Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly
Synopsis No. 2001/014
29 January 2001
The Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, meeting in Strasbourg on 22 January 2001 with Mr Etherington (United Kingdom, SOC), senior member present, and then, Mrs Err (Luxembourg, SOC) in the Chair:
- elected Mrs Err (Luxembourg, SOC) Chairperson by acclamation;
- elected Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD) first Vice-Chairperson by acclamation;
- elected Mr Hadjidemetriou (Cyprus, SOC) second Vice-Chairperson by acclamation
- elected Mrs Keltošová (Slovakia, EDG), third Vice-Chairperson by acclamation;
then, resuming its meeting on 25 January 2001, with Mrs Err (Luxembourg, SOC) in the Chair, as regards:
- the reconstitution of its sub-committees:
i. decided to reconstitute its sub-committee on violence towards women as follows:
Mrs Calner Sweden Mr Connor (alternate : Mr Kiely) Ireland Mrs Cryer (alternate : Baroness Knight) United Kingdom Mrs Dromberg Finland Mrs Gülek Turkey Ms Jones United Kingdom Mrs Katseli Greece Mrs Keltošová Slovakia Mrs Lopez Gonzalez (alternate : Mrs Castro) Spain Mrs Pozza Tasca Italy Mrs Rupprecht Germany Mrs Stoyanova Bulgaria Mrs Vermot-Mangold Switzerland Mrs Wurm Austria Mrs Zwerver Netherlands Mrs Err (ex officio) Luxembourg ii. decided to set up a sub-commitee on women and new technologies as follows:
Mrs Aguiar Portugal Mrs Andersen Denmark Mrs Biga-Friganovic Croatia Mrs Castro (alternate :Mrs Lopez Gonzalez) Spain Mrs Damanaki Greece Mr Etherington United Kingdom Mrs Freyberg (alternate : Mr Urbanczyk) Poland Mrs Gatterer Austria Mrs Granlund Sweden Mr Hadjidemetriou Cyprus Ms Herczog Hungary Mr Kiely (alternate: Mr Connor) Ireland Mrs Luhtanen Finland Mr Neuwirth France Mrs Poptodorova Bulgaria Mr Ustiugov Russia Mrs Err (ex officio) Luxembourg
- Female genital mutilation (Rapporteur: Mrs Vermot-Mangold, Switzerland, SOC): considered a draft report and a preliminary draft resolution and decided to approve it at its next meeting;
- Domestic slavery (Rapporteur: Mr Connor, Ireland, EPP/CD) : discussed on the conclusions of the Committee’s work on this matter and on the press conference which was held on 9 January 2001;
- Meeting of the Committee in Turkey (21-23 May 2001): held an exchange of views on the draft programme and decided to resume this exchange of views at its next meeting;
- Appointment of rapporteurs: appointed Mrs Dromberg (Finland, EDG) on women and micro-loans;
- Appointment of representatives to meetings organised by other committees: appointed Mrs Poptodorova (Bulgaria, SOC) and Mrs Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC) to attend the 91st European Seminar on equality between men and women in and through school organised in the framework of the Council of Europe’s programme for in-service training programme for educational staff, Donaueschingen (Germany), 14-18 May 2001
- Hearing on the situation of Maghrebi women in Europe: considered a preliminary draft programme for the hearing which will take place on 7 March 2001 in Paris;
- The Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG): took note of the documents prepared by the inter-governmental sector on legislation in the member States of the Council of Europe in the field of violence against women;
- its next meetings, decided to meet as follows :
· Paris, Wednesday, 7 March 2001 (Council of Europe Office) followed by a hearing on the situation of Maghrebi women in Europe ;
· Paris, Monday 2 April 2001 (Council of Europe Office) followed by a hearing on trafficking in women;
· Strasbourg, during the Assembly 2001 second part-session (23-27 April);
· Istanbul, during the Spring session of the Assembly (21-23 May 2001).
Agnčs Nollinger / Olga Kostenko