Secretariat of the Assembly
Synopsis N° 2001/068
11 June 2001
The Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe, meeting in Paris on 8 June 2001 with Mr Mota Amaral in the Chair:
- Russia (co-rapporteurs: Mr Atkinson, United Kingdom, EDG, and Mr Bindig, Germany, SOC) : considered and approved a revised preliminary draft report presented by Mr Bindig and decided to transmit it to the Russian authorities for comments within three months;
- Progress of the Assemblys Monitoring Procedure (2000-2001) (rapporteur: Mr Mota Amaral, Portugal, EPP/CD): considered a revised draft report, draft resolution, draft recommendation and draft order, invited the rapporteur to underline the risk of overlapping among the various monitoring activities within the organisation and to present the drafts again at one of the forthcoming meetings with a view to submitting the report to the Assembly at its September 2001 part-session;
- Turkey (co-rapporteurs: Mr Bársony, Hungary, SOC, and Mr Zierer, Germany, EPP/CD): considered a draft report which had been updated in the light of the fact-finding visit (23-26 May 2001), adopted a draft resolution and draft recommendation and instructed the co-rapporteurs to present these at the Assemblys June part-session;
- Ukraine (co-rapporteurs: Mrs Severinsen, Denmark, LDR and Mrs Wohlwend, Liechtenstein, EPP/CD): held an exchange of views with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe about his proposals concerning the follow-up to Recommendation 1513 (2001) and the Decision of the Ministers Deputies on 7 June on the same subject, considered an information document prepared by the co-rapporteurs, as well as the comments on it submitted by the Chairman of the Ukrainian delegation and the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe; and following a request of the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, instructed the Chairman to ask the Bureau to remove Ukraine from the draft order of business of the June 2001 part-session;
- Georgia (co-rapporteurs: Mr Diana, Italy, EPP/CD, and Mr Eörsi, Hungary, LDR):
held an exchange of views on Georgias obligations and commitments in the light of the comments by the Georgian delegation to the preliminary draft report, agreed to append these to it and instructed the co-rapporteurs to complete the draft report with a view to submitting it to the Assembly at the September part-session;
- the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: held an exchange of views on the political situation in that country and decided to return to this subject at its next meeting on the basis of a memorandum to be presented by the Chairman;
- Armenia (co-rapporteurs: Mrs Belohorska, Slovakia, EDG, and Mr Jaskiernia, Poland, SOC) and Azerbaijan (co-rapporteurs: Mr Gross, Switzerland, SOC, and Mr Martinez-Casań, Spain, EPP/CD): noting that the Ministers Deputies Monitoring Group will visit these countries on 2-7 July 2001, decided to postpone the fact-finding visits already fixed for 9-12 and 13-18 July respectively;
- decided to hold its next meeting during the Assembly part-session (25-29 June 2001).
Egbert Ausems, Géza Mezei, Marine Trévisan