The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies
At a glance
[16/12/2019] Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), at the invitation and in cooperation with the Parliament of Georgia in the framework of the Georgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, held a Conference on “Diasporas’ active participation in state-building processes” in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 16 December 2019. The conference brought together 90 participants from 22 countries, including non-governmental diaspora organisations, members of national parliaments from host countries as well as from Algeria, Armenia, Jordan, Lithuania, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine, high-level government officials, experts, academics and diplomatic representatives.
The President of Georgia, Ms Salome Zourabichvili, opened the Conference and highlighted that states should do their best to strengthen the links with their diasporas. President Zourabichvili encouraged political parties to include diaspora representatives in their electoral lists, thereby providing the members of diasporas with real power to protect their interests.
In his welcoming remarks the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Mr Archil Talakvadze, underlined the special role of diasporas in the development of cultural, economic, scientific and educational spheres of the country and in public diplomacy. He stressed that the Parliament of Georgia had recently included for the first time the terms “compatriot” and “compatriots residing abroad” in the country’s Constitution.
The speakers at the conference explored the role of diasporas as partners in state-building processes and provided various examples to illustrate how states were building partnerships with their diasporas to promote greater cooperation. The experience of several countries represented showed that diasporas can be powerful contributors, not only to economic development but also to building cultural and diplomatic bridges between home and host countries.
In its final conclusions, adopted unanimously, the members of the Network underlined that the potential of diaspora members in state-building is often underestimated or even overlooked, and that there is a lack of systematic collection of information and evaluation of diaspora activities. A number of measures aimed at strengthening the potential of diaspora involvement in state-building processes through their active participation in political, cultural and social life of the host countries and the countries of origin were recommended.
Participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the Parliament of Georgia for hosting the conference and for their organisational support, to the Georgian Presidency and to the Swiss Confederation for its generous contribution to the project.
Reflection in the media
- Conclusions
[16/12/2019] Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will hold its next Conference in Tbilisi (Georgia), on 16 December 2019.
The conference is organised at the invitation of the Parliament of Georgia in the framework of the Georgian chairmanship in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. It will be focused on “Diasporas’ active participation in state-building processes”. The main topics of discussions during the Conference will be: the role of diasporas in the countries of origin and host countries; the way in which diasporas affect state-building processes; and the instruments that countries should provide to facilitate the impact of diasporas.
Among the expected participants there will be governmental officials, members of the Assembly as well as national parliamentarians from the Council of Europe member states and partners for democracy countries, the representatives of international organisations and diaspora associations.
[20/09/2019] Regional Conference in Amman, Jordan
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), at the invitation and in cooperation with the Jordanian House of Representatives, held a regional Conference on “The economic potential of diasporas” in Amman, Jordan, on 18 September 2019. The conference brought together 75 participants from 25 countries, including non-governmental diaspora organisations, members of national parliaments from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa region, high-level government officials, experts, academics and diplomatic representatives.
The speakers at the conference, representing the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), Europeans Throughout the World and Global Ukraine Foundation, explored the role of their organisations as development partners in advocating transfer of knowledge and skills between diaspora and their countries of origin and host countries. They also considered diasporas’ contribution to competitive research and innovation. The conference was an opportunity to present the experiences of the countries of the Middle East and North African region in involving their diaspora members in the economic development of these regions.
In its final conclusions, the members of the Network underlined the importance of mechanisms to facilitate diasporas’ contribution to economic development, and invited states to create the conditions for a greater contribution of diasporas to economic development in home and host countries. The conference proposed a number of measures aimed at strengthening the potential of diaspora involvement in economic progress through the use of modern technologies, by optimising the effects of remittances on development.
Participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the Jordanian House of Representatives for hosting the conference and for their organisational support, and to the Swiss Confederation for its generous contribution, which has made the work of the Network possible.
Reflection in the media
- Conclusions
- Link 1 (French only)
- Link 2 (Arabic only)
[12/09/2019] Regional Conference in Amman, Jordan
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will hold its next Regional Conference in Amman, Jordan, on 18 September 2019.
The Conference is organised on the initiative and at the invitation of the Jordanian House of Representatives and will focus on "The economic potential of diasporas".
There are vast diaspora communities of skilled professionals and entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa region who have strong economic potential for the region. UN data indicates that around 20 million citizens from these regions live abroad, representing 5% of the whole population. These diaspora communities are an economic asset for their countries of origin through the sending of remittances, as well as for their host countries as a result of their skills and expertise.
The conference will explore the role of diaspora members as partners for governments and development institutions in dealing with globalisation and fostering development cooperation, regional integration and entrepreneurship. It will also focus on how diasporas can be engaged to introduce new and better practices in their counties of origin, attract foreign investment, facilitate technology and knowledge transfer, and what is the role of national parliaments in fostering this process.
It will bring together high-level officials, members of parliaments and government representatives as well as representatives of international organisations, diaspora associations, development experts and academics who will discuss the economic potential of diaspora through the lens of development cooperation, entrepreneurship and remittances. Among the participants from the region there are the members of Lebanese, Moroccan, Algerian, Palestinian parliaments, as well as the representatives of the IOM, Syrian American Medical Society, GIZ, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and Europeans Throughout the World.
[10/06/2019] The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium take home the European Diaspora Prize, Istanbul, Turkey
The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium was the first winner of the European Diaspora Prize awarded at the Annual Diaspora Forum of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The Forum took place on 10 June 2019 in Istanbul, at the invitation of the Grand national Assembly of Turkey.
The European Diaspora Prize rewards the outstanding work of a diaspora association established in one of the Council of Europe member States in supporting the integration of diaspora members in host countries while promoting and fostering their cultural identity and maintaining links with countries of origin. The prize, a white marble statue, was designed by the Italian artist, Maestro Gualtieri Roberto, and donated by Mr Andrea Rigoni, the first and now honorable Coordinator of the Network.
Three diaspora associations were nominated for the Prize; British in Europe, the Ukrainian Society in Switzerland and the Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium. All three nominees presented the work of their respective organisations before the Network voted to award the prize to the Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium.
The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium embodies the core values of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies as a good example of a diaspora association which places equal value on engaging fully with the host country, while maintaining and fostering links with the country of origin.
This philosophy guides the work of the Platform. Suzanne Monkasa, who accepted the prize on behalf of the Platform, stated "we don't live in a vacuum. We are open."
Ms Monkasa demonstrated this openness and the potential for diaspora communities to embrace multiple identities and cultures when she presented the Platform's book to the Forum. "The Women of the Congolese Diaspora in Belgium Speak Out" compiles stories and anecdotes from women of the Congolese diaspora in Belgium. The director of the publishing house, Chantiers d'Afrique, which produced the book, is herself a member of the Congolese diaspora in Belgium and the book is available in two official languages of their host country, Dutch and French.
[10/06/2019] Annual Diaspora Forum, Istanbul, Turkey
The Annual Diaspora Forum of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) took place on 10 June 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. The theme of the Forum was "The Democratic Participation of Diaspora".
The Forum provided the opportunity for a multi-stakeholder discussion on European diaspora policies for democratic participation. Members of parliament, representatives of diaspora associations, academics and government officials discussed the political participation of diaspora through the lens of integration, voting rights and citizenship.
In the final conclusions which were adopted unanimously, participants agreed that diaspora communities should be recognised and valued not just for their economic contribution, but also as democratic, political actors who have much to offer to their host countries and countries of origin. It was also widely recognized that the political participation of diaspora should be promoted as a means of combating discrimination, racism xenophobia and hatred. Participants also agreed that, while acknowledging the need to ensure the integrity of elections and political processes, member states should strive to harmonise criteria for political participation and dual citizenship to the largest extent possible and develop frameworks and standards for the ongoing involvement of their diaspora in political processes after they have left their countries of origin.
During the Forum, the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies awarded the first European Diaspora Prize to a diaspora association. The three nominees, British in Europe, The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium and The Ukrainian Society in Switzerland, presented their work, and the members of the Network voted on the winner. The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium was the 2019 recipient of the Prize.
[24/05/2019] Annual Diaspora Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2019
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will hold its Annual Diaspora Forum in Istanbul, Turkey, on 10 June 2019.
The Forum will focus on "The democratic participation of diaspora" and provide a unique opportunity for diaspora associations, high-level officials and experts to discuss and develop concrete proposals on how best to promote the democratic participation of diaspora, with a focus on integration, voting rights and citizenship.
The event will also recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions of European diaspora associations through the announcement of the 2019 winner of the European Diaspora Prize. The winner will be selected from the following nominees: British in Europe; The Platform of Women of the Congolese Diaspora of Belgium and The Ukrainian Society in Switzerland.
This discussion on the democratic participation of diaspora will result in a concrete set of recommendations on ensuring the political integration of diaspora communities into their host countries, while also preserving and fostering democratic engagement with their countries of origin. Another central aim of the Forum is to consider how Council of Europe member states can harmonise their approach to the voting and citizenship rights of diaspora communities to create a more even playing field for their democratic participation.
[22/03/2019] Warsaw (Poland), The role of diasporas in the development of the civil society
80 participants from 22 countries discussed the role of diasporas in the development of civil society, and in particular the mechanisms to ensure the better involvement of diasporas and civil society in decision-making processes, as well as the engagement of diasporas associations in strengthening civil society.
The conference "The role of diasporas in the development of the civil society" organised by the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies on the invitation of the Polish Parliament took place in Warsaw on 22 March 2019.
The participants of the conference agreed to the necessity to develop a strategic partnerships between states, civil society, the private sector and international organisations to create a framework for diaspora engagement to facilitate the transfer of resources and knowledge sharing.
The names of three diaspora organisations which were selected by the Pre-selection Committee as the nominees for the European Diaspora Prize were announced during the conference. The Platform of women of the Congolese diaspora of Belgium, the British Abroad and the Ukrainian society in Switzerland will compete for the title of the winner of the Prize at the next annual forum of the Network.
[22/03/2019] Warsaw (Poland), Parliamentary on Diaspora Policies to hold its next Conference
At the invitation of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is organising a Conference on 22 March 2019 in Warsaw, Poland.
The major theme of the conference is "The role of diasporas in the development of the civil society" and it will explore the role of diasporas in the development of civil society, with the focus on their potential for developing global civil society and how they can contribute.
The event will give an opportunity to hold in-depth exchanges on the development opportunities provided by migrants and the role of different stakeholders, to foster the role of parliamentarians and diaspora associations and to ensure their active involvement in, and contribution to, this process. The members of the Network will discuss the best practices enabling diaspora engagement, with a focus on the most successful projects implemented by diaspora members and associations.
The discussion of the role of diasporas in the development of civil society could result in very concrete and effective recommendations on how to develop strategic partnerships between states, international organisations, civil society and private sector, to create a framework for diaspora engagement to facilitate transfer of resources and knowledge sharing.
[24/09/2018] Kyiv (Ukraine), the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies, at the invitation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, organised its 2nd regional meeting
The meeting brought together around 80 participants from 20 countries, including MPs, Diaspora NGOs, government officials, experts and diplomatic representatives who met in order to share their experience on the topic "Platform for co-operation policies: role of diaspora associations and synergies with public authorities".
The conference gave the opportunity to parliamentarians and representatives of diasporas to hold an in-depth exchange on the role of diaspora associations and on their synergies with national and local authorities.
In its final conclusions adopted unanimously by the members, the Network emphasized how important it is for national and local authorities to engage diaspora members and their organisations. The conclusions make suggestions in particular in respect of the role of parliaments in the development of the legal bases for cooperation with the members of diasporas, the role of governments in creating the conditions for a greater contribution of diasporas to their countries of origin, as well as in respect of the cooperation between local authorities and diaspora associations.
- Final conclusions
- News - Duarte Marques, new Coordinator of the PACE Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies
- News - Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies to hold its next regional conference in Kyiv
[24/09/2018] Kyiv (Ukraine), Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies to hold its next regional Conference
At the invitation of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is organising a regional Conference on 24 September 2018 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The major theme of the conference is "Platform for co-operation policies: role of diaspora associations and synergies with public authorities" and it will examine the co-operation of diasporas with the public authorities: the role of national parliaments and the legal frameworks regulating the work of diasporas; government policies concerning diasporas and their implementation in co-operation with diaspora associations, and the co-operation of local-authorities with diaspora associations.
The event will give the representatives of diasporas and parliamentarians the opportunity for an in-depth exchange of views on how to strengthen political and institutional commitment as a basis for designing and implementing policies and programmes of diaspora engagement. The members of the Network will discuss the best practices enabling diaspora engagement, with a focus on the most successful projects implemented by diaspora members and associations in the countries of origin, and the involvement and ownership of local authorities and communities in achieving greater sustainability of diaspora-backed projects and improving their development impact.
[18/05/2018] Geneva (Switzerland), A European Diaspora Prize to promote the best initiatives of diaspora associations
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies, which is holding its first annual Forum in Geneva today, has created a European Diaspora Prize to reward the most outstanding diaspora association each year, with the best accomplishments in supporting integration in host countries, fostering cultural identity, or developing links with countries of origin.
This Prize consists of a diploma and a statuette to be presented during the annual Forum or one of the Network's regional meetings. It shall be awarded on the basis of a shortlist prepared by the Pre-Selection Panel, composed of the Chairperson of the Migration Committee, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Diasporas, and the Co-ordinator of the Network.
Nominations, which must be submitted in one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English or French), should reach the Secretariat of the Migration Committee before 15 August 2018.
[18/05/2018] Geneva (Switzerland), Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies to hold its first Annual Diaspora Forum
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies, which is holding its first annual Forum in Geneva today, has created a European Diaspora Prize to reward the most outstanding diaspora association each year, with the best accomplishments in supporting integration in host countries, fostering cultural identity, or developing links with countries of origin.
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in co-operation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will organise its first Annual Diaspora Forum on 18 May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Forum will be dedicated to "Diasporas as partners for development in the globalised world" and will explore diaspora engagement in development, with the focus on economic pillars, both for countries of origin and for countries of destination. It will consider the kind of enabling environment that would maximize diaspora contributions to countries of origin and destination, including potential legal, policy and programme dimensions.
The Forum will also be a timely occasion to highlight the importance of engaging with diasporas in the context of the forthcoming Global Compact on Migration to be adopted in December 2018.
It will give an opportunity to parliamentarians and representatives of diasporas, as well as representatives from different international organisations who work on migration and diaspora issues, to hold an in-depth exchange on the development opportunities created by migrants and the role of different stakeholders, to foster the role of parliamentarians and diaspora associations and to ensure their active involvement in and contribution to the process.
The event is supported by high-level officials and will bring together a number of prominent stakeholders including the Director General of the International Organization for Migration William Lacy Swing and the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on Migration and Refugees, Tomáš Bocek.
[24/04/2018] Strasbourg (France), Council of Europe
Mr Tomáš Bocek, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on migration and refugees, expresses his support of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe today in Strasbourg.
He referres to the positive contribution of migrants to development in both host countries and countries of origin and stresses that the role of diaspora and their associations in acting as an interface between decision-making authorities and migrants is paramount. The Council of Europe has invested significant energy into "building inclusive societies" and has approached this theme from many angles.
Mr Bocek also expresses satisfaction that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has taken upon itself the difficult but very important task of looking at the role and best methods to involve diasporas and their associations in defining new ways for building inclusive societies, and he wishes the Network a lot of success in its future work.
[08/02/2018] Rabat (Morocco), First regional seminar
The Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies, at the invitation of the Moroccan Parliament, organised its regional meeting in Rabat, Morocco, on 8 February 2018.
The meeting brought together around 80 participants from 22 countries, including Diaspora NGOs, MPs, high level government officials, experts and diplomatic representatives who came together in order to share their experience on the topic "Which type of integration of migrants can be applied to prevent radicalisation: the role of parliaments and Diaspora associations".
The meeting emphasised how essential the role of Diasporas and their organisations is; it also underlined the importance for national and local authorities to engage them in decision-making in order to ensure better policies such as intercultural dialogue, empowerment of all members of the community, embracing cultural pluralism and managing conflicts positively. The meeting highlighted the importance of an enlarged dialog, cooperation and coordination among the authorities of the host countries on the issue of migrants' social inclusion; these countries must enable, empower and engage migrants more, while the authorities of the countries of origin need to be more active with regard to developing diaspora-friendly public policies and to co-operating with the diaspora communities themselves.
[07-08/09/2017] Lisbon (Portugal), Launching Conference
The Launching Conference of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies (PNDP) was organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the invitation of the Portuguese Parliament and brought together over 120 participants representing 39 countries, including 16 Diaspora NGOs, 62 MPs, high level government officials, experts and diplomatic representatives who were able to share the experience of their countries in working with Diasporas, and measures taken to overcome the existing challenges.
The Launching Conference led to the start of the work and officially recognised the existence of the Network. The Declaration adopted contained the list of founding members of the Network, now open to new participants. It was suggested and consensually agreed that 8 September would become the European Day of Diasporas, which will be celebrated in participating countries in the future.
- René Rouquet, Vice-President of the PACE (french only)
- Tomáš Bocek, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on Migration and Refugees
- H.E. Ambassador William Lacy Swing, Director General IOM
- Mr Andrea Rigoni, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies
News and activities:
- PACE launches Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies in Lisbon
- A parliamentary network on diaspora policies
- Tomas Bocek: ‘promoting the inclusion of diasporas in host societies; protecting their right to be different'
- René Rouquet: 'make migration a win-win factor for host societies and countries of origin
- Eduardo Ferro: 'diasporas are much more than movements of populations'
- Diaspora policies: regional seminar in Rabat
- Diasporas are key to tackling radicalisation
- Intégration des migrants : Les Parlements et la société civile appelée à s'investir davantage (french only)