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Motion | Doc. 30 | 30th May, 1952

REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN THE AGENDA OF THE SESSION - Measures calculated to solve, simultaneously and through a single general plan, the problem of the unequal balance of trade between Europe and the United States, and the economic problem of the under-developed countries

Rapporteur : ,

Measures calculated to solve, simultaneously and through a single general plan, the problem of the unequal balance of trade between Europe and the United States, and the economic problem of the under-developed countries

The Assembly,

Noting, that despite the aid given by the United States to Europe and the efforts of all concerned, it has been impossible to eliminate, or even to diminish, that inequality in the balance of trade between Europe and the United States which is reflected in the permanent dollar deficit,

Noting, that the economic backwardness of the under-developed countries is steadily increasing, and that it has not so far proved possible to draw up a plan of assistance on a scale proportionate to their real needs,

Decides to include in its Agenda the following question :

" Measures calculated to solve, simultaneously and in one general plan, the problem of the unequal balance of trade between Europe and the United States, and the economic problem of the under-developed countries. "