Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly


Synopsis No 2001/029

9 March 2001


The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, meeting in Paris on 5 and 6 March 2001 with Mr Jansson in the Chair, as regards:

-         European Code of Police Ethics (Rapporteur: Mr McNamara, United Kingdom, SOC): considered, amended and adopted a draft opinion presented by the Rapporteur;

-         Adapting the European Convention on Human Rights to current needs: the introduction of new rights into the Convention (Rapporteur: Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger, Switzerland, LDR): considered an introductory memorandum presented by the Rapporteur; and invited its members to transmit their written proposals to the Rapporteur before the June 2001 part-session;

-         Structures, procedures and means of the European Court of Human Right (Rapporteur: Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger, Switzerland, LDR): considered an introductory memorandum presented by the Rapporteur; and decided to continue its consideration of the matter after having held an exchange of views with the Irish Ambassador, Chairperson of the Delegates' Working Group, and with the President of the Court;

-         Sub-Committee on the election of the Judges to the European Court of Human Rights: constituted the Sub-Committee as follows:

Socialist Group

Titular members:

Jaume BARTUMEU CASSANY                   Andorra

Jerzy JASKIERNIA                                Poland

Kevin McNAMARA                               United Kingdom

Angelo LAURICELLA                                Italy

Jean-Pierre MICHEL                        France

Alternate members:

Boriss CILEVICS                                     Latvia

Erik JURGENS                                       Netherlands

Lionel OLTEANU                        Romania

Tayyibe GÜLEK                               Turkey

Group of the European People's Party

Titular members:

Ivan IVANOV                             Bulgaria

Vasyl KOSTYTSKY            Ukraine

Michael SPINDELEGGER               Austria

Renate WOHLWEND                               Liechtenstein

Alternate members:

Manuel URIARTE                       Spain

Stavros DIMAS                                Greece

Thomas ENRIGHT                           Ireland

Tomasz WOJCIK                             Poland

Liberal, Democratic and Reformers' Group

Titular members:

Ignasi GUARDANS                                  Spain

Lili NABHOLZ-HAIDEGGER                    Switzerland

Alternate members:

Anneli JÄÄTTEENMÄKI              Finland

Georges CLERFAYT                                  Belgium

Valeriu STOICA                              Romania

Nickolay FYODOROV                                 Russia

European Democratic Group

Titular members:

Cadet AKCALI                             Turkey
Per Stag MOELLER                         Denmark
Alternate members:

Mahomet Ali IRTEMÇELIK                     Turkey

Lord ROTHERWICK                United Kingdom

Group of the Unified European Left

Titular member:

Magi MIKAELSSON                                        Sweden

Alternate member:

Boris MALTSEV                                                Russia

-         Follow-up to Resolution 1240 (2001): Conflict in the Chechen Republic (Rapporteur: Mr Bindig, Germany, SOC): decided to propose the following members for nomination to the Bureau's ad hoc Committee: Mr Bindig (Germany, SOC), Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger (Switzerland, LDR), Mr Spindelegger (Austria, EPP/CD);

-         Political prisoners in Azerbaijan (Rapporteur: Mr Clerfayt, Belgium, LDR): heard a statement by the Rapporteur; and asked its Chairperson to write a letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on the matter;

-         Transplantation of organs and tissues of human origin (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Asciak, Malta, EPP/CD): considered an introductory memorandum presented by the Rapporteur; and decided to continue its consideration of the matter at its next meeting;

-         Protection of the human genome by the Council of Europe (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Asciak, Malta, EPP/CD): considered and adopted a draft opinion presented by the Rapporteur;

-      Human rights in Kosovo (Rapporteur: Mr Akçali, Turkey, EDG): decided to propose to the Bureau that this matter be debated at the April 2001 part-session; and authorised its Rapporteur to go to Kosovo (subject to the agreement of the Bureau);

-         Legal situation of Roma/Gypsies in Council of Europe member States (Rapporteur: Mr Tabajdi, Hungary, SOC): held a hearing on the matter with the participation of:

- Mrs Josephine Verspaget, Chairperson of the Council of Europe Specialist Group on Roma/Gypsies

-  Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director of Social Affairs and Health of the Council of Europe

-  Mr Nicolae Gheorghe, Special Advisor on Roma questions (OSCE/ODIHR/CPRSI)

- Mrs Livia Plaks, Executive Director of the Project on Ethnic Relations (USA)

-         Appointment of rapporteurs:

i.        Prevention of recidivism in crimes against minors: Mr Shaklein (Russia, UEL)

ii.       Violation of the human rights of the Bulgarian national minority       in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Mr Solé Tura (Spain, SOC)

iii.     Draft European Convention for the Protection of the Audiovisual Heritage and draft Protocol on the Protection of Television Productions: Mr McNamara (United Kingdom, SOC) (subject to reference by the Bureau)

iv.     Draft Convention on information and legal co-operation concerning "Information Society Services: Mr Monteiro (Portugal, SOC) (subject to reference by the Bureau)

-         Hearing on cyber-crime organised by the European Commission (Brussels, 7 March 2001): authorised Mr Tallo (Estonia, SOC) to represent the Committee;

-         Former embassies of the Baltic States on the territory of some Council of Europe member States: heard a statement by Mr Stankevic (Lithuania, LDR);

-         New Russian law on religion (Rapporteur: Mr McNamara, United Kingdom, SOC): heard a statement by the Rapporteur and took note that his visit to Russia had been postponed;

-         European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) (Rapporteur: Mr McNamara, United Kingdom, SOC): appointed its Rapporteur to represent it at the forthcoming ECRI meeting (13-16 March 2001);

-         Sub-Committee on Human Rights: appointed Mr Tallo (Estonia, SOC) and, upon a proposal by the members concerned, inversed the order of the Swiss titular and alternate members as follows: Mrs Nabholz-Haidegger (Switzerland, LDR) titular member and Mr Marty (Switzerland, LDR) alternate member;

-         Situation in Palestine (Rapporteur for opinion: Mr Lintner, Germany, EPP/CD): asked its Rapporteur to represent it at the hearing of the Political Affairs Committee on «Oslo and beyond – what are the future prospects for peace in the Middle East?» (Paris, 12 March 2001); decided to ask the Bureau's authorisation for its Rapporteur for opinion to attend the meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Middle East, of the Political Affairs Committee, to take place in Israel and in the territories under the control of the Palestinian National Authority from 19 to 24 March 2001;

-         Hearing on the financing of political parties (Paris, 13 March 2001): asked its Rapporteur on corruption, Mr Bartumeu Cassany (Andorra, SOC), to represent it at the hearing organised by the Political Affairs Committee;

-         held a hearing on cyber-crime with the participation of:

Mr Marc Verwilghen, Minister of Justice of Belgium

Mr Guy de Vel, Director General of Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe

Mr Bruce McConnell, President of McConnell International (United States of America)

Mr Stefano Rodotà, President of the Italian Commission for Privacy

Mr Fred Eisner, A/B/M/ Consultancy (Netherlands)

Mr George Papapavlou, European Commission

Mrs Kate Williams, University of Wales (United Kingdom)

Mr Philippe Quéau, Director of the «Information Society» Division, UNESCO

Mr Lauri Rechardt, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)

Mrs Béatrice Métraux, Institut suisse de droit comparé

-         Next meetings:

          Plenary Committee:

·        Paris, Friday 6 April 2001 at 9 h 30 (National Assembly)

·        Strasbourg, during the April 2001 part-session

·        The Hague (Netherlands), Monday 10 September 2001 (subject to the authorisation of the Bureau)

Sub-Committee on Human Rights:

·        Strasbourg, during the April 2001 part-session

·        Salzburg (Austria), 30-31 May 2001   


Allard A. Plate, Danielle Coin, David Cupina