Synopsis No. 2001/096

10 September 2001


The Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, meeting in Geneva on 4 and 5 September 2001 with Mr Iwinski (Poland, SOC), then Mrs Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC) and Mr Einarsson (Sweden, UEL) in the Chair:

As regards:

-          the Seminar on internal displacement in European countries, organised in co-operation with the Office of the Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Internally Displaced Persons: held an exchange of views;

-          Activities in the humanitarian field:held an exchange of views with the representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); visited the Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent;

-          Rendering more humane the procedures for expelling illegal immigrants and rejected asylum seekers (Rapporteur: Mrs Vermot-Mangold, Switzerland, SOC): decided to change the title of the report as follows: "Expulsion procedures in conformity with human rights and enforced with respect for safety and dignity", adopted a draft recommendation, and approved a revised draft report as amended;

-          The right to family life for migrants and refugees (Rapporteur: Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP/CD): adopted a draft recommendation, approved a revised draft report (revision of Doc. 8985);

-          OECD and the world economy (Rapporteur for opinion: Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP/CD): heard an oral contribution and adopted a draft amendment;      

-          The "propiska" system applied to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Council of Europe member States: effects and remedies (Rapporteur: Mr Cilevics, Latvia, SOC): took note of a preliminary draft report;

-     Seminar on the repatriation and integration of the Tatars of Crimea (Yalta, Ukraine, 5-6 October 2001): approved the composition of the ad hoc Sub-Committee as follows:

-               Mrs Aguiar, Portugal, EPP/CD; Substitute: Mr Saglam, Turkey, EPP/CD

-               Mr Dmitrijevas, Lithuania, NR

-               Mr Hancock, United Kingdom, LDR

-               Mr Iwinski, Poland, SOC, ex officio

-               Mr Slutsky, Russia, SOC; Substitute: Mr Cilevics, Latvia, SOC

-               Mr Tabajdi, Hungary, SOC; Substitute: Mr Lauricella, Italy, SOC

and decided that the Ukrainian members and alternates of the Committee would be included in this ad hoc Sub-Committee;

-          Appointment of rapporteurs: appointed Mr Hordies, Belgium, NR, as Rapporteur for opinion on Migration connected with trafficking in women and prostitution (Doc. 9003), in replacement of Mrs Zwerver, Netherlands, SOC;

-          Replies by the Committee of Ministers: took note of the reply to Recommendation 1427 (1999) – Respect for international humanitarian law in Europe (Doc. 9174) and reply to Recommendation 1482 (2000) – Demographic trends and human potential in the countries of central and eastern Europe (Doc. 9176);

-          Decided to hold its next meetings as follows:

–       Strasbourg, during the 4th part of the session 2001 (24-28 September 2001)

–       Yalta (Ukraine), 5-6 October 2001, ad-hoc Sub-Committee, Seminar on the repatriation and integration of the Tatars of Crimea

–       Budapest, 15-16 November 2001, Sub-Committee on Migration, Hearing on the specific problems of young migrants

–       Paris, 13-14 December 2001, Plenary Committee (subject to confirmation).


Halvor Lervik/Agnieszka Nachilo/Sonia Sirtori