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Resolution 2285 (2019)
Sustainable urban development fostering social inclusion
1. Cities and towns that meet everyone’s
needs provide the foundations of prosperous and peaceful societies.
The Council of Europe member States must use the political momentum
created by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
to promote their achievements, bridge the remaining gaps in building
inclusive urban communities and thus fulfil Sustainable Development
Goal 11 (make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable).
2. With the rapid urbanisation of our societies, it is important
to make full use of the arising opportunities and to minimise the
risks. Today, almost 75% of the European population lives in urban
areas, and this figure is likely to edge past the 80% mark by 2050.
On one hand, cities allow for economies of scale, efficient use
of resources, social innovation, intercultural dialogue and solidarity.
On the other hand, they generate pollution and other burdens on
the environment. The influx of population puts pressure on the available
space and on the job and housing markets, which can and does lead
to exclusion, segregation and social unrest.
3. The Parliamentary Assembly is concerned about urban sprawl,
which exerts massive pressure on the environment and undermines
the quality of life in urban areas. Cities are increasingly affected
by global warming, to which they are also major contributors. According
to the United Nations Environment Programme, cities are responsible
for 75% of global CO2 emissions. Air pollution
causes hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in Europe every
4. Urban development often involves addressing conflicting needs
and interests and requires effective mechanisms for negotiation
and decision making. The goals of economic development can, but
must not, conflict with environmental protection. New arrivals to
cities are often perceived as a threat to the well-being of the
existing population. Failure to respond promptly to such challenges
and to provide viable solutions that address everyone’s concerns
can lead to disenchantment with democratic institutions, actions
of protest and violence.
5. In this context, the Assembly notes with concern that in many
countries the public sector is reducing its role as a land owner,
investor and regulating authority, which likewise reduces its capacity
to shape the public space. The Assembly deplores, furthermore, the
lack of transparency and accountability in existing decision making
on urban development.
6. As a general rule, all key partners should join forces and
build synergies. Governments, parliamentarians, local and regional
authorities and non-governmental organisations have complementary roles
and need to work closely together.
7. Global and European commitments to sustainable development
should be used by the Council of Europe member States as a guiding
framework and impetus for action. The Assembly expresses its full
support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 and
the New Urban Agenda endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly
in 2016, which represents “a shared vision for a better and more
sustainable future – one in which all people have equal rights and
access to the benefits and opportunities that cities can offer”. The
Assembly recalls that the European Urban Charter II, adopted by
the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of
Europe in 2008, highlights that “towns and cities are the crossroads
of civilisations”; they are meeting places, “where differences are
free to interact and find expression in a spirit of mutual respect”.
8. The Council of Europe provides a unique platform for sharing
good practices and setting up common standards on democratic governance
at the European level through its institutions – the Committee of Ministers,
the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
and the Conference of International Non-governmental Organisations
– and this platform should be further strengthened.
9. The Assembly is convinced that sustainable urban development
must focus on people above all, and welcomes the emergence of “Human
Rights Cities”, which have adopted the principles of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights as guiding norms of governance. Sustainable development,
human rights and intercultural dialogue are intrinsically connected.
The city should be an incubator where these approaches nurture and
mutually reinforce each other.
10. In light of the above, the Assembly calls on the Council of
Europe member States to:
10.1. with
regard to domestic law:
10.1.1. develop and strengthen national
policies and strategies for inclusive and sustainable urban development;
10.1.2. ensure that the public sector has sufficient influence
and regulatory authority;
10.1.3. introduce incentives and reduce barriers for local authorities
to give priority to social cohesion in their urban development projects;
10.1.4. promote human rights-based urban development to ensure
that no one is left behind, and pay attention to the specific needs
of children, the elderly, women, migrants and refugees, the poor
and people with disabilities;
10.1.5. develop an enabling legal and institutional environment
for sustainable urban development, including grass-roots initiatives;
10.1.6. promote mixed use of urban space, combining housing, employment
and recreational functions, to reduce the use of transport and improve
the quality of life;
10.1.7. facilitate interaction among different groups of the population
through urban development planning, for example by means of quotas
for social housing within large building projects;
10.1.8. support research on sustainable, inclusive and human rights-based
urban development;
10.1.9. promote solidarity – within the city limits, with surrounding
areas and with partner cities abroad – by means of redistribution
mechanisms, “city diplomacy” and other appropriate means;
10.1.10. promote good governance in accordance with the Council
of Europe’s 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance;
10.2. with regard to participation:
10.2.1. promote social
dialogue and citizen participation in defining the principles of
quality urban development, putting in place relevant policies, and
monitoring and evaluating their implementation;
10.2.2. make full use of e-democracy tools to enable transparent
and inclusive participation of the population in local governance;
10.2.3. ensure that local elections provide an effective vehicle
for representing the diverse needs of the population, including
those of vulnerable groups;
10.2.4. take into consideration the Committee of Ministers Guidelines
for civil participation in political decision making (CM(2017)83-final)
and Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)4 on the participation of citizens
in local public life;
10.2.5. promote and use the Revised European Charter on the Participation
of Young People in Local and Regional Life (Congress Recommendation
128 (2003)), the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment
Tool and the child-friendly version of the Urban Agenda “The Cities
of Our Dreams”, drawn up by the United Nations Office of the Special
Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children,
in co-operation with other partners;
10.3. with regard to their commitments under international law:
10.3.1. adopt and promote the European Code of Conduct for all
Persons Involved in Local and Regional Governance (Congress Resolution
433 (2018));
10.4. with regard to international co-operation:
10.4.1. take
part in the Council of Europe Intercultural Cities programme, which
supports cities in reviewing and developing comprehensive intercultural
10.4.2. make full use of the facilities for co-operation provided
by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the European
Committee for Democracy and Governance (CDDG) and the Centre of
Expertise for Good Governance;
10.4.3. take advantage of the opportunities for support provided
by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) to its member States
and their local authorities through financing, technical assistance
and partnerships for sustainable and inclusive growth, climate action
and the integration of refugees, displaced persons and migrants;
10.4.4. take part in the Europe Prize competition, which is the
highest distinction that can be bestowed on a European town for
its action in the European domain.
11. The Assembly calls on national (and where appropriate regional)
parliaments to:
11.1. support action
to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 through
the development of legislative frameworks, budgeting and democratic
11.2. reaffirm their commitment to the human rights-based approach
to urban development by systematically seeking to analyse inequalities
and redress discriminatory practices and unjust distributions of
11.3. encourage inclusive public debate and support the development
of effective and transparent decision-making mechanisms for urban