Secretariat of the Assembly
Synopsis N° 2001/028
8 March 2001
The Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe, meeting in Paris on 7 March 2001 with Mr Mota Amaral in the Chair:
- Russia (co-rapporteurs: Mr Atkinson, United Kingdom, EDG and Mr Bindig, Germany, SOC): heard a statement on the fact-finding visit of the co-rapporteurs on 11-14 February 2001 and held an exchange of views on the latest political developments in that country;
- Moldova (co-rapporteurs: Mrs Durrieu, France, SOC and ): heard a statement by Mr Gross, rapporteur of the ad hoc committee on parliamentary elections in Moldova, on the elections held on 25 February 2001 and postponed the appointment of the second co-rapporteur to its next meeting;
- Albania (co-rapporteurs: M. Smorawinski, Poland, EPP/CD and ) : heard a statement on the fact-finding visit of the co-rapporteur on 19-23 February 2001 and appointed Mr Soendergaard (Denmark, UEL) co-rapporteur;
- Ukraine (co-rapporteurs: Mrs Severinsen, Denmark, LDR and Mrs Wohlwend, Liechtenstein, EPP/CD): heard a statement by Mrs Severinsen on the latest political developments in Ukraine, decided to propose to the Bureau of the Assembly to hold a debate on honouring of obligations and commitments by Ukraine in the Assembly during the April 2001 part-session and authorised the co-rapporteurs to carry out a fact-finding visit in the country from 28 to 30 March 2001;
- Turkey (co-rapporteurs: MM. Bársony, Hungary, SOC and Zierer, Germany, EPP/CD): decided to propose to the Bureau of the Assembly to hold a debate on honouring of obligations and commitments by Turkey during the Assemblys April 2001 part-session and authorised the co-rapporteurs to carry out a fact-finding visit to the country from 26 to 29 March 2001;
- Appointment of rapporteurs:
- The progress report of the committee: Mr Mota Amaral, Portugal, EPP/CD;
- Honouring of obligations and commitments by Armenia: Mrs Belohorska, Slovakia, EDG and Mr Jaskiernia, Poland, SOC;
- Honouring of obligations and commitments by Azerbaijan: MM. Gross, Switzerland, SOC and Martinez-Casań, Spain, EPP/CD;
- Post-monitoring dialogue: instructed its Chairman to invite the Bulgarian delegation to inform him on the follow-up given to Resolution 1211 (2000) adopted by the Assembly when closing the monitoring procedure in respect of Bulgaria;
- Next meetings:
- Paris on Thursday 5 April 2001 at 9.30 am;
- Lisbon on Monday 14 May 2001 (subject to authorisation by the Bureau);
- Paris on Friday 8 June 2001.
Egbert Ausems, Géza Mezei, Marine Trévisan