning societies. Many
social ills can be related back to income inequality (and often poverty
resulting from such an imbalance), such as mental and physical health,
performance in education, equal opportunities and violence (as an
expression of competition over social status and of frustration
in case of social failure). Next to measures having redistributive
effects, researchers therefore suggest developing new forms of business
not focused on maximising profits, turning away from the exclusive
growth dogma and towards more sustainable economies, and achieving
more equity in income distribution, thus lowering competition over
social status and levels of consumption.

As rapporteur I would like to underline
that not only our economic measures need to change to more transversal
approaches (e.g. distributional equality instead of GDP), but that
the fundamental paradigms and values of our economies and societies
need to be questioned as a matter of urgency.
35. On a more technical level, I would like to underline that
some researchers see evident links between income inequality, social
cohesion and political processes, whilst others believe that evidence
is not yet sufficient because data have not been generated over
longer periods of time for specific countries but rather examined
for countries with different levels of inequality at a given time.
As rapporteur and in the light of the evidence gathered above, I
believe that the negative impact of income inequality on economic
development and social cohesion as known today is reason enough
to intervene swiftly and deeply into current structures and processes.
The question remains, however, whether political willingness can
be mobilised in the near future.
36. Finally, to anticipate potential counter-arguments against
the present report, listing the consequences of widening income
inequality is not contradictory to accepting that some degree of
inequality may provide incentives for people to excel, compete,
save, and invest. However, should inequalities remain at such excessive
levels and continue to grow in front of our eyes? And are people
truly provided with equal opportunities in the current economic
context and structures as many pretend? Inequality is regularly presented
as an engine for growth when it derives from differences in effort
and investment. However, the levels of inequality observed nowadays
do not confirm this, but obviously have negative effects for all
of us. Politicians must recognise that reducing inequalities of
various kinds is about improving the social, economic and political
fabric of whole societies, and must act accordingly by orienting
national legislation and policies towards societal structures and
procedures which create more equity.
5. Policy
responses required
37. Various measures that could
have an effect on reducing income inequality have been touched upon above
and arise from the research undertaken by major economic organisations
over the past few years. It is clear that the matter needs to be
approached from different angles: 1) the one of income generation
(e.g. through global business strategies or international and national
tax policies and systems); 2) the one where income distribution
is defined by setting wages for various socio-professional categories
(e.g. minimum wages), including through collective bargaining; and
3) the one where resources are (re-)distributed to households (e.g.
through participation in labour markets or various types of social
38. ILO researchers believe that upholding and strengthening the
middle class and limiting inequalities can be best achieved through
progressive taxation (redistribution), social protection and services
(fostering female employment) and education (supporting secondary
education across social strata).

This, in my view, already points
to some of the essential elements of a comprehensive strategy against
income inequality that the Assembly should submit to member States
in a resolution.
39. Further evidence gathered by the ILO most recently points
out that social dialogue and collective bargaining play a major
role for income distribution, because they are part of the national
wage-setting mechanisms. Evidence on this link from various countries
was provided during the ILO/EU Conference on “Inequalities and the
World of Work. What Role for Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue?”
held in Brussels on 23 and 24 February 2017, which I attended on
behalf of the Assembly. At this conference, an overwhelming majority
of representatives of governments, employers’ federations and trade
unions agreed on the significance of a well-functioning social dialogue
for the achievement of better results for the workforce, for example
in terms of minimum wages and working conditions. Whilst there was
great variety across Europe in practice, some outstanding examples
underlined the importance of social dialogue, such as Belgium where
an almost 100% of collective bargaining coverage has always kept
levels of inequality relatively stable. ILO findings also show that
strong social dialogue institutions lead to a reduction of the gender
pay gap. Other countries, such as Greece, still have to rebuild
systems which were abolished under pressure of creditors during
the last crisis, with the known negative effects on wages and unemployment.
40. Strengthening collective bargaining should indeed be considered
as one of the most important means of reducing levels of inequality:
unions and collective bargaining are known to have a largely equalising
effect by raising wage floors and creating more equal conditions
between groups of workers (e.g. women and men, high-skilled and
low-skilled workers, workers with unlimited and temporary contracts,
etc.). Besides, in the context of overall social policies, unions
also tend to better lobby for redistributive policies.

The urgent need to uphold and strengthen
social dialogue (including collective bargaining) was already underlined
by the Assembly most recently in
Resolution 2146 (2017) on reinforcing social dialogue as an instrument for
stability and decreasing social and economic inequalities.
41. Economic analysts in all countries and various organisations
are currently seeking policies and strategies to halt or reverse
the rise in income inequality and to promote inclusive growth and
development. Most of them agree that national institutions and measures
are crucial and should follow some common lines:

- market
income distribution across individuals and households will be essential.
Means of intervention will include sufficiently high minimum wages,
robust collective bargaining arrangements and the regulation of
top executive wages (e.g. through incentives, public procurement
rules, etc.);
- income from capital and wealth contributes to inequality,
so promoting a broader distribution of wealth via more effective
taxation of capital transfers from parents to their children or
the introduction of a capital endowment for all would help address
this challenge;
- investing in education and upgrading skills should be
seen as an essential part of broader investment strategies aimed
at improving the capacities of the future workforce (next to equal
access to health care and social benefits). Technological change
should be instrumentalised to increase the productivity of low-
and middle-skilled workers instead of replacing them;
- re-distribution through taxes and transfers remains an
essential component of effective strategies addressing inequality,
e.g. by turning to more progressive income taxes, by reversing the
shift from direct to indirect taxes, and by increasing taxes on
property, capital and corporate profits. Enhanced international
co-operation to combat tax evasion can fight shifting tax bases
across borders;
- social protection nets need to be strengthened in terms
of coverage and adequacy, and certain social insurance schemes improved,
(child and family benefits for example). Innovative approaches such
as basic income schemes are considered a promising route by some.

42. In order to address the matter of income inequality in the
most effective and comprehensive manner, action will be needed at
various levels: at the international level, the joint fight against
tax evasion and tax havens needs to be pursued. At the European
Union level, a strong signal would be given if income inequality was
explicitly addressed as a common challenge in the European Pillar
of Social Rights currently under negotiation. In a Council of Europe
context, governments should make sure that socio-economic rights
are kept at the top of agendas and work programmes of various bodies,
as they are closely linked with other human rights categories and
trends, such as the rise in xenophobia and racism, as the Assembly
has recently shown on several occasions.

At the national
level, the main layer of intervention, a number of policy measures
are required to create more equal conditions of income and wealth
creation and distribution. Even the local level has its role to
play in adapting national policies to the needs of local communities
and to promoting local policies that influence access to opportunities.

6. Conclusions
and recommendations
43. As Francis Fukuyama noted,
the current form of globalisation is eroding the middle class base
on which most liberal democracies rest,

thus putting at
risk entire democratic and peaceful societies. If we do not change
some of the fundamental principles and structures underlying our
current economies and patterns of wealth and income distribution,
we will see inequalities of all kinds worsen, with negative effects
for all of us. Given that those currently in possession of wealth
and power are defending their interests more effectively than the
disadvantaged, we need to change fundamental socio-economic and
governance structures in Europe along the lines specified in the
above draft resolution.
44. In accordance with evidence presented above, I would strongly
recommend that all Council of Europe member States develop comprehensive
strategies against income inequality based on different and complementary
levels of intervention; next to more strategic elements and specific
measures needed in each national context, these should include targeted
action related to wage-setting and employment policies, labour market
institutions and tax policies, and bold structural reforms in these
45. Differences in income between social strata, socio-economic
groups and countries have always existed, and are inevitable and
acceptable to a certain extent. There has been a consensus that
those who work more or harder, or are better qualified, receive
better remuneration than those working part-time or occupying lower-skilled
jobs. However, nowadays, many are in a position where their excessive
income does not meet any justification (such as top executives and
major shareholders in the financial sector), whereas others who
are disadvantaged will find it difficult to lift themselves up from
their current socio-economic situation – they are trapped in “cycles
of disadvantage”. Others are working hard already, but do not receive
fair remuneration for their work; they belong to the growing class
of the “working poor”.
46. In my view, first of all, an open dialogue is needed on the
level of income inequality wished for in our societies; with the
main question being: “How much inequality are we prepared to accept”?
From there on, some of the fundamental determinants of participation
in society and economic processes then need to change, first through
education and training, thus providing more people with a greater
level of control over their own economic situation, then through
good governance and transparency of economic decision-making, thus
providing people with better insight and democratic control of economic
processes. Evident forms of injustice, such as the gender pay gap,
need to be urgently addressed and overcome. Moreover, progress made in
fighting income inequality needs to be made “measurable”, not least
to hold political and economic decision makers accountable for their
action (or non-action). In the future, we should give more weight
to quantifiable objectives, such as Gini coefficients to be reached
in specific countries over the next few years, or ratios of income
distribution between top and bottom salaries in specific companies
or branches. This report is meant to show the way towards action
required in strategic areas: social dialogue, good governance, accountability and
structural reforms.
47. Finally, I would like to underline that, in putting forward
recommendations to national governments and parliaments I do not
wish to undermine modern economic processes. As a long-standing
activist of the European movement of the unemployed, thus fully
aware of the functioning and complexity of economic processes, I
am convinced that income inequality not only threatens social cohesion
but has serious economic implications for the “wider health and
sustainability of our economies” as only recently recalled by the
OECD. I am further convinced that by looking at the issue of income
inequality, we only touch the tip of the iceberg. With the above
considerations, we have not yet looked into more specific challenges,
such as the link between income inequality and child poverty, effects
on people’s health or their exposure to environmental degradation; this
would clearly exceed the scope of the present text.
48. This report is therefore meant as a contribution and a first
step towards strengthening modern economies by making them more
sustainable, to striving for greater social cohesion and to protecting democratic
systems as protected by Council of Europe values and standards.
Even the relatively short insight into the matter of income inequality
undertaken by the present memorandum, shows that socio-economic matters
are closely linked to the situation of human rights in Europe; they
should therefore definitely remain high on the agenda of the Council
of Europe and its various bodies, including the Parliamentary Assembly.