Report | Doc. 14319 | 09 May 2017
Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2018-2019
Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
The programme of activities of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2018-2019 will follow the priorities set out by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in combating the rise of populism and extremism, to deal with the crisis of refugees and migrants and to fight against terrorism. The Assembly will also strengthen its action in the area of social rights, so that the Council of Europe contributes to the building of a more harmonised social and inclusive Europe. As part of its programme of co-operation, the Assembly will continue its policy of seeking financial resources from governments and parliaments or the European Union with a view to implementing several multilateral projects aimed at promoting European and international standards focusing more particularly on terrorism, migrants, diaspora policies, hate speech and racism, and the protection of public health and that of children. Furthermore, the Assembly will develop awareness-raising activities for the parliaments on their role in the implementation of the judgments and case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
A. Draft
(open)Appended to this resolution are:
i. a brief explanation of the main items of expenditure;
ii. a table setting out the Assembly’s work programme according to the results-based budgeting method.
Appendix 1 – Expenditure of the Assembly
Vote III – Staff expenditure
Permanent posts |
1 specially appointed official |
1 A7 |
1 B6 |
1 A6 |
5 B5 |
8 A5 |
10 B4 |
11 A4 |
17 B3 |
23 A2/A3 |
6 B2 |
Positions |
3 A2/A3 |
1 B5 (programme) |
1 B3 |
Seconded |
1 A2/3 |

Supplies, services and other operational expenditure
- the holding of the ordinary session, divided into four part-sessions (taking place in January, April, June and September/October of each year);
- meetings of the Standing Committee between the part-sessions, held at a frequency of three meetings per year;
- meetings, at times other than the four part-sessions of the Assembly, for each of the nine general committees, the sub-committees, the ad hoc committees of the Assembly or of the Bureau;
- committee or sub-committee meetings outside Strasbourg or Paris;
- conferences, colloquies, seminars and parliamentary hearings;
- activities coming under the Assembly’s programme of interparliamentary co-operation;
- visits by rapporteurs in connection with the preparation of reports, including to countries subject to monitoring of the honouring of member States’ obligations and commitments or to the post-monitoring dialogue;
- election observation.
- strengthening the Assembly’s political relevance and effectiveness;
- establishing a sound ethical framework for its members with the support of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and ensuring effective compliance with it;
- raising the profile of the work of the Assembly and of its members;
- improving Assembly members’ participation, while reinforcing interaction between the Assembly and national parliaments;
- strengthening the capacity for interparliamentary co-operation throughout Europe, including co-operation with national parliaments holding partner for democracy status and with the European Parliament and other European Union institutions;
- helping national parliaments to check the conformity of legislation with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5) more effectively and strengthen their ability to monitor the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
Year |
Staff |
Other expenditure |
Total |
2018 |
€11 312 600 |
€6 113 700 |
€17 426 300 |
2019 |
€11 312 600 |
€6 113 700 |
€17 426 300 |
For information, the budget for 2017:
2017 |
€11 434 600 |
€6 113 700 |
€17 548 300 |
Adjusted 2017 budget (following reduction of the staff appropriations to cover the 2017 salary adjustment):
2017 |
€11 353 600 |
€6 113 700 |
€17 467 300 |
Appendix 2 – Functioning of the Assembly
Intervention logic |
Performance indicators |
Expected result 1 The part-sessions were provided with an efficient secretariat in line with Assembly members’ expectations. |
Percentage of registered speakers able to take the floor (target 70%) (68.18% in 2016). |
Expected result 2 Committee meetings, hearings and conferences were provided with an efficient secretariat in conformity with members’ decisions. |
– Number of meetings per committee held each year (target no more than 10 per committee) (70 in 2016 for 9 committees). – Number of conferences and hearings organised with committee meetings. |
Expected result 3 Parliaments of relevant member States have benefited from interparliamentary co-operation programmes implemented to respond to specific needs and priorities of the Council of Europe and national parliaments. |
– Number of seminars/conferences held in connection with Assembly co-operation programmes. |
Expected result 4 The Assembly and parliaments of relevant member States have received observation reports which evaluate parliamentary or presidential elections and include targeted recommendations. |
– Number of election observation mission reports adopted by the Assembly. – Evidence of improvement (change in national law and practices) following previous visits. |
Expected result 5 Public opinion in member States has been informed of the activities of the Assembly and of its members through traditional and social media. |
– Number of articles published in print media in which activities of the Assembly are reflected (target: 2 500) (3 758 in 2016). – Percentage increase in the number of external users of Assembly’s website (target 2% increase) (2 454 000 pages viewed in 2016). – Number of interviews via the Media box (target: 100) (240 in 2016). |
B. Explanatory memorandum by Mr George Loucaides, rapporteur
- the holding of the ordinary session, divided into four part-sessions (taking place in January, April, June and September/October of each year);
- meetings of the Standing Committee between the Assembly’s part-sessions, held at a frequency of three meetings per year;
- meetings, at times other than the four part-sessions of the Assembly, for each of the nine general committees, the sub-committees, the ad hoc committees of the Assembly or of the Bureau and specialised working parties;
- committee or sub-committee meetings outside Strasbourg or Paris;
- conferences, colloquies, seminars and parliamentary hearings;
- activities coming under the Assembly’s programme of interparliamentary co-operation;
- visits by rapporteurs in connection with the preparation of reports, including to countries subject to monitoring of the honouring of member States’ obligations and commitments or to the post-monitoring dialogue;
- election observation.
- strengthening the Assembly’s political relevance and effectiveness;
- establishing a sound ethical framework for its members with the support of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and ensuring effective compliance with it;
- raising the profile of the Assembly;
- improving Assembly members’ participation, while reinforcing interaction between the Assembly and national parliaments;
- strengthening the capacity for interparliamentary co-operation throughout Europe, including co-operation with national parliaments holding partner for democracy status and with the European Parliament and other European Union institutions;
- helping national parliaments to check the conformity of legislation with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5) more effectively and strengthen their ability to monitor the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
- 2018: €17 426 300
- 2019: €17 426 300
The appropriations can be analysed as follows:
2018 |
2019 |
€10 000 500 |
Permanent and temporary staff* |
€10 000 500 |
€5 373 700 |
Activities |
€5 373 700 |
€740 000 |
Allocation to the political groups |
€740 000 |
€1 312 100 |
Contribution to the pensions budget |
€1 312 100 |
€17 426 300 |
Total |
€17 426 300 |
* excluding appropriations for a seconded civil servant
Appendix – Expenditure of the Assembly
Parliamentary democracy – Expenditure of the Assembly Démocratie parlementaire – Dépenses relatives à l’Assemblée |
Appropriations for 2017 Crédits inscrits au budget de 2017 EUROS |
Appropriations for 2018 Crédits demandés au budget de 2018 EUROS |
Appropriations for 2019 Crédits demandés au budget de 2019 EUROS |
HEAD 0310 – Functioning of the Assembly CHAPITRE 0310 – Fonctionnement de l’Assemblée |
Staff expenditure / Dépenses de personnel |
0000001 – Remuneration of staff recruited on established posts Rémunération du personnel recruté dans le cadre des emplois permanents |
8 742 300 € |
8 742 300 € |
8 742 300 € |
0000003 – Remuneration and accessory charges of temporary staff Rémunération et charges accessoires du personnel temporaire |
642 700 € |
570 700 € |
570 700 € |
0000046 – Remuneration of staff on position Rémunération du personnel sur fonction à durée déterminée |
401 400 € |
401 400 € |
401 400 € |
0000005 – Salary, allowances and social charges of the Secretary General of the Assembly Rémunération, indemnités et charges sociales du Secrétaire Général de l’Assemblée |
258 600 € |
258 600 € |
258 600 € |
0000013 – Placement of national civil servants on secondment Fonctionnaire mise à disposition |
50 000 € |
n.a. |
n.a. |
0000016 – Arrival and departure expenses – Home leave Frais de recrutement à l’arrivée et au départ – congé dans le pays d’origine |
27 500 € |
27 500 € |
27 500 € |
0000379 – Contribution to the Pension budget Contribution au budget des pensions |
1 312 100 € |
1 312 100 € |
1 312 100 € |
Total Staff expenditure Total Dépenses de personnel |
11 434 600 € |
11 312 600 € |
11 312 600 € |
Supplies, services and other operational expenditure / Dépenses de matériel et autres dépenses de fonctionnement |
Activity 1 General operational expenditure Activité 1 Dépenses opérationnelles générales |
Equipment – telecommunication costs Equipement – dépenses de télécommunications |
11 200 € |
15 000 € |
15 000 € |
Official journeys Frais de missions |
229 400 € |
290 000 € |
290 000 € |
Representational expenditure, other official travelling expenses of members of the Assembly Dépenses de représentation, frais de déplacement des membres de l’Assemblée |
138 400 € |
120 000 € |
120 000 € |
Prepress Pré-presse |
40 900 € |
25 000 € |
25 000 € |
Interpretation Interprétation |
990 900 € |
990 000 € |
990 000 € |
Translation Traduction |
597 700 € |
597 000 € |
597 000 € |
Publishing and printing Publications et impressions |
271 400 € |
220 000 € |
220 000 € |
Outsourced production of documents Production externalisée de documents |
5 000 € |
5 000 € |
5 000 € |
Consultation of experts Consultation d’experts |
67 000 € |
50 000 € |
50 000 € |
Organisation of ad hoc conferences Organisation de conférences ad hoc |
88 700 € |
80 000 € |
80 000 € |
Modernisation of the Assembly’s equipment Modernisation de l’équipement de l’Assemblée |
80 300 € |
120 000 € |
120 000 € |
Other expenditure not specifically provided for in this vote Autres dépenses non spécialement prévues au présent titre |
17 900 € |
17 900 € |
17 900 € |
Activity 2 Expenses linked to the session Activité 2 Dépenses liées à la session |
Expenses linked to part-sessions Dépenses liées aux parties de session |
349 600 € |
351 000 € |
351 000 € |
Interpretation linked to part-sessions Interprétation liée aux parties de session |
1 500 000 € |
1 600 000 € |
1 600 000 € |
Operating and maintenance costs of the electronic voting system Coûts de maintenance et d’exploitation du vote électronique |
40 800 € |
45 000 € |
45 000 € |
Activity 3 Co-operation and monitoring Activité 3 Coopération et suivi des engagements |
Co-operation (including observation elections) and monitoring Coopération (y compris observation des élections) et du suivi des engagements |
479 500 € |
430 000 € |
430 000 € |
Interpretation – seminars and visits Interprétation – séminaires et visites |
221 900 € |
166 500 € |
166 500 € |
Activity 4 Expenditure of the Presidency Activités 4 Dépenses de la Présidence |
Expenditure pertaining to the Private Office of the President of the Assembly Dépenses du Cabinet du Président de l’Assemblée |
65 400 € |
65 400 € |
65 400 € |
Official expenses of the President of the Assembly Frais de fonction du Président de l’Assemblée |
80 900 € |
89 900 € |
89 900 € |
Activity 5 Political Groups Activité 5 Groupes politiques |
Allocation to Assembly’s political groups Dotation des groupes politiques de l’Assemblée |
740 000 € |
740 000 € |
740 000 € |
Activity 6 European Prizes Activité 6 Prix européens |
European prizes expenditure Dépenses liées aux prix européens |
96 800 € |
96 000 € |
96 000 € |
Total supplies, services and other operational expenditure Total dépenses de matériel et autres dépenses de fonctionnement |
6 113 700 € |
6 113 700 € |
6 113 700 € |
TOTAL Parliamentary Assembly TOTAL Assemblée parlementaire |
17 548 300 € |
17 426 300 € |
17 426 300 € |