All texts and votes



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Reports and committee opinions


Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2169 | International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2321 | International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2318 | The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2316 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland
  • 26/06/2019 | Recommendation 2158 | Ending coercion in mental health: the need for a human rights-based approach
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2291 | Ending coercion in mental health: the need for a human rights-based approach
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2292 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2288 | Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2020-2021
  • 25/06/2019 | Opinion 297 | Budget and priorities of the Council of Europe for the biennium 2020-2021
  • 25/06/2019 | Recommendation 2157 | Towards an ambitious Council of Europe agenda for gender equality
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2290 | Towards an ambitious Council of Europe agenda for gender equality
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2289 | The Istanbul Convention on violence against women: achievements and challenges
  • 24/06/2019 | Resolution 2287 | Strengthening the decision-making process of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning credentials and voting
  • 12/04/2019 | Resolution 2281 | Social media: social threads or threats to human rights?
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2278 | Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2151 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2273 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 24/01/2019 | Resolution 2260 | The worsening situation of opposition politicians in Turkey: what can be done to protect their fundamental rights in a Council of Europe member State?
  • 10/10/2018 | Resolution 2238 | Radicalisation of migrants and diaspora communities in Europe
  • 25/01/2018 | Resolution 2202 | The Israeli-Palestinian peace process: the role of the Council of Europe
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2200 | Good football governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Recommendation 2120 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2199 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 23/01/2018 | Recommendation 2118 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe
  • 23/01/2018 | Resolution 2196 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe
  • 12/10/2017 | Resolution 2190 | Prosecuting and punishing the crimes against humanity or even possible genocide committed by Daesh
  • 12/10/2017 | Resolution 2189 | The new Ukrainian law on education: a major impediment to the teaching of national minorities' mother tongues
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2185 | Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: what follow-up on respect for human rights?
  • 29/06/2017 | Resolution 2177 | Putting an end to sexual violence and harassment of women in public space
  • 27/06/2017 | Resolution 2169 | Recognition and implementation of the principle of accountability in the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 27/04/2017 | Resolution 2162 | Alarming developments in Hungary: draft NGO law restricting civil society and possible closure of the European Central University
  • 25/04/2017 | Resolution 2156 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey
  • 26/01/2017 | Resolution 2147 | The need to reform European migration policies
  • 25/01/2017 | Recommendation 2098 | Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2144 | Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2145 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 25/01/2017 | Resolution 2143 | Online media and journalism: challenges and accountability
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2106 | Renewed commitment in the fight against antisemitism in Europe
  • 28/01/2016 | Resolution 2093 | Recent attacks against women: the need for honest reporting and a comprehensive response
  • 27/01/2016 | Resolution 2089 | Organised crime and migrants
  • 27/01/2016 | Resolution 2088 | The Mediterranean Sea: a front door to irregular migration
  • 02/10/2015 | Resolution 2080 | Rethinking the anti-doping strategy
  • 02/10/2015 | Resolution 2079 | Equality and shared parental responsibility: the role of fathers
  • 01/10/2015 | Resolution 2077 | Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 01/10/2015 | Recommendation 2081 | Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 29/09/2015 | Resolution 2071 | Public health and the interests of the pharmaceutical industry: how to guarantee the primacy of public health interests?
  • 24/06/2015 | Resolution 2065 | Increasing transparency of media ownership
  • 24/06/2015 | Recommendation 2074 | Increasing transparency of media ownership
  • 24/06/2015 | Resolution 2063 | Consideration of the annulment of the previously ratified credentials of the delegation of the Russian Federation (follow-up to paragraph 16 of Resolution 2034 (2015))
  • 24/06/2015 | Resolution 2066 | Media responsibility and ethics in a changing media environment
  • 24/06/2015 | Recommendation 2075 | Media responsibility and ethics in a changing media environment
  • 24/06/2015 | Resolution 2064 | Situation in Hungary following the adoption of Assembly Resolution 1941 (2013)
  • 24/04/2015 | Resolution 2054 | Equality and non-discrimination in the access to justice
  • 23/04/2015 | Opinion 289 | Draft additional protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism
  • 21/04/2015 | Resolution 2045 | Mass surveillance
  • 21/04/2015 | Recommendation 2067 | Mass surveillance
  • 21/04/2015 | Resolution 2046 | Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2016-2017
  • 28/01/2015 20:14:37 | Resolution 2034 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 28/01/2015 17:32:58 | Resolution 2033 | Protection of the right to bargain collectively, including the right to strike
  • 28/01/2015 17:32:13 | Resolution 2032 | Equality and the crisis
  • 27/01/2015 16:27:44 | Resolution 2028 | The humanitarian situation of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons
  • 30/09/2014 | Resolution 2011 | Counteraction to manifestations of neo-Nazism and right-wing extremism
  • 30/09/2014 | Recommendation 2052 | Counteraction to manifestations of neo-Nazism and right-wing extremism