ORDER OF BUSINESS of the first part of the 2004 Ordinary Session
(26 – 30 January 2004)

adopted by the Assembly on 26 January 2004

Strasbourg, 26 January 2004

( 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 January 2004)

Monday 26 January 2004

8.30 a.m.   Bureau of the Assembly
10 a.m.   Political Groups

3 p.m.


Opening of the first part of the 2004 Ordinary Session
(oldest member in the Chair: Mr Josip Torbar (Croatia, EPP/CD))



Examination of credentials (Doc. 10033)


Election of the President of the Assembly



Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly



Appointment of members of committees (Commissions (2004) 1 rev. + Corrigendum + Addendum)



Requests for debate:

    - under urgent procedure on Terrorism: a threat to democracies
    - under urgent procedure on the Constitutional crisis in Ukraine



Adoption of the order of business



Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee
(25 November 2003, Maastricht, Netherlands) (AS/Per (2003) PV 3)



Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee (Doc. 10044 Part 1  and Part 2)


Rapporteur: Mr Jonas Čekuolis (Lithuania, LDR)



Observation of the parliamentary elections in the Russian Federation (7 December 2003) (Doc. 10032)



Rapporteur: Mr David Atkinson (United Kingdom, EDG)


Observation of the parliamentary elections in Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro) (28 December 2003) (Doc. 10045)


Rapporteur: Mr Murat Mercan (Turkey, EPP/CD)


Observation of the presidential elections in Georgia (4 January 2004) (Doc. 10046)


Rapporteur: Mr Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, LDR)


3rd Annual report on the activities of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (1 January-31 December 2002) (Doc. 9916 + 9916 Corrigendum (English only) + Doc. 10024)

    Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Rudolf Bindig (Germany, SOC)
    Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 12 noon.


Statement by Mr Alvaro GIL-ROBLES, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe






Vote on a draft Recommendation



Realising Strasbourg's potential as a European capital (Doc. 10023)
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development: Mr Bernard Schreiner (France, EDG)
    Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 12 noon.






Vote on a draft Resolution

7.30 p.m.


End of the sitting

7.30 p.m.
(at the end of the sitting)

Reconstitution of Bureaux of Committees
(Election of the Chairperson and 3 Vice-Chairpersons)

Tuesday 27 January 2004

8.30 a.m. Committees

10 a.m.

  Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with respect to Bosnia and Herzegovina [2nd round] (Doc. 9914) (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)



Functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan (Doc. 10030)
    Co-Rapporteurs of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee): Mr Andreas Gross (Switzerland, SOC) and Mr Guillermo Martínez Casań (Spain, EPP/CD)
Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 4 p.m.


Political prisoners in Azerbaijan (Doc. 10026)

    Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Malcom Bruce (United Kingdom, LDR)
Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee (for opinion) (Doc. 10047): Mr Hasan Muratović (Bosnia and Herzegovina, EPP/CD)
    Rapporteur of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) (for oral  opinion): Mr Sřren Sřnderrgaard (Denmark, UEL)
Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 4 p.m.
Joint debate on items 1 and 2

Vote on two draft Resolutions

1 p.m.


End of the sitting

2 p.m. Committees
3 p.m.


Contested Credentials of the parliamentary delegations of Ireland and Malta (Doc. 10051)

Rapporteur of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Immunities: …
    Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 27 January at noon


Vote on a draft Resolution


Communication from Mr Walter SCHWIMMER, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, on the state of the Council of Europe


Public service broadcasting (Doc. 10029 + Addendum)

Rapporteur of the Committee on Culture, Science and Education: Mr Paschal Mooney (Ireland, LDR)
Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 4 p.m.

Vote on a draft Recommendation


Honouring of obligations and commitments by Armenia (Doc. 10027)
    Co-Rapporteurs of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee): Mr René André (France, EPP/CD) and Mr Jerzy Jaskiernia (Poland, SOC)
Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 26 January at 4 p.m.


Vote on a draft Resolution
7 p.m. End of the sitting

Wednesday 28 January 2004

8.30 a.m.


Political groups

10 a.m.


Address by Mr Tassos PAPADOPOULOS, President of Cyprus




Situation in Cyprus (Doc. 10028)

Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Mr Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, LDR)
Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): …
Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 27 January at 10 a.m.
Vote on a draft Resolution

Vote on a draft Recommendation

1 p.m.


End of the sitting

2 p.m.



3 p.m.


Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly presented by Mr Bernard BOT, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers

Link to the communication

Review of action taken by the Committee of Ministers on Parliamentary Assembly Recommendations (Doc. 10010)

Link to the Statutory report



Questions (Doc. 10050)



(Questions must be tabled by Tuesday 27 January at 10 a.m. at the latest)



Address by Mr Mikheil SAAKASHVILI, President of Georgia






Functioning of democratic institutions in Georgia (Doc. 10049)



Co-Rapporteurs of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee): Mr Matyas Eörsi (Hungary, LDR) and Mr Evgeni Kirilov (Bulgaria, SOC)



Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 27 January at 3 p.m.




Vote on a draft Resolution

Vote on a draft Recommendation
6 p.m. End of the sitting

6 p.m.


Joint Committee

Thursday 29 January 2004

8.30 a.m.



10 a.m. 1.

Debate under urgent procedure: Terrorism: a threat to democracies (Doc. 10056)

Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee:Mr Murat Mercan (Turkey, EPP/CD)
Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): …
Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 28 January at 12 noon. 






Vote on a draft recommendation


Access to assistance and protection for asylum seekers at European seaports and coastal areas (Doc. 10011)



Rapporteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population: Mr Franco Danieli (Italy, LDR)

Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 28 January at 10 a.m.






Vote on a draft recommendation

1 p.m. End of the sitting

2 p.m.



 3 p.m. 1.

Statement by Mr Sergio PÁEZ VERDUGO, President of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union


Improving the prospects of developing countries: a moral imperative for the world (Doc. 10013)

Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development: Mr Klaus Werner Jonas (Germany, SOC)



Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 28 January at 3 p.m.



Statement by Mr Charles GOERENS, Minister for Co-operation, Humanitarian Action and Defence, and Minister for the Environment of Luxembourg
Statement by Mrs Aileen CARROLL, Minister for International Cooperation of Canada






Vote on a draft Recommendation

  3. Debate under urgent procedure: The constitutional crisis in Ukraine (Doc. 10058)
    Rapporteur of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee): Rapporteurs: Mrs Hanne Severinsen (Denmark, LDR) and Mrs Renate Wohlwend (Liechtenstein, EPP/CD)
    Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 28 January at 3 p.m.



Vote on a draft Resolution

7.30 p.m.


End of the sitting

8 p.m.


Presidential Committee

Friday 30 January 2004

8.30 a.m.



9 a.m. 1.

Economic aspects of European Union enlargement: the crucial years ahead (Doc. 10012)

    Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development: Mr Adrian Severin (Romania, SOC)
    Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 29 January at 9 a.m.



Consequences of European Union enlargement for freedom of movement between Council of Europe member states (Doc. 9979 rev.)

    Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Vitaliy Shybko (Ukraine, SOC)



Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee (for opinion) (Doc. 10025): Mr Adrian Severin (Romania, SOC)



Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 29 January at 9 a.m.



Joint debate on items 1 and 2



Vote on a draft Resolution



Vote on two draft Recommendations


Candidates to the European Court of Human Rights (Doc. 9963)


Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Kevin McNamara (United Kingdom, SOC)

Rapporteur of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (for opinion) (Doc. 10048): Ms Minodora Cliveti (Romania, SOC)

Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 29 January at 9 a.m.






Vote on a draft Resolution



Vote on a draft Recommendation



Constitution of the Standing Committee

12 noon


Closure of the first part of the 2004 Session

12 noon
(at the end of the part-session)
Bureau of the Assembly