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Reply to Written question | Doc. 14611 | 06 September 2018

Publication of the GRECO Compliance Report on Hungary

Author(s): Committee of Ministers

Origin - Adopted at the 1322nd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (5 September 2018). 2018 - Fourth part-session

Reply to Written question: Written question no. 731 (Doc. 14576)

1. The Committee of Ministers first recalls that the fight against corruption ranks as one of the Council of Europe's highest priorities. In this regard, it welcomes the achievements of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) in this area and the impact of its recommendations in its 49 member States.
2. GRECO's reports on evaluation and compliance are, in principle, confidential unless the State concerned authorises the publication of its report. The Committee of Ministers welcomes the fact that all member States of the Council of Europe, as well as the United States, have until recently accepted that the reports concerning them are made public. Only Belarus systematically refuses the publication of reports. The Committee of Ministers fully agrees with the observations made by GRECO in its General Activity Report 2017 that the publication of a report contributes to raising the awareness of society, media and key institutions, which may facilitate reforms based on the recommendations of the report.
3. In previous years, Hungary has respected GRECO’s practice of full transparency with regard to the publication of all of its reports. The Committee of Ministers therefore encourages Hungary to continue this practice and to authorise the publication of these two compliance reports adopted in 2017.