Synopsis n° 2001/141 Revised

9 January 2002


              The Committee on Culture, Science and Education, meeting in Paris on 11 December 2001 with Mr Rakhansky in the chair:

-        approved a report and adopted a draft resolution on scientific communication (Rapporteur: Mr Birraux, France, EPP/CD);

-        decided to award the 2002 Council of Europe Museum Prize to the Buddenbrook House in Lübeck (Germany);

-        approved two amendments to the draft opinion on the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe (Rapporteur: Mr de Puig, Spain, SOC);

-        expressed its thanks to Mr Galoyan for a successful meeting in Armenia and took note of proposals for co-operation from Armenian institutions;

-        was informed of the work of the Sub-Committee on the Cultural Heritage by Mr Legendre, Vice-Chairman, and Mrs Stepová, General Rapporteur, and in prticular on:

= the protection and preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of Cyprus on which it welcomed the agreement on a draft proposal for a European Foundation;

= the cultural implications of the Ilisu Dam in Turkey, on which it decided to release Mrs Stepová’s report as an information document;

= the return of the Romanian national treasure, on which further documentation was announced by the Romanian authorities;

-        postponed, in the absence of the General Rapporteur on the Media, Mr Hegyi, consideration of his annual report;

-        took note of reports by:

= Mr Libicki on the meeting of the CC-HER (Strasbourg, 15-17 november 2001) and on the Council of Europe/Unesco Conference on Cultural Industries and New Information Technologies (Strasbourg, 19-20 November 2001);

= Mr Ionescu on the meeting of the CDMM (Strasbourg, 20-23 November 2001);

= Mr Birraux on the European Science Foundation (Strasbourg, 22 November 2001);

= Mr Mazza, on the Conference of Ministers of Education from South-East Europe (Strasbourg, 19-20 November 2001) and on the meeting of Ministers of Education of the countries of former Yougoslavia hit by war;

-        appointed the following:

= Mrs Troncho (Portugal, SOC), rapporteur on the Kurdish cultural heritage,

= Mr Lemoine as its representative on the Administrative Board of the European Cultural Routes Institute (Luxembourg)

= Mr de Puig as its representative on the drafting of a declaration on European identity;

-        was informed by Mrs Isohookna-Asunmaa of difficulties faced by Csangos in Romania, and Karelians and Maris in the Russian Federation;

-        was alerted by Mrs Agudo to the need to encourage the new government of Afghanistan to protect cultural heritage and to improve education, in particular for girls;

-        took note that it would hold its next meeting in Strasbourg on 21 January 2002, at 7pm (room 7).


Christopher Grayson, Joăo Ary, Bogdan Torcatoriu.