Synopsis n° 2001/052 revised

2 May 2001


            The Committee on Culture, Science and Education meeting in Strasbourg on 23, 24, 25 and 26 April 2001, under the chairmanship of Mr Rakhansky:

-           approved a report on the cultural situation in Kosovo and adopted a draft recommendation (Rapporteur: Mrs Poptodorova, Bulgaria, Socialist Group);

-           approved a report on the Csango minority culture in Romania (Rapporteur: Mrs Isohookana-Asunmaa, Finland, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group), took note of a dissenting opinion presented by the Romanian delegation and adopted a draft recommendation;

-           appointed Mr Wodarg (Germany, Socialist Group) Rapporteur for an opinion on the draft protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning transplantation of organs and tissues of human origin, approved an opinion and adopted amendments to the report presented by the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee;

-           appointed Mr Urbanczyk (Poland, Socialist Group) Rapporteur for an opinion to the Committee of Ministers on the draft European for the protection of the Audiovisual Heritage and draft Protocol on the Protection of Television Productions and adopted a draft opinion;

-           considered amendments to the draft recommendation on freedom of expression and information in the media in Europe (Rapporteur: Mr Hegyi, Hungary, Socialist Group);

-           considered amendments to the draft recommendation on protection of the human genome by the Council of Europe (Rapporteur: Mr Martelli, Italy, Group of the European People’s Party);

-           considered amendments to the draft recommendation on technological possibilities for fulfilling the targets of the Kyoto Protocol (to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) (Reporter: Mr Tiuri, Finland, European Democratic Group) and held an exchange of views with Mr Martinez Casań, Rapporteur to the Committee on the Environment and Agriculture, on the amendments presented to the draft resolution;

-           held an exchange of views on recent developments in the field of the media in Russia with the participation of Mr Venediktov, Radio Echo-Moskvy, and Mr Menet, Reporters sans frontičres;

-           held an exchange of views on a proposal for a Euro-Forum on human genetics and decided to come back to this issue (October 2001) in the light of further elements to be provided by Mr Plattner;

-           held an exchange of views on follow-up to the Gdansk Conference on Science and Technology in Europe, with the participation of Mr Tony Mayer, Head of the Private Office of the Secretary General of the European Science Foundation, decided to consider co-operation in the standardisation of evaluation systems in science and research in central and eastern Europe (Doc. 8412) in the framework of the report on scientific and technological development in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (Doc. 8323), and confirmed Mr Mateju (Czech Republic, Group of the European People’s Party) Rapporteur;

-           appointed Mr Akhvlediani (Georgia, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group) Rapporteur on the cultural situation in the transcaucasian region;

-           appointed Mr Valk (Netherlands, Socialist Group) Rapporteur on the spirit of Europe in museums;

-           appointed Mr Varela i Serra (Spain, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group) Rapporteur on OECD, subject to his agreement;

-           took note of the resignation of Mr Jakic as Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport and appointed MM. Hancock and Liiv as further members of that sub-committee;

-           designated representatives for forthcoming meetings;

-           took note of replies from the Committee of Ministers to the following Assembly recommendations:

Doc. 8892 - Reply to Rec. 1435 (1999) on the role of women in the field of science and technology

Doc. 9015 - Reply to Rec. 1407 (1999) on media and democratic culture

Doc. 9021 - Reply to Rec. 1437 (2000) on non-formal education

Doc. 9022 - Reply to Rec. 1454 (2000) on education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Doc. 9024 - Reply to Rec. 1464 (2000) on doping in sport

Doc. 9025 - Reply to Rec. 1465 (2000) on « Europe, a common heritage » - a Council of Europe campaign

Doc. 9026 - Reply to Rec. 1466 (2000) on media education

Doc. 9027 - Reply to Rec. 1471 (2000) on the creation of a hydrotechnical Euro-Mediterranean institute of the Council of Europe (water technology and management)

Doc. 9029 - Reply to Rec. 1483 (2000) on the basis of an energy strategy for Europe;

Doc. 9045 - Reply to Rec. 1497 (2001) on freedom of expression and the functioning of parliamentary democracy in Ukraine;

-           decided to held its next meetings as follows:

            . Paris, 28 May 2001:

in the Council of Europe Office, 9 am, Sub-Committee on the Media; 10 am, Plenary Committee; 4 pm, Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport;

            . Strasbourg, Assembly Session, 25-29 June 2001;

            . Yerevan, 10-12 September 2001 (subject to authorisation).


Christopher Grayson, Joćo Ary, Bonnie Theophilova, Bogdan Torcătoriu