All texts and votes


Andrea  RIGONI

Camera dei deputati
Palazzo Montecitorio
IT - 00186
BE Italy

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 27/06/2018 | Doc. 14594 | Motion for a resolution The use of innovative technologies for the benefit of migrants
  • 26/04/2018 | Doc. 14546 | Motion for a resolution Reception and integration of refugees in Jordan: an example for Europe
  • 20/10/2017 | Doc. 14379 | Written declaration The authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are urged to cease harassment and political prosecution of pro-reform forces
  • 12/10/2017 | Doc. 14421 | Written declaration Concern over intimidation on our former colleague in Georgia
  • 11/10/2017 | Doc. 14417 | Motion for a resolution Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe
  • 29/06/2017 | Doc. 14372 | Written declaration Protection of the reputation of the Macedonian diplomacy
  • 29/06/2017 | Doc. 14379 | Written declaration The authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are urged to cease harassment and political prosecution of pro-reform forces
  • 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14363 | Motion for a resolution Stop violence and exploitation of migrant children
  • 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14364 | Motion for a resolution The implications of Brexit for migration
  • 02/05/2017 | Doc. 14314 | Motion for a resolution The legal and practical requirements for extra-territorial processing of asylum claims
  • 27/04/2017 | Doc. 14306 | Written declaration Kazakhstan: cease political prosecution of opposition and independent media
  • 25/01/2017 | Doc. 14249 | Motion for a resolution Family reunification in the Council of Europe member States
  • 24/01/2017 | Doc. 14244 | Motion for a resolution Recently arrived refugees and migrants at risk of radicalisation
  • 13/10/2016 | Doc. 14180 | Motion for a resolution Assessing political consequences of foreign funding of Islam in Europe
  • 11/07/2016 | Doc. 14036 | Written declaration Justice for Giulio Regeni
  • 30/06/2016 | Doc. 14118 | Motion for a resolution The challenge of the demographic boom expected in Africa: what is Europe’s implication?
  • 23/06/2016 | Doc. 14105 | Written declaration Standing up for democracy in Venezuela
  • 21/04/2016 | Doc. 14036 | Written declaration Justice for Giulio Regeni
  • 03/02/2016 | Doc. 13974 | Motion for a resolution Migration as an opportunity for European development
  • 30/09/2015 | Doc. 13888 | Motion for a resolution Co-operation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment
  • 16/07/2015 | Doc. 13770 | Written declaration Commemoration of the Centennial of the Armenian genocide
  • 01/07/2015 | Doc. 13838 | Motion for a resolution The violation of the human rights of migrants and refugees in Libya
  • 01/07/2015 | Doc. 13839 | Motion for a resolution The situation of refugees in Lebanon
  • 23/06/2015 | Doc. 13829 | Motion for a resolution The humanitarian concerns with regard to captured people during the conflict in Ukraine
  • 23/04/2015 | Doc. 13770 | Written declaration Commemoration of the Centennial of the Armenian genocide
  • 14/04/2015 | Doc. 13751 | Motion for a resolution Renewed commitment in the fight against anti-Semitism in Europe
  • 18/03/2015 | Doc. 13735 | Motion for a recommendation The “Turin process” for the European Social Charter
  • 05/02/2015 | Doc. 13709 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring the right of Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev to a fair trial
  • 03/02/2015 | Doc. 13707 | Motion for a resolution The humanitarian crisis in Gaza
  • 07/10/2014 | Doc. 13629 | Motion for a resolution The implementation of the Hirsi judgment: have push backs come to an end?
  • 11/09/2014 | Doc. 13592 | Motion for a resolution Assessing the need for a comprehensive review of the Dublin regulation and its implementation
  • 15/04/2014 | Doc. 13497 | Motion for a resolution Council of Europe Development Bank strategy
  • 09/04/2014 | Doc. 13487 | Motion for a resolution The status of immediate past presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
  • 08/04/2014 | Doc. 13485 | Motion for a recommendation Respect for ethics and transparency in the election of the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • 04/10/2013 | Doc. 13331 | Written declaration Follow-up to the Armenian President’s address before the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 05/07/2013 | Doc. 13281 | Motion for a resolution Morocco: meeting new migration and asylum challenges
  • 03/07/2013 | Doc. 13272 | Motion for a resolution Political participation for migrant Diaspora
  • 03/07/2013 | Doc. 13273 | Motion for a resolution How to prevent inappropriate restrictions on NGO activities in Europe?
  • 26/06/2013 | Doc. 13257 | Motion for a resolution Discrimination against transgender people in Europe
  • 22/10/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 22/10/2012 | Doc. 12992 | Written declaration London Summit on Family Planning 11 July 2012: access to contraceptives for 120 million more women by 2020
  • 04/10/2012 | Doc. 13050 | Motion for a resolution Immigration detention of children
  • 06/07/2012 | Doc. 13002 | Motion for a resolution Europe’s public administrations in flux: public service under threat?
  • 28/06/2012 | Doc. 12992 | Written declaration London Summit on Family Planning 11 July 2012: access to contraceptives for 120 million more women by 2020
  • 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12988 | Written declaration Syrian aggression is a threat to Europe
  • 27/06/2012 | Doc. 12986 | Motion for a resolution So-called “honour” crimes in the North Caucasus
  • 06/06/2012 | Doc. 12947 | Motion for a resolution Addressing age discrimination on the labour market
  • 27/01/2012 | Doc. 12856 | Written declaration Dangers of restricting freedom of expression
  • 21/11/2011 | Doc. 12790 | Motion for a resolution Political transition in Tunisia
  • 13/10/2011 | Doc. 12648 | Written declaration The banning of the Moscow Pride March in 2011
  • 22/06/2011 | Doc. 12657 | Motion for a resolution The promotion of active citizenship in Europe
  • 21/06/2011 | Doc. 12654 | Motion for a resolution Parental leave as a way to foster gender equality
  • 21/06/2011 | Doc. 12652 | Motion for a recommendation Gender equality and the status of women in the Council of Europe southern neighbourhood
  • 21/06/2011 | Doc. 12648 | Written declaration The banning of the Moscow Pride March in 2011
  • 21/06/2011 | Doc. 12656 | Motion for a resolution Promoting the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
  • 13/04/2011 | Doc. 12584 | Motion for a resolution Strengthening consumer rights protection mechanisms
  • 12/04/2011 | Doc. 12580 | Motion for a resolution Metsamor nuclear power station – a vital threat to Europe in the present and the future
  • 06/04/2011 | Doc. 12567 | Motion for a resolution Measuring the well-being of European citizens
  • 06/10/2010 | Doc. 12398 | Motion for a resolution The situation of IDPs and returnees in the North Caucasus region: cause for concern
  • 07/07/2010 | Doc. 12330 | Motion for a resolution Equalised access to education of minorities languages’ schools in Lithuania
  • 06/07/2010 | Doc. 12329 | Motion for a resolution Rule of law, human rights and fighting corruption in Ukraine
  • 23/06/2010 | Doc. 12312 | Motion for a resolution Reaffirming the universal nature of human rights
  • 11/05/2010 | Doc. 12251 | Motion for a resolution National sovereignty and statehood in contemporary international law: the need for clarification
  • 10/05/2010 | Doc. 12252 | Motion for a resolution The rule of law in Council of Europe member States: upholding the authority of the Parliamentary Assembly’s recommendations
  • 29/04/2010 | Doc. 12232 | Written declaration Recognition of the Armenian genocide
  • 28/04/2010 | Doc. 12233 | Motion for a recommendation Right of member states to cultivate or not to cultivate genetically modified crops
  • 27/04/2010 | Doc. 12218 | Written declaration Need to eliminate activities preventing a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
  • 13/10/2009 | Doc. 12064 | Motion for a resolution Promoting the development of microcredit
  • 25/06/2009 | Doc. 11972 | Motion for a resolution Passportisation policies and their consequences on regional stability
  • 20/05/2009 | Doc. 11923 | Motion for a recommendation The strategy, governance and functioning of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
  • 05/05/2009 | Doc. 11896 | Motion for a resolution Economic importance of raw materials contained in “end-of-life products” including their energy potential
  • 03/02/2009 | Doc. 11828 | Motion for a resolution The impact of the European Union Eastern Partnership on economic growth in Eastern Europe
  • 03/02/2009 | Doc. 11827 | Motion for a recommendation Transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by river and river-sea going vessels as an efficient facility solving actual gas crisis
  • 29/01/2009 | Doc. 11818 | Motion for a resolution Reconciliation and political dialogue between the countries of the former Yugoslavia
  • 27/01/2009 | Doc. 11812 | Written declaration The persecution of Christian communities in the world
  • 14/10/2008 | Doc. 11754 | Motion for a resolution Discriminatory laws against Macedonian political refugees from Greece
  • 01/07/2008 | Doc. 11675 | Motion for a resolution The death penalty in Council of Europe member and observer countries – an unacceptable violation of human rights
  • 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11669 | Written declaration Reducing visa fees for Belarussian citizens
  • 24/04/2008 | Doc. 11595 | Motion for a resolution Difficult cultural situation of the Istro-Romanian minority particularly threatened
  • 18/04/2008 | Doc. 11589 | Written declaration Judicial proceedings against the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
  • 28/03/2008 | Doc. 11542 | Motion for a resolution 75th anniversary of mass famine in the territory of the former Soviet Union
  • 30/01/2008 | Doc. 11516 | Motion for a resolution Improving the physical and mental health of children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: developing and strengthening solidarity in Europe
  • 25/01/2008 | Doc. 11512 | Motion for a resolution The need for international condemnation of Holodomor, the great famine in Ukraine of 1932-33
  • 20/11/2006 | Doc. 11099 | Motion for a resolution Solidarity programmes for the health recovery of children affected by Chernobyl nuclear disaster
  • 25/06/2006 | Doc. 10987 | Motion for a recommendation Paediatric drugs in Europe
  • 21/12/2005 | Doc. 10775 | Motion for a recommendation Palliative care
  • 21/06/2005 | Doc. 10600 | Motion for a recommendation Budgetary Powers of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • 26/01/2005 | Doc. 10434 | Motion for a resolution Europe’s strong interest in rapid sustainable economic development in Ukraine
  • 07/05/2002 | Doc. 9432 | Motion for a recommendation Fragile expansion of the tourist industry in relation to the erosion of the Mediterranean coastline
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 27/06/2018 | Recommendation 2135 | Extra-territorial processing of asylum claims and the creation of safe refugee shelters abroad
  • 27/06/2018 | Resolution 2227 | Extra-territorial processing of asylum claims and the creation of safe refugee shelters abroad
  • 27/06/2018 | Recommendation 2136 | Human rights impact of the “external dimension” of European Union asylum and migration policy: out of sight, out of rights?
  • 27/06/2018 | Resolution 2228 | Human rights impact of the “external dimension” of European Union asylum and migration policy: out of sight, out of rights?
  • 27/06/2018 | Recommendation 2137 | International obligations of Council of Europe member States to protect life at sea
  • 27/06/2018 | Resolution 2229 | International obligations of Council of Europe member States to protect life at sea
  • 26/04/2018 | Recommendation 2128 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 26/04/2018 | Resolution 2216 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 25/04/2018 | Recommendation 2126 | Humanitarian needs and rights of internally displaced persons in Europe
  • 25/04/2018 | Resolution 2214 | Humanitarian needs and rights of internally displaced persons in Europe
  • 25/01/2018 | Resolution 2202 | The Israeli-Palestinian peace process: the role of the Council of Europe
  • 10/10/2017 | Resolution 2183 | Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Jordan
  • 10/10/2017 | Resolution 2182 | Follow-up to Resolution 1903 (2012): promoting and strengthening transparency, accountability and integrity of Parliamentary Assembly members
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2176 | Integration of refugees in times of critical pressure: learning from recent experience and examples of best practice
  • 28/06/2017 | Recommendation 2109 | Migration as an opportunity for European development
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2175 | Migration as an opportunity for European development
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2174 | Human rights implications of the European response to transit migration across the Mediterranean
  • 28/06/2017 | Recommendation 2108 | A comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration and refugee crisis and the continuing flows into Europe
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2173 | A comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration and refugee crisis and the continuing flows into Europe
  • 27/06/2017 | Recommendation 2106 | Parliamentary scrutiny over corruption: parliamentary co­operation with the investigative media
  • 27/06/2017 | Resolution 2171 | Parliamentary scrutiny over corruption: parliamentary co­operation with the investigative media
  • 27/06/2017 | Recommendation 2107 | The situation in Belarus
  • 27/06/2017 | Resolution 2172 | The situation in Belarus
  • 27/06/2017 | Resolution 2169 | Recognition and implementation of the principle of accountability in the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 27/06/2017 | Recommendation 2105 | Promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption
  • 27/06/2017 | Resolution 2170 | Promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption
  • 25/04/2017 | Recommendation 2099 | Human rights in the North Caucasus: what follow-up to Resolution 1738 (2010)?
  • 25/04/2017 | Resolution 2157 | Human rights in the North Caucasus: what follow-up to Resolution 1738 (2010)?
  • 26/01/2017 | Resolution 2147 | The need to reform European migration policies
  • 25/01/2017 | Recommendation 2098 | Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2144 | Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2145 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2143 | Online media and journalism: challenges and accountability
  • 24/06/2016 | Resolution 2128 | Violence against migrants
  • 23/06/2016 | Resolution 2124 | Educational and cultural networks of migrant and diaspora communities
  • 23/06/2016 | Recommendation 2093 | Culture and democracy
  • 23/06/2016 | Resolution 2123 | Culture and democracy
  • 22/06/2016 | Resolution 2121 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey
  • 21/06/2016 | Recommendation 2092 | Fighting the over-sexualisation of children
  • 21/06/2016 | Resolution 2119 | Fighting the over-sexualisation of children
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2106 | Renewed commitment in the fight against antisemitism in Europe
  • 26/01/2016 | Resolution 2085 | Inhabitants of frontier regions of Azerbaijan are deliberately deprived of water
  • 23/06/2015 | Resolution 2060 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers
  • 23/06/2015 | Recommendation 2073 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers
  • 23/06/2015 | Resolution 2062 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan
  • 23/06/2015 | Resolution 2061 | Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Morocco
  • 21/04/2015 | Resolution 2045 | Mass surveillance
  • 21/04/2015 | Recommendation 2067 | Mass surveillance
  • 28/01/2015 17:32:58 | Resolution 2033 | Protection of the right to bargain collectively, including the right to strike
  • 28/01/2015 17:32:13 | Resolution 2032 | Equality and the crisis
  • 27/01/2015 16:27:44 | Resolution 2028 | The humanitarian situation of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons
  • 26/06/2014 | Resolution 2007 | Challenges for the Council of Europe Development Bank
  • 10/04/2014 | Resolution 1990 | Reconsideration on substantive grounds of the previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation
  • 09/04/2014 | Resolution 1988 | Recent developments in Ukraine: threats to the functioning of democratic institutions
  • 08/04/2014 | Resolution 1984 | Request for Partner for Democracy status with the Parliamentary Assembly submitted by the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 30/01/2014 | Resolution 1974 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 30/01/2014 | Recommendation 2035 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 29/01/2014 | Resolution 1971 | Syrian refugees: how to organise and support international assistance?
  • 28/01/2014 | Resolution 1968 | Tackling racism in the police
  • 28/01/2014 | Resolution 1967 | A strategy to prevent racism and intolerance in Europe
  • 28/01/2014 | Recommendation 2032 | A strategy to prevent racism and intolerance in Europe
  • 01/10/2013 | Resolution 1953 | The progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (June 2012 – September 2013)
  • 27/06/2013 | Resolution 1947 | Popular protest and challenges to freedom of assembly, media and speech
  • 25/06/2013 | Resolution 1941 | Request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of Hungary
  • 25/04/2013 | Resolution 1932 | Frontex: human rights responsibilities
  • 25/04/2013 | Recommendation 2016 | Frontex: human rights responsibilities
  • 25/04/2013 | Resolution 1933 | Management of mixed migration and asylum challenges beyond the European Union's eastern border
  • 23/01/2013 | Resolution 1917 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Azerbaijan
  • 04/10/2012 | Resolution 1902 | The European response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria
  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1886 | The impact of the economic crisis on local and regional authorities in Europe
  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1884 | Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social rights
  • 26/06/2012 | Resolution 1885 | The young generation sacrificed: social, economic and political implications of the financial crisis
  • 26/06/2012 | Recommendation 2002 | The young generation sacrificed: social, economic and political implications of the financial crisis
  • 24/04/2012 | Resolution 1872 | Lives lost in the Mediterranean Sea: Who is responsible?
  • 25/01/2012 | Resolution 1857 | The situation in Belarus
  • 25/01/2012 | Recommendation 1992 | The situation in Belarus
  • 03/10/2011 | Resolution 1829 | Prenatal sex selection
  • 03/10/2011 | Recommendation 1979 | Prenatal sex selection
  • 20/06/2011 | Opinion 281 | Budgets and priorities of the Council of Europe for the financial years 2012-2013
  • 20/06/2011 | Resolution 1817 | Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the financial years 2012-2013
  • 11/04/2011 | Recommendation 1961 | Over-indebtedness of states: a danger for democracy and human rights
  • 27/01/2011 | Recommendation 1957 | Violence against Christians in the Middle East
  • 06/10/2010 | Resolution 1759 | Activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in 2009: facilitating economic integration in Europe
  • 06/10/2010 | Recommendation 1937 | The strategy, governance and functioning of the Council of Europe Development Bank
  • 06/10/2010 | Resolution 1757 | Human rights and business
  • 06/10/2010 | Recommendation 1936 | Human rights and business
  • 05/10/2010 | Resolution 1754 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 05/10/2010 | Recommendation 1933 | Fight against extremism: achievements, deficiencies and failures
  • 05/10/2010 | Recommendation 1934 | Child abuse in institutions: ensuring full protection of the victims
  • 24/06/2010 | Resolution 1748 | Flare-up of tension in the Middle East
  • 27/04/2010 | Recommendation 1909 | Involving women in the prevention and solution of unresolved conflicts in Europe
  • 26/04/2010 | Recommendation 1908 | Lobbying in a democratic society (European code of good conduct on lobbying)
  • 01/10/2009 | Resolution 1687 | Reconsideration on substantive grounds of previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation (Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly)
  • 30/09/2009 | Resolution 1685 | Allegations of politically motivated abuses of the criminal justice system in Council of Europe member states
  • 24/06/2009 | Resolution 1675 | State of human rights in Europe: the need to eradicate impunity
  • 24/06/2009 | Recommendation 1876 | State of human rights in Europe: the need to eradicate impunity
  • 23/06/2009 | Resolution 1671 | Situation in Belarus
  • 23/06/2009 | Recommendation 1874 | Situation in Belarus
  • 23/06/2009 | Resolution 1673 | Challenges of the financial crisis for the world economic institutions
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1664 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Recommendation 1869 | Humanitarian consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia: follow-up given to Resolution 1648 (2009)
  • 29/04/2009 | Resolution 1665 | The election process for the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • 28/04/2009 | Resolution 1661 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 28/04/2009 | Recommendation 1867 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Serbia
  • 27/04/2009 | Resolution 1659 | Protection of human rights in emergency situations
  • 27/04/2009 | Recommendation 1865 | Protection of human rights in emergency situations
  • 28/01/2009 | Resolution 1647 | Implementation of Resolution 1633 (2008) on the consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia
  • 27/01/2009 | Resolution 1645 | Investigation of crimes allegedly committed by high officials during the Kuchma rule in Ukraine: the Gongadze case as an emblematic example
  • 27/01/2009 | Recommendation 1856 | Investigation of crimes allegedly committed by high officials during the Kuchma rule in Ukraine: the Gongadze case as an emblematic example
  • 27/01/2009 | Resolution 1644 | Co-operation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its universality
  • 27/01/2009 | Recommendation 1855 | The regulation of audio-visual media services
  • 27/01/2009 | Resolution 1643 | Implementation by Armenia of Assembly Resolutions 1609 (2008) and 1620 (2008)
  • 01/10/2008 | Resolution 1630 | Refreshing the youth agenda of the Council of Europe
  • 01/10/2008 | Recommendation 1844 | Refreshing the youth agenda of the Council of Europe
  • 01/10/2008 | Resolution 1631 | Reconsideration on substantial grounds of previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation
  • 26/06/2008 | Resolution 1621 | General policy debate on the situation in China
  • 25/06/2008 | Resolution 1617 | The state of democracy in Europe Specific challenges facing European democracies: the case of diversity and migration
  • 25/06/2008 | Recommendation 1839 | The state of democracy in Europe Specific challenges facing European democracies: the case of diversity and migration
  • 25/06/2008 | Resolution 1618 | State of democracy in Europe Measures to improve the democratic participation of migrants
  • 25/06/2008 | Recommendation 1840 | State of democracy in Europe Measures to improve the democratic participation of migrants
  • 17/04/2008 | Resolution 1610 | The accession of the European Union/European Community to the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 17/04/2008 | Recommendation 1834 | The accession of the European Union/European Community to the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 16/04/2008 | Resolution 1607 | Access to safe and legal abortion in Europe
  • 15/04/2008 | Resolution 1605 | European Muslim communities confronted with extremism
  • 15/04/2008 | Recommendation 1831 | European Muslim communities confronted with extremism
  • 22/01/2008 | Resolution 1595 | Developments as regards the future status of Kosovo
  • 22/01/2008 | Recommendation 1822 | Developments as regards the future status of Kosovo
  • 04/10/2007 | Resolution 1579 | Prostitution – which stance to take?
  • 04/10/2007 | Recommendation 1815 | Prostitution - which stance to take?
  • 04/10/2007 | Resolution 1580 | The dangers of creationism in education
  • 03/10/2007 | Resolution 1576 | For a European convention on promoting public health policy in drug control
  • 03/10/2007 | Recommendation 1813 | For a European convention on promoting public health policy in drug control
  • 03/10/2007 | Resolution 1575 | Political dimension of the Council of Europe budget
  • 03/10/2007 | Recommendation 1812 | Political dimension of the Council of Europe budget
  • 02/10/2007 | Resolution 1572 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Moldova
  • 02/10/2007 | Recommendation 1810 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Moldova
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1564 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 28/06/2007 | Recommendation 1803 | Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1567 | Iran’s nuclear programme: the need for an international response
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1566 | Honouring of obligations and commitments by Monaco
  • 28/06/2007 | Resolution 1565 | How to prevent cybercrime against state institutions in member and observer states?
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1563 | Combating anti-Semitism in Europe
  • 27/06/2007 | Resolution 1562 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 27/06/2007 | Recommendation 1801 | Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: second report
  • 26/06/2007 | Resolution 1560 | Promotion by Council of Europe member states of an international moratorium on the death penalty
  • 19/04/2007 | Resolution 1549 | Functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 18/04/2007 | Recommendation 1791 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1547 | State of human rights and democracy in Europe
  • 18/04/2007 | Resolution 1548 | Progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1536 | HIV/AIDS in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Recommendation 1784 | HIV/AIDS in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Recommendation 1785 | The spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic to women and girls in Europe
  • 25/01/2007 | Resolution 1537 | A future for children infected with HIV/Aids and Aids orphans
  • 24/01/2007 | Recommendation 1780 | Current situation in Kosovo
  • 23/01/2007 | Recommendation 1778 | Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse