Synopsis n° 2001/101

25 September 2001


The Sub-Committee on Science and Ethics (Committee on Culture, Science and Education), meeting in Strasbourg on 25 September 2001 with Mr Birraux in the chair:

·        elected Mr McNamara Vice-Chairman;

·        heard a presentation on the activities of the Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI) by Mr Peteris Zilgalvis, Co-Secretary of the CDBI, and held an exchange of views;

·        left it to its Chairman to decide on the date and place of the next meeting.


The Sub-Committee on Youth and Sport (Committee on Culture, Science and Education), meeting in Strasbourg on 25 September 2001 with Mr Hancock in the chair:

·        held an exchange of views with Mr Mario Martins, Director of Youth and Sport, on youth policy in the Council of Europe, and decided to propose to the full committee to prepare a report on this subject and to appoint Mrs Agudo (Spain, Socialist Group) as Rapporteur;

·        held an exchange of views on sports cooperation in Europe and decided to propose Mr Kiely (Ireland, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group) as Rapporteur;

·        heard a report on a preparatory meeting on the role of sport in post crisis situations by its Chairman and by Mr George Walker, Head of the Sport Department;

·        decided to postpone the consultative meetings on sport in Skopje and Tbilisi;

·        left it to its Chairman to decide on the date and place of the next meeting.


C. Grayson, J. Ary, B. Theophilova, B. Torcătoriu