Secretariat of the Assembly
Synopsis N° 2000/070
5 May 2000
The Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe, meeting in Paris on 4 May 2000 with Mr Mota Amaral in the Chair:
- Progress Report (rapporteur: Mr Sinka, Latvia, EDG): instructed the rapporteur to amend the draft and approved the report for presentation at the meeting of the Standing Committee on 15 - 17 May 2000;
- Dialogue after the closure of a monitoring procedure: took note of the letter of the Assembly's President of 31 March 2000 announcing the approval by the Bureau of a certain methodology for post-monitoring dialogue and instructed its Chairman to invite the national delegations of Estonia, Romania, Lithuania and the Czech Republic to inform him of follow-up given to the respective resolutions or recommendations adopted by the Assembly when closing the monitoring procedure in respect of these states;
- Croatia (co-rapporteurs: Mr Jaskiernia, Poland, SOC, and Ms Stoyanova, Bulgaria, EPP/CD): heard a statement by Mr Jaskiernia on the fact-finding visit of 16 - 19 April 2000 and invited the co-rapporteurs to present a preliminary report at its next meeting;
- Georgia (co-rapporteurs: MM Diana, Italy, EPP/CD, and Eörsi, Hungary, LDR): took note of the proposed programme for a fact-finding visit on 10 - 13 May 2000;
- Albania (co-rapporteurs: MM Smorawinski, Poland, EPP/CD, and Sole Tura, Spain, SOC): authorised a fact-finding visit on 24 - 28 May 2000 and took note of the proposed programme;
- Reform of the institutions in Ukraine (co-rapporteurs: Ms Severinsen, Denmark, LDR, and Ms Wohlwend, Liechtenstein, EPP/CD): examined the latest developments in Ukraine and instructed its Chairman to request that the issue be debated as a matter of urgency either at the meeting of the Standing Committee on 16 and 17 May 2000 or, if that cannot be done, during the June 2000 part session;
- Russia (co-rapporteurs: MM Atkinson, United Kingdom, EDG, and Bindig, Germany, SOC): examined the latest developments in Russia and, subject to the results of the meeting of the President of the Assembly and the Speaker of the State Duma on 5 May 2000, authorised the co-rapporteurs to make a fact-finding visit on 28 - 31 May 2000;
- Turkey (co-rapporteurs: MM Bársony, Hungary, SOC, and Zierer, Germany, EPP/CD): heard statements by the co-rapporteurs on their fact-finding visit on 26 - 30 March and invited them to present a preliminary draft report at its next meeting;
- decided to hold its next meeting in Paris on 9 June 2000.
Egbert Ausems, Guy Dufour, Despina Chatzivassiliou, Marine Trévisan