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Reply to Written question | Doc. 14515 | 22 March 2018

The assassination of Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia

Author(s): Committee of Ministers

Origin - Adopted at the 1311th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (21 March 2018). 2018 - Second part-session

Reply to Written question: Written question no. 727 (Doc. 14469)

1. The Committee of Ministers recalls that freedom of expression and information is safeguarded by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which all member States of the Council of Europe have undertaken to respect. The Committee of Ministers attaches high importance to the protection and safety of journalists, in accordance with the principles and guidelines set out in its Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors.
2. The Committee of Ministers points out that since Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated, the delegation of Malta has twice provided information on the steps taken by the Maltese authorities on this issue and on the results achieved at this stage.
3. As far as the allegations which the Honourable Parliamentarian refers to are concerned, the delegation of Malta indicated that they were the object of an ongoing judicial inquiry. It also informed the Committee of Ministers of the Commissioner for Human Rights’ visit to Malta in November 2017 and of the report thereon, of the upcoming visit by GRECO, to be followed by a monitoring evaluation by MONEYVAL. The delegation of Malta explained that the necessary investigations are being conducted by independent judicial bodies and in full co-operation with all competent Council of Europe mechanisms in place. It expressed its commitment to keep the Committee of Ministers fully informed of any conclusions to be reached.
4. In view of the above information, the Committee of Ministers does not see any reason for taking additional measures. It is confident that the Maltese authorities will continue to make appropriate use of all the means and mechanisms in place both in the Council of Europe and at domestic level and in full respect with the fundamental values and standards of the Council of Europe.