Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly
Synopsis No. 2001/121
25 October 2001
The Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, meeting in Bratislava on 22-23 October 2001 with Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD) in the Chair, held exchange of views with:
- Mr Peter Magvaši, Ministrer of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic;
- Mrs Edit Bauer, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic;
- Mrs M. Repánová, Chairperson of the Women Parliament of Slovakia;
- Mrs Z. Lacková, Chairwoman of the Roma Civic Initiative;
- Mrs N. Slobodníkova, Chairwoman of the Civil Association Roma Women Clubs in Slovakia;
- Mrs S. Babicová, Chairwoman of the the Women’s Association in the Slovak Armed Forces;
- Mrs M. Simonidesová, member of the Slovak Union of Producer Cooperatives
and, as regards:
- Right to family life for migrants and refugees (Rapporteur for opinion: Ms Cliveti, Romania, SOC): discussed and approved the written opinion of the Committee;
- Parental leave (Rapporteur: Ms Zwerver, Netherlands, SOC): considered a draft report and adopted a preliminary draft resolution;
- Appointment of rapporteurs:
Mrs Cryer (United Kingdom, SOC) on crimes of honour;
Mrs Cliveti (Romania, SOC) on the opinion for the report on the candidates to the European Court of Human Rights;
- Participation in meetings organised by other bodies: heard statements by:
Mrs Zwerver (Netherlands, SOC) on her participation in the 106th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 9-15 September 2001;
the Secretariat on Seminar on the participation of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts organised by the Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG), Strasbourg, 20-21 September 2001;
- Appointment of representatives: appointed:
Mrs Katseli (Greece, SOC) to participate in the Conference of Parliamentary Committees responsible for Equality between women and men in the Member States of the European Union and of the European Parliament, Stockholm, 25-27 October 2001;
Mrs Markovska (“the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”,EPP/CD) to represent the Committee at the annual conference of the Working Group on “Equal opportunities for men and women) of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), Stockholm and Tällberg, 1-2 November 2001;
Mrs Zapfl-Helbling (Switzerland, EPP/CD) to take part in the joint NGO/Parliamentarians’ Conference on “Citizenship, solidarity: what sort of Europe do we want?”, Strasbourg, 6-7 November 2001;
Mrs Err (Luxembourg, SOC), Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD) and Mrs Keltošová (Slovakia, EPP/CD) to participate in the joint meeting with the Bureau of the Committee on Women’s Rights of the European Parliament, Brussels, 27 November 2001;
Mrs Cliveti (Romania, SOC) to represent the Committee at the 23rd meeting of the Steering Committee for Equality between women and men (CDEG), Strasbourg, 28-30 November 2001;
Mrs Herzog (Hungary, SOC) and Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD) to represent it at the hearing on the specific problems of young migrants organised by the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, Budapest, 15-16 November 2001;
Mrs Herzog (Hungary, SOC) to participate in the 2nd meeting of the Forum for Children and families organised by the Social Policy Department of the Council of Europe,Strasbourg, 29 November 2001;
- its next meetings, decided to meet as follows:
Paris, Monday 17 December 2001 at 9.30 (Council of Europe Office), followed by a hearing on the image of women in the media;
Strasbourg, during the Assembly 2002 first part session (21-25 January ).
Agnčs Nollinger / Olga Kostenko