Statement by Chaudhry Amir HUSSAIN
President of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP),
Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan

on the occasion of the
third part of the 2005 Ordinary Session
of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
(Strasbourg, 20-24 June 2005)

 21/06 2005

Honourable President

Distinguished Members of the Parliamentary Assembly,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to you Mr. President and the Parliamentary Assembly for honoring us with the invitation to visit Council of Europe. I would also like to acknowledge the support, which we have received from you and record my appreciation for the hospitality and kindness shown since our arrival in this beautiful city of Strasbourg. Our prayers and good wishes are with the hospitable and gracious people of Strasbourg and our thanks also go to all those who have organized this visit.

Mr. President,

We all have gathered here under the auspicious of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe so that we can get an opportunity to meet and exchange views with our European brethren to come up with useful  and implementable ideas and find a way to pave the path for the progress of Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA). We have also gathered here to address the challenges we face for bringing peace and development in Asia. We are determined to chart a new course, which would, hopefully lead us towards peace and prosperity in the 21st Century.

It gives me pride to mention that the relentless efforts, understanding and sense of cooperation of the participating AAPP Parliamentarians resulted in historic Islamabad Declaration. I believe that our consensuses to create organizations like Asian Parliamentary Assembly and AAPP Anti Poverty Fund were landmark achievements of the 5th General Assembly. I am sure that our vision to have peace and development in Asia through Inter‑parliamentary dialogue and cooperation can provide a very strong basis to influence the policy‑making processes in our respective countries. It will enable us to realize our cherished dream of having prosperous, peaceful and flourishing Asia, which is free of all kinds of exploitation.

In APA's agenda, we wish to incorporate, special cooperation in development of democracy, protection of human rights and the prevalence of Rule of Law. In this regard I am thankful to you, Mr. President for promising that Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe would conclude a formal cooperation agreement with the future Asian Parliamentary Assembly.


All of us are aware that Europe is more advanced and developed than most of the Asian countries. You have more sophisticated industrial sector, advanced education, rich in health and research, superior in science and technology, financially strong and have the means to get optimum out‑put of your resources. I am glad to say that the progress made by the European countries in every walk of life can be a role model to follow. We must take our direction from the comprehensive and far‑reaching endeavor that has been made by Europe.

Mr. President and Honourable Members,

Apart from the economic and social sector development, the most significant achievement of post world war Europe has been in the field of political integration. After the 2nd world war, European nations realized the importance of peace and negotiated settlements of the contentious issues. This realization coupled with the sustained 'and relentless efforts on the part of European political leaders throughout last 60 years have brought us to a stage where today we see a very closely knitted Europe, marching on the road of progress and prosperity. We appreciate the role played by the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary Assembly in bringing about this unity amongst the European nations and giving sustainability to the political integration of European countries. I am sure that Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe can also play an important role in promoting democracy, human rights and good governance as well as in preventing conflicts and promoting reconciliation in our part of the world. We need consultation1 terrorism, advancement of health, promotion of education and human development to enable the proposed Asian Parliamentary Assembly move in the direction of sustainable peace particularly in Asia and world in general. I am also very hopeful that the Council of Europe will facilitate us technically, financially and morally for the social sector improvement of the Asian region based on the European experience.


We are looking forward to the Council of Europe for the creation of a conducive environment, in which we can boost our relations with European countries for the up lifting of Asia and help us to take active share and benefit of globalization. Interaction can pave the road to cooperation in the field of peace, rule of law, social science, engineering, science and technology, culture, archeology and many more fields. Notwithstanding many crises, Asia today is the hub of economic growth and dynamism. It accounts for a quarter of global exports and one third of the world's economy. China, Japan and many Asian countries are success stories while others are fast catching up, yet many others are striving to break the clutches of under development, poverty and hunger. It is, therefore, essential for all of us to work towards a comprehensive, integrated and equitable socio‑economic development of the Asian continent. We also look forward to this Assembly to urge the European countries and international fora to stand in strategic partnership for increased foreign investment, transfer of technology, improvement of infrastructure and human resource development in Asia, which are vital for broad based development and in addressing disparities across the Asian continent.


I am also mindful that the Council of Europe can play an active role in smoothing the peace process and settling disputes amongst Asian countries by promoting conditions that resolve and overcome the root causes of tension which lead to wars and conflicts. Honourable members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe can play an important role in influencing the policies of their respective governments in supporting peace and promoting the settlement of conflicts in different parts of Asia.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is in the interest of all of us that the Council of Europe serves as a strong international forum, in arranging dialogue on interfaith and intercultural basis in order to prevent a new rift, which seems to surface in Asia. In this regard, this Parliamentary Assembly can influence European Parliaments and other international Parliamentary bodies to strengthen the relations and built strong international ties.

Mr. President,

I would like to conclude by expressing confidence in the assurances of the Council of Europe and for their continuous support at every level to facilitate the creation of Asian Parliamentary Assembly and to bring closer the European continent with Asia for the purpose of promoting peace and harmony. My confidence stems form the fact that our countries share similar sentiments about peace and prosperity in the world. To remove the stigma of terrorism from the face of earth we have to stand together and united to root out the causes which generate and nourish terrorism.

Thank you very much