Synopsis No. 2001/113
1st October 2001
The Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography, meeting in Strasbourg on 27 September 2001 with Mr Iwinski (Poland, SOC) in the Chair:
As regards:
Humanitarian situation of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Chechnya (Rapporteur: Mr Iwinski, Poland, SOC): heard a report by Lord Judd on the visit to Russia of the Joint Working Group on Chechnya (12-14 September 2001);
Population census in Albania (Rapporteur: Mr Mutman, Turkey, SOC):heard a statement by the Rapporteur and decided to refrain from preparing a report on this issue;
Situation of young migrants: held an exchange of views with Mrs Antje ROTHEMUND, Executive Director, European Youth Centre Budapest, in preparation for the Hearing on the specific problems of young migrants, Budapest, 15-16 November 2001;
State of the world population (Rapporteur: Mrs Lörcher, Germany, SOC): held an exchange of views with Mr Alex MARSHALL, Deputy Director for Information, Executive Board and Resource Mobilisation Division, UNFPA, and Mr Neil DATTA, Assistant Manager Parliamentarians Project, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) European Network, and heard a statement by the Rapporteur;
Creation of a charter of intent against clandestine migration (Rapporteur: Mr Wilkinson, United Kingdom, EDG): held an exchange of views and adopted a draft outline for a report;
Priorities and work programme 2001 Draft priorities and work programme 2002: held an exchange of views;
Appointment of Rapporteurs: appointed the following Rapporteurs:
ˇ Mr Cilevics (Latvia, SOC) on the"situation of refugees and displaced people in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (Doc. 9152);
ˇ Mrs Zwerver (Netherlands, SOC) on the "policies for the integration of immigrants in Council of Europe member states" (Doc. 9161);
ˇ Mrs Aguiar (Portugal, EPP/CD) on the "freedom of movement in member states of the Council of Europe for holders of temporary residence permits in a member state" (Doc. 9168);
Representation of the Committee at various events: heard a report by Mr Connor (Ireland, EPP/CD) on the Special Hearing on the Future of Asylum and Migration, organised by the Society for International Development (SID), The Hague, 14-15 September 2001;
Appointment of representatives: appointed Mrs Lörcher (Germany, SOC), Rapporteur on "state of the world population", to represent the Committee at the meeting of the International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network, Moscow, 17-18 December 2001;
Changes in the composition of the Sub-Committees (vacant seats): approved the following changes:
ˇ Sub-Committee on Migration:Mr Danieli (titular), Mr Nessa (alternate), Italy; Mr Kirilov (titular), Bulgaria;
ˇ Sub-Committee on Refugees: Mr Pullicino Orlando (titular), Mr Debono Grech (alternate), Malta (instead in the Sub-Committee on Demography); Mrs de Zuluete (titular), Mr Naro (alternate), Italy;
ˇ Sub-Committee on Demography: M. Van den Brande (titular), Belgium; Mr Naro (titular), Italy; Mr Popa (titular), Romania;
Dates and places of the next meetings:
ˇ Athens, 3-4 October, ad hoc Sub-Committee, Conference on "Irregular migration and dignity of migrants: cooperation in the Mediterranean region", organised by CDMG;
ˇ Yalta (Ukraine), 5-6 October 2001, ad hoc Sub-Committee, Seminar on the repatriation and integration of the Tatars of Crimea;
ˇ Budapest, 15-16 November 2001, Sub-Committee on Migration, Hearing on the specific problems of young migrants, in cooperation with the European Youth Centre;
ˇ Paris, 13-14 December 2001, Plenary Committee.
Halvor Lervik/Agnieszka Nachilo/Sonia Sirtori