Synopsis n° 2001/032

12 March 2001


            The Committee on Culture, Science and Education, meeting in Paris on 12 March 2001 under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-         approved a report and adopted a draft recommendation on freedom of expression and information in the media in Europe (Rapporteur: Mr Hegyi, Hungary, SOC), and took note that it would be debated by the Assembly at the April part-session;

-         held an exchange of views with Mrs Suzy Halimi, Chairperson of the Council for Cultural Cooperation (CDCC) and decided to ask its Chairman to write to the Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development on the evolution of the budgetary situation;

-         heard a presentation on the Csángó minority culture in Moldavia (Rapporteur: Mrs Isohookana-Asunmaa, Finland, LDR), held an exchange of views and asked the Rapporteur to present a preliminary draft recommendation at its next meeting with a view to a debate by the Standing Committee in May;

-         heard a presentation on higher education in south-east Europe (Rapporteur: Mr Ivanov, Bulgaria, EPP/CD), held an exchange of views and asked the Rapporteur to present a preliminary draft recommendation at its meeting in June with a view to a debate by the Assembly in September;

-         held an exchange of views on the cultural situation in Kosovo and authorised its Rapporteur, Mrs Poptodorova (Bulgaria, SOC) to undertake a fact-finding mission to the region to update her report with a view to a joint Assembly debate during the April part-session;

-         held an exchange of views on the project for a Euro-Forum on human genetics, presented by Mr Plattner, expressed serious reservations concerning the involvement of the Assembly in the project and decided to return to this issue during the Assembly April part-session;

-         discussed its work programme;

-         heard reports by:

-         Mrs Poptodorova on the Heritage Committee of the CDCC (Strasbourg, 12-13 February);

-         Mr Libicki on the Culture Committee of the CDCC (Strasbourg, 20-22 February);

-         Mr Tiuri on the meeting of the Directors of EPTA (Helsinki, 26-28 February);

-         appointed the following to its Sub-Committees:

-         Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger as a member and Mrs Poptodorova as an alternate to Mr Ivanov in the Sub-Committee on the Cultural Heritage;

-         Mr Debono Grech as an alternate to Mr Asciak and Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger as an alternate to Mr Plattner in the Sub-Committee on Science and Ethics;

-         Mr McNamara and Mr Reimann as members in the Sub-Committee on the Media;

-         Mr Debono Grech (alternate: Mr Asciak) and Mr Reimann in the Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport;

-         designated representatives to forthcoming meetings;

-         took note of the decision of the Chairman, Mr Birraux, to cancel the meeting of the Sub-Committee on Science and Ethics, due to the absence of the rapporteurs;

-         accepted an invitation to meet in Yerevan (Armenia) in September, subject to Assembly Bureau authorisation;

-         decided to hold its next meeting in Strasbourg on the occasion of the Assembly’s April part-session.

J. Ary, Secretary