Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly


Synopsis No. 2001/094

10 September 2001


The Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, meeting in Paris on 6 September 2001 with Mrs Err (Luxembourg, Soc) in the Chair,

as regards:

-              Campaign against trafficking in women(Rapporteur: Ms Err, Luxembourg, SOC):considered a draft report and adopted a preliminary draft recommendation;   

-                     Parental leave(Rapporteur: Ms Zwerver, Netherlands, SOC) :considered a preliminary draft report;

-                     Gender balanced representation in the Assembly: considered a motion for a resolution;

-                     Activities in the field of equality in other Council of Europe bodies: held an exchange of views with Mrs Ólafsdóttir-Ergün, Head of Equality Division, Directorate of Human Rights, Council of Europe;

-                      Meeting of the Committee in Bratislava (22-23 October 2001): held an exchange of views on the draft programme of the meeting;

-                      Sub-committee on women and new technologies: appointed Mrs Pericleous Papadopoulos (Cyprus, LDR) as a new member and Mr Theodorou (Cyprus, SOC) as alternate;

-           Situation of women in Afghanistan: considered a proposal by Mrs Durrieu, Chairperson of the French Delegation and decided to resume this item at its next meeting;

-           Appointment of rapporteurs:

            For report:

·          Situation of maghrebi women in Europe: Mrs Roudy (France, SOC);

·          Image of women in the media : Mrs Lopez Gonzalez (Spain, SOC);

For opinion:

·          The right to family life for migrants and refugees: Mrs Cliveti (Romania, SOC)

-                   Appointment of representatives to meetings:

·          Ms Jones (United Kingdom, SOC) replacing Mrs Err (Luxembourg, SOC) to participate in the seminar on the participation of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts organised by the Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG), Strasbourg, 20-21 September 2001 ;

-           its next meetings, decided to meet as follows:

·           Strasbourg, during the Assembly 2001 fourth part-session (24-28 September);

·           Bratislava, 22-23 October 2001.


Agnès Nollinger / Olga Kostenko