All texts and votes

Christophe LACROIX

Christophe  LACROIX

Chambre des représentants
Natieplein, 2
BE - 1008
BE Belgium



Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 03/07/2024 | Doc. 16022 | Motion for a resolution Georgian law on "foreign influence"
  • 02/07/2024 | Doc. 15969 | Written declaration Democratic remembrance in Spain and respect for the victims of Franco’s regime
  • 14/05/2024 | Doc. 15986 | Motion for a resolution Artificial intelligence and gender equality: risks and challenges
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15914 | Written declaration Israel Gaza conflict
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15900 | Written declaration Armenia must act to prevent discrimination against LGBTI people
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression
  • 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15975 | Motion for a resolution Eliminating gender stereotypes in the media
  • 16/04/2024 | Doc. 15969 | Written declaration Democratic remembrance in Spain and respect for the victims of Franco’s regime
  • 29/01/2024 | Doc. 15918 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring full independence and respect for the separation of powers by Constitutional courts
  • 26/01/2024 | Doc. 15915 | Written declaration Iran: people's rights against repression
  • 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15914 | Written declaration Israel Gaza conflict
  • 25/01/2024 | Doc. 15912 | Motion for a resolution Externalising asylum increases the risk of undermining the system of international protection
  • 24/01/2024 | Doc. 15903 | Motion for a resolution Putting an end to collective expulsions of aliens
  • 23/01/2024 | Doc. 15900 | Written declaration Armenia must act to prevent discrimination against LGBTI people
  • 26/06/2023 | Doc. 15816 | Motion for a resolution Self-determination and territorial integrity in the 21st century
  • 23/05/2023 | Doc. 15777 | Motion for a resolution The detention of Julian Assange and its chilling effects on human rights
  • 09/05/2023 | Doc. 15692 | Written declaration Do not extradite Julian Assange to the United States
  • 09/05/2023 | Doc. 15695 | Written declaration The United Kingdom must allow trans people to live their lives with dignity
  • 04/05/2023 | Doc. 15765 | Written declaration The Slovak Republic must avoid regression on legal gender recognition
  • 04/05/2023 | Doc. 15763 | Written declaration Electoral integrity under potential threat in Türkiye
  • 04/05/2023 | Doc. 15764 | Written declaration Azerbaijan must open the Lachin Corridor
  • 27/04/2023 | Doc. 15752 | Motion for a resolution A parliamentary sponsorship programme between the Parliamentary Assembly members and human rights defenders or the politically oppressed
  • 26/04/2023 | Doc. 15751 | Motion for a resolution Investigation into the illegal surveillance of foreign leaders, political opponents and activists in Poland
  • 14/02/2023 | Doc. 15634 | Written declaration Support Iranian people's protests
  • 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15698 | Motion for a resolution The use of explosive weapons as a major driver of justified displacement
  • 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15700 | Motion for a resolution Global rules to eliminate all forms of religious oppression
  • 26/01/2023 | Doc. 15695 | Written declaration The United Kingdom must allow trans people to live their lives with dignity
  • 25/10/2022 | Doc. 15646 | Motion for a resolution Growth in number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 18/10/2022 | Doc. 15641 | Written declaration Albania, a recent example of the use of public authority for political purposes
  • 17/10/2022 | Doc. 15637 | Written declaration Call for a de-escalation of tensions between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan
  • 12/10/2022 | Doc. 15634 | Written declaration Support Iranian people's protests
  • 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15630 | Motion for a resolution Protecting human rights and saving lives in the North Sea and the English Channel
  • 29/06/2022 | Doc. 15584 | Written declaration The accession of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to the European Union
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15574 | Written declaration Europe must not compromise with regard to the rule of law in Poland
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15575 | Written declaration Kazakhstan: civil society organisations are calling for personal sanctions for lack of international and impartial investigations of violent crackdown on peaceful protesters
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15576 | Written declaration Civil society organisations aiding refugees from Ukraine must be supported
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15578 | Motion for a resolution Systematic large-scale persecution against anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15581 | Written declaration Mikhail Saakashvili needs medical help
  • 27/06/2022 | Doc. 15579 | Written declaration The LGBTI-phobic hate speech of Patriarch Kirill must be condemned
  • 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15573 | Motion for a resolution Enhancing the right to access to justice for vulnerable groups
  • 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15572 | Motion for a resolution Oppressions through antiterror legislation in Türkiye should stop
  • 20/05/2022 | Doc. 15476 | Written declaration Ukraine: human rights and humanitarian law must be respected
  • 02/05/2022 | Doc. 15518 | Motion for a resolution Increasing members’ active participation in and contribution to the work of the Parliamentary Assembly and its committees
  • 02/05/2022 | Doc. 15521 | Motion for a resolution Threats to life and safety of journalists and human rights defenders in Azerbaijan
  • 28/04/2022 | Doc. 15513 | Motion for a resolution Safeguarding future rights for future generations
  • 11/03/2022 | Doc. 15476 | Written declaration Ukraine: human rights and humanitarian law must be respected
  • 09/02/2022 | Doc. 15389 | Written declaration Decriminalisation of same-sex relations in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
  • 08/10/2021 | Doc. 15338 | Written declaration For a firm condemnation of the repression in Egypt
  • 08/10/2021 | Doc. 15344 | Written declaration Hungary’s adoption of legislation akin to the Russian law against "LGBT propaganda" must be condemned
  • 04/10/2021 | Doc. 15390 | Motion for a resolution Child abuse in Europe: addressing, compensation and prevention
  • 01/10/2021 | Doc. 15389 | Written declaration Decriminalisation of same-sex relations in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
  • 01/10/2021 | Doc. 15388 | Written declaration The Georgian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI people from violence and discrimination
  • 22/07/2021 | Doc. 15344 | Written declaration Hungary’s adoption of legislation akin to the Russian law against "LGBT propaganda" must be condemned
  • 29/06/2021 | Doc. 15338 | Written declaration For a firm condemnation of the repression in Egypt
  • 28/06/2021 | Doc. 15337 | Motion for a resolution The challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights in Europe
  • 24/06/2021 | Doc. 15329 | Motion for a resolution The role of political parties in fostering diversity and inclusion: a new Charter for a non-racist society
  • 09/12/2020 | Doc. 15195 | Motion for a resolution Respect for the rule of law and fight against corruption within the Council of Europe
  • 04/12/2020 | Doc. 15190 | Written declaration Members of the Parliamentary Assembly ask Iran not to carry out the death penalty of Ahmadreza Djalali
  • 02/11/2020 | Doc. 15176 | Motion for a resolution Protecting the pillars of democracy during health crises
  • 10/09/2020 | Doc. 15137 | Motion for a resolution Fighting and preventing excessive and unjustified use of force by the law enforcement officers
  • 08/09/2020 | Doc. 15135 | Motion for a resolution Human rights violations in Belarus require an international investigation
  • 03/02/2020 | Doc. 15070 | Motion for a resolution Employment of disabled people in Europe
  • 30/01/2020 | Doc. 15057 | Written declaration The Turkish authorities must drop all charges against LGBTI activists who participated in Pride
  • 09/01/2020 | Doc. 15030 | Motion for a resolution Stopping harassment of women and men speaking out for the right to abort
  • 06/12/2019 | Doc. 15011 | Motion for a resolution Discrimination against persons dealing with long-term illness
  • 25/10/2019 | Doc. 15003 | Written declaration German singer Saide Inac and her daughter must be immediately released from Turkish prisons
  • 15/10/2019 | Doc. 14918 | Written declaration Investigating and preventing corruption at the Council of Europe
  • 08/10/2019 | Doc. 14993 | Written declaration Call for the immediate lifting of a travel ban placed on Resit Ekinci from Recklinghausen, Germany
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14986 | Motion for a resolution Tackling discrimination based on social origins
  • 04/10/2019 | Doc. 14987 | Motion for a resolution The fight for a level playing field – ending discrimination against women in the world of sport
  • 03/10/2019 | Doc. 14981 | Written declaration Member States should take swift action to fully implement ICD-11 in national health systems
  • 03/10/2019 | Doc. 14982 | Written declaration The Polish authorities must take action to eliminate hate speech by politicians and other public figures and ensure the rights to freedom of assembly and expression for LGBTI members of society
  • 02/10/2019 | Doc. 14978 | Written declaration The challenge of Sustainable Development Goals, call for parliamentarian action
  • 02/10/2019 | Doc. 14979 | Written declaration The role of the Polish National Television in the upcoming elections
  • 17/07/2019 | Doc. 14951 | Written question The case of M.C. and A.C. v. Romania – Combating homophobic hate crimes
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14872 | Written declaration The Armenian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI persons from violence and discrimination
  • 03/07/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • 27/06/2019 | Doc. 14927 | Written declaration Solidarity with Sea-Watch
  • 24/06/2019 | Doc. 14918 | Written declaration Investigating and preventing corruption at the Council of Europe
  • 26/04/2019 | Doc. 14882 | Written question Implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the rights of LGBTI+ persons in the Russian Federation
  • 12/04/2019 | Doc. 14879 | Motion for a resolution Alleged violations of LGBTI+ rights in the Caucasus region
  • 11/04/2019 | Doc. 14872 | Written declaration The Armenian authorities must take action to protect LGBTI persons from violence and discrimination
  • 11/04/2019 | Doc. 14877 | Written declaration Right to know and access to information in Italy
  • 25/01/2019 | Doc. 14823 | Motion for a resolution Countering ill democracies in Europe
  • 22/01/2019 | Doc. 14808 | Motion for a resolution Preventing discrimination caused by the use of artificial intelligence
  • 28/06/2018 | Doc. 14596 | Motion for a resolution Dietary-related ill health
  • 04/05/2018 | Doc. 14473 | Written declaration Iran protests
  • 26/04/2018 | Doc. 14549 | Written declaration Members of the Parliamentary Assembly ask Iran not to carry out the death penalty of Ahmadeza Djalali
  • 26/04/2018 | Doc. 14550 | Written declaration African asylum seekers targeted by Israeli deportation plan
  • 23/01/2018 | Doc. 14478 | Motion for a resolution Concerted action on human trafficking
  • 23/01/2018 | Doc. 14483 | Motion for a resolution Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 28/06/2024 | Resolution 2565 | Safeguarding human rights for future generations
  • 27/06/2024 | Resolution 2564 | Post-conflict time: defusing ticking time bombs for a safe return of displaced populations
  • 27/06/2024 | Resolution 2562 | An urgent call to Europe and its partners: envisioning immediate and long-term policy solutions in support of the displaced people of Ukraine
  • 27/06/2024 | Resolution 2563 | Call for Varosha’s return to its lawful inhabitants
  • 27/06/2024 | Resolution 2561 | Challenges to democracy in Georgia
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2553 | Strengthening a youth perspective in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2554 | Protecting women human rights defenders in Europe
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2555 | Ensuring human rights-compliant asylum procedures
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2552 | Strengthening democracy through participatory and deliberative processes
  • 19/04/2024 | Recommendation 2274 | The protection of children against online violence
  • 19/04/2024 | Resolution 2547 | The protection of children against online violence
  • 18/04/2024 | Recommendation 2272 | Mainstreaming the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment with the Reykjavik process
  • 18/04/2024 | Resolution 2545 | Mainstreaming the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment with the Reykjavik process
  • 18/04/2024 | Recommendation 2273 | Towards Council of Europe strategies for healthy seas and oceans to counter the climate crisis
  • 18/04/2024 | Resolution 2546 | Towards Council of Europe strategies for healthy seas and oceans to counter the climate crisis
  • 18/04/2024 | Opinion 303 | Draft Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2542 | Sanctions against persons on the "Kara-Murza list"
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2544 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2543 | Freedom of expression and assembly of LGBTI people in Europe
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2540 | Alexei Navalny's death and the need to counter Vladimir Putin's totalitarian regime and its war on democracy
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2541 | The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus
  • 16/04/2024 | Recommendation 2271 | Support for the reconstruction of Ukraine
  • 16/04/2024 | Resolution 2539 | Support for the reconstruction of Ukraine
  • 16/04/2024 | Opinion 302 | Application by Kosovo* for membership of the Council of Europe
  • 15/04/2024 | Resolution 2538 | Promoting the revised Code of Good Practice on Referendums
  • 15/04/2024 | Resolution 2537 | Relationship between the parliamentary majority and the opposition in a democracy
  • 26/01/2024 | Recommendation 2269 | Child abuse in institutions in Europe
  • 26/01/2024 | Resolution 2533 | Child abuse in institutions in Europe
  • 26/01/2024 | Resolution 2534 | The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2023)
  • 25/01/2024 | Recommendation 2267 | Countering strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs): an imperative for a democratic society
  • 25/01/2024 | Resolution 2531 | Countering strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs): an imperative for a democratic society
  • 25/01/2024 | Recommendation 2268 | Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists: an obligation of member States
  • 25/01/2024 | Resolution 2532 | Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists: an obligation of member States
  • 25/01/2024 | Recommendation 2266 | A democratic future for Belarus
  • 25/01/2024 | Resolution 2530 | A democratic future for Belarus
  • 25/01/2024 | Recommendation 2265 | Situation of the children of Ukraine
  • 25/01/2024 | Resolution 2529 | Situation of the children of Ukraine
  • 24/01/2024 | Resolution 2526 | Globalisation in times of crisis and war: the role of the OECD since the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine
  • 24/01/2024 | Resolution 2527 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan
  • 23/01/2024 | Resolution 2525 | The theme of migration and asylum in election campaigns and its consequences on the reception of migrants and their rights
  • 23/01/2024 | Resolution 2524 | Recent developments in the Middle East: Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and Israel’s response
  • 23/06/2023 | Resolution 2510 | Closing the digital divide: promoting equal access to digital technologies
  • 23/06/2023 | Recommendation 2257 | Transnational repression as a growing threat to the rule of law and human rights
  • 23/06/2023 | Resolution 2509 | Transnational repression as a growing threat to the rule of law and human rights
  • 22/06/2023 | Resolution 2507 | War of aggression against Ukraine – Participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics?
  • 22/06/2023 | Recommendation 2256 | Ensuring free and safe access through the Lachin Corridor
  • 22/06/2023 | Resolution 2508 | Ensuring free and safe access through the Lachin Corridor
  • 22/06/2023 | Resolution 2506 | Political consequences of the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine
  • 21/06/2023 | Opinion 301 | Budgets and priorities of the Council of Europe for the period 2024-2027
  • 21/06/2023 | Resolution 2501 | Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2024-2025
  • 21/06/2023 | Recommendation 2255 | Health and social protection of undocumented workers or those in an irregular situation
  • 21/06/2023 | Resolution 2504 | Health and social protection of undocumented workers or those in an irregular situation
  • 21/06/2023 | Resolution 2502 | Integration of migrants and refugees: benefits for all parties involved
  • 21/06/2023 | Resolution 2503 | Social inclusion of migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons through sport
  • 20/06/2023 | Resolution 2500 | Public health emergency: the need for a holistic approach to multilateralism and health care
  • 20/06/2023 | Resolution 2499 | Addressing the specific challenges faced by the Belarusians in exile
  • 28/04/2023 | Resolution 2498 | Youth and the media
  • 27/04/2023 | Recommendation 2254 | Safeguarding democracy, rights and the environment in international trade
  • 27/04/2023 | Resolution 2496 | Safeguarding democracy, rights and the environment in international trade
  • 27/04/2023 | Recommendation 2253 | Deportations and forcible transfers of Ukrainian children and other civilians to the Russian Federation or to temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories: create conditions for their safe return, stop these crimes and punish the perpetrators
  • 27/04/2023 | Resolution 2495 | Deportations and forcible transfers of Ukrainian children and other civilians to the Russian Federation or to temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories: create conditions for their safe return, stop these crimes and punish the perpetrators
  • 26/04/2023 | Recommendation 2251 | Political strategies to prevent, prepare for and face the consequences of natural disasters
  • 26/04/2023 | Resolution 2493 | Political strategies to prevent, prepare for and face the consequences of natural disasters
  • 26/04/2023 | Recommendation 2252 | Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 26/04/2023 | Resolution 2494 | Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 25/04/2023 | Resolution 2492 | Assessing the functioning of the partnership for democracy
  • 25/04/2023 | Resolution 2491 | European Convention on Human Rights and national constitutions
  • 27/01/2023 | Resolution 2486 | Building the Open Council of Europe Academic Networks (OCEAN)
  • 27/01/2023 | Resolution 2485 | Emergence of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) and their necessary apprehension through European human rights law
  • 26/01/2023 | Resolution 2484 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova
  • 26/01/2023 | Resolution 2483 | The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2022)
  • 26/01/2023 | Resolution 2482 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2478 | Contact tracing applications: ethical, cultural and educational challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Recommendation 2247 | The Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2479 | The Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Recommendation 2246 | Environmental impact of armed conflicts
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2477 | Environmental impact of armed conflicts
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2480 | The role and responsibility of men and boys in stopping gender-based violence against women and girls
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2481 | Finding solutions for marital captivity
  • 24/01/2023 | Resolution 2476 | Conflict-related sexual violence
  • 24/01/2023 | Recommendation 2245 | The Reykjavik Summit of the Council of Europe – United around values in the face of extraordinary challenges
  • 23/01/2023 | Recommendation 2244 | Addressing the issue of Daesh foreign fighters and their families returning from Syria and other countries to the member States of the Council of Europe
  • 23/01/2023 | Resolution 2475 | Addressing the issue of Daesh foreign fighters and their families returning from Syria and other countries to the member States of the Council of Europe
  • 14/10/2022 | Recommendation 2240 | Preventing vaccine discrimination
  • 14/10/2022 | Resolution 2468 | Preventing vaccine discrimination
  • 14/10/2022 | Recommendation 2239 | The future of work is here: revisiting labour rights
  • 14/10/2022 | Resolution 2467 | The future of work is here: revisiting labour rights
  • 13/10/2022 | Resolution 2465 | The fight for a level playing field – Ending discrimination against women in the world of sport
  • 13/10/2022 | Resolution 2464 | The impact of Brexit on human rights on the island of Ireland
  • 13/10/2022 | Resolution 2463 | Further escalation in the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine
  • 12/10/2022 | Recommendation 2238 | Safe third countries for asylum seekers
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2461 | Safe third countries for asylum seekers
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2462 | Pushbacks on land and sea: illegal measures of migration management
  • 12/10/2022 | Resolution 2460 | The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Hungary
  • 11/10/2022 | Recommendation 2237 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2456 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2457 | Raising awareness of and countering Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim racism, in Europe
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2453 | Review of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 23/06/2022 | Resolution 2452 | Ensuring accountability for the downing of flight MH17
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2450 | Justice and security for women in peace reconciliation
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2447 | Preventing and combating antisemitism in Europe
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2448 | Humanitarian consequences and internal and external displacement in connection with the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2449 | Protection and alternative care for unaccompanied and separated migrant and refugee children
  • 21/06/2022 | Resolution 2445 | The continuing need to restore human rights and the rule of law in the North Caucasus region
  • 21/06/2022 | Recommendation 2236 | Reported cases of political prisoners in the Russian Federation
  • 21/06/2022 | Resolution 2446 | Reported cases of political prisoners in the Russian Federation
  • 20/06/2022 | Resolution 2443 | The role of political parties in fostering diversity and inclusion: a new charter for a non-racist society
  • 28/04/2022 | Recommendation 2232 | Safeguarding and promoting genuine democracy in Europe
  • 28/04/2022 | Recommendation 2231 | The Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine: ensuring accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and other international crimes
  • 28/04/2022 | Resolution 2436 | The Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine: ensuring accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and other international crimes
  • 27/04/2022 | Recommendation 2229 | How to put confiscated criminal assets to good use?
  • 27/04/2022 | Resolution 2434 | How to put confiscated criminal assets to good use?
  • 27/04/2022 | Recommendation 2228 | Consequences of the Russian Federation's continued aggression against Ukraine: role and response of the Council of Europe
  • 27/04/2022 | Resolution 2433 | Consequences of the Russian Federation's continued aggression against Ukraine: role and response of the Council of Europe
  • 26/04/2022 | Recommendation 2226 | Beyond the Lisbon Treaty: strengthening the strategic partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Union
  • 26/04/2022 | Resolution 2430 | Beyond the Lisbon Treaty: strengthening the strategic partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Union
  • 26/04/2022 | Recommendation 2227 | Deinstitutionalisation of persons with disabilities
  • 26/04/2022 | Resolution 2431 | Deinstitutionalisation of persons with disabilities
  • 26/04/2022 | Resolution 2432 | Tackling discrimination based on social origin
  • 15/03/2022 | Opinion 300 | Consequences of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine
  • 27/01/2022 | Recommendation 2223 | Ending enforced disappearances on the territory of the Council of Europe
  • 27/01/2022 | Resolution 2425 | Ending enforced disappearances on the territory of the Council of Europe
  • 27/01/2022 | Recommendation 2222 | Beating Covid-19 with public health measures
  • 27/01/2022 | Resolution 2424 | Beating Covid-19 with public health measures
  • 26/01/2022 | Resolution 2421 | Sports policies in times of crisis
  • 26/01/2022 | Recommendation 2221 | Football governance: business and values
  • 26/01/2022 | Resolution 2420 | Football governance: business and values
  • 26/01/2022 | Resolution 2423 | Poisoning of Alexei Navalny
  • 26/01/2022 | Resolution 2422 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 25/01/2022 | Recommendation 2220 | Combating rising hate against LGBTI people in Europe
  • 25/01/2022 | Resolution 2417 | Combating rising hate against LGBTI people in Europe
  • 25/01/2022 | Resolution 2418 | Alleged violations of the rights of LGBTI people in the Southern Caucasus
  • 24/01/2022 | Recommendation 2218 | The right to be heard – Child participation: a foundation for democratic societies
  • 24/01/2022 | Resolution 2414 | The right to be heard – Child participation: a foundation for democratic societies
  • 24/01/2022 | Recommendation 2219 | Inaction on climate change – A violation of children's rights
  • 24/01/2022 | Resolution 2415 | Inaction on climate change – A violation of children's rights
  • 24/01/2022 | Resolution 2416 | European Union Pact on Migration and Asylum: a human rights perspective
  • 30/09/2021 | Resolution 2403 | The situation in Afghanistan: consequences for Europe and the region
  • 29/09/2021 | Recommendation 2212 | More participatory democracy to tackle climate change
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2397 | More participatory democracy to tackle climate change
  • 29/09/2021 | Recommendation 2214 | The climate crisis and the rule of law
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2399 | The climate crisis and the rule of law
  • 29/09/2021 | Recommendation 2213 | Addressing issues of criminal and civil liability in the context of climate change
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2398 | Addressing issues of criminal and civil liability in the context of climate change
  • 29/09/2021 | Recommendation 2211 | Anchoring the right to a healthy environment: need for enhanced action by the Council of Europe
  • 29/09/2021 | Resolution 2396 | Anchoring the right to a healthy environment: need for enhanced action by the Council of Europe
  • 28/09/2021 | Resolution 2395 | Strengthening the fight against so-called “honour” crimes
  • 28/09/2021 | Recommendation 2210 | Socio-economic inequalities in Europe: time to restore social trust by strengthening social rights
  • 28/09/2021 | Resolution 2394 | Gender representation in the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 27/09/2021 | Recommendation 2209 | Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan / Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 27/09/2021 | Resolution 2391 | Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan / Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 24/06/2021 | Recommendation 2207 | For a European policy on diasporas
  • 24/06/2021 | Resolution 2388 | For a European policy on diasporas
  • 23/06/2021 | Resolution 2386 | Enhancing participation of women from under-represented groups in political and public decision making
  • 23/06/2021 | Resolution 2387 | Human rights violations committed against Crimean Tatars in Crimea
  • 22/04/2021 | Recommendation 2202 | The arrest and detention of Alexei Navalny in January 2021
  • 22/04/2021 | Resolution 2375 | The arrest and detention of Alexei Navalny in January 2021
  • 22/04/2021 | Resolution 2376 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey
  • 21/04/2021 | Resolution 2373 | Discrimination against persons dealing with chronic and long-term illnesses
  • 21/04/2021 | Recommendation 2200 | Urgent need for electoral reform in Belarus
  • 21/04/2021 | Resolution 2371 | Urgent need for electoral reform in Belarus
  • 21/04/2021 | Recommendation 2201 | Human rights violations in Belarus require an international investigation
  • 21/04/2021 | Resolution 2372 | Human rights violations in Belarus require an international investigation
  • 20/04/2021 | Recommendation 2199 | The Assembly's vision on the strategic priorities for the Council of Europe
  • 20/04/2021 | Resolution 2369 | The Assembly's vision on the strategic priorities for the Council of Europe
  • 28/01/2021 | Resolution 2363 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 27/01/2021 | Recommendation 2194 | Restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 27/01/2021 | Resolution 2362 | Restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 27/01/2021 | Resolution 2361 | Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations
  • 26/01/2021 | Recommendation 2193 | The implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 26/01/2021 | Resolution 2358 | Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • 26/01/2021 | Resolution 2359 | Judges in Poland and in the Republic of Moldova must remain independent
  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2170 | Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2322 | Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 30/01/2020 | Recommendation 2169 | International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones
  • 30/01/2020 | Resolution 2321 | International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2318 | The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2319 | Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2320 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 28/01/2020 | Resolution 2316 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland
  • 03/10/2019 | Resolution 2307 | A legal status for “climate refugees”
  • 03/10/2019 | Resolution 2306 | Obstetrical and gynaecological violence
  • 03/10/2019 | Resolution 2305 | Saving lives in the Mediterranean: the need for an urgent response
  • 02/10/2019 | Recommendation 2163 | Ombudsman institutions in Europe – The need for a set of common standards
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2301 | Ombudsman institutions in Europe – The need for a set of common standards
  • 02/10/2019 | Recommendation 2164 | Protecting and supporting the victims of terrorism
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2303 | Protecting and supporting the victims of terrorism
  • 02/10/2019 | Resolution 2302 | The Council of Europe Development Bank: contributing to building a more inclusive society
  • 01/10/2019 | Recommendation 2162 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 01/10/2019 | Resolution 2300 | Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 26/06/2019 | Recommendation 2158 | Ending coercion in mental health: the need for a human rights-based approach
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2291 | Ending coercion in mental health: the need for a human rights-based approach
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2293 | Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination and the rule of law in Malta and beyond: ensuring that the whole truth emerges
  • 26/06/2019 | Resolution 2292 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2288 | Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2020-2021
  • 25/06/2019 | Opinion 297 | Budget and priorities of the Council of Europe for the biennium 2020-2021
  • 25/06/2019 | Recommendation 2157 | Towards an ambitious Council of Europe agenda for gender equality
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2290 | Towards an ambitious Council of Europe agenda for gender equality
  • 25/06/2019 | Resolution 2289 | The Istanbul Convention on violence against women: achievements and challenges
  • 11/04/2019 | Recommendation 2155 | The situation of migrants and refugees on the Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2280 | The situation of migrants and refugees on the Greek islands: more needs to be done
  • 11/04/2019 | Recommendation 2154 | Laundromats: responding to new challenges in the international fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2279 | Laundromats: responding to new challenges in the international fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering
  • 11/04/2019 | Resolution 2278 | Modification of various provisions of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2276 | Stop hate speech and acts of hatred in sport
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2275 | The role and responsibilities of political leaders in combating hate speech and intolerance
  • 10/04/2019 | Recommendation 2153 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 10/04/2019 | Resolution 2277 | Role and mission of the Parliamentary Assembly: main challenges for the future
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2152 | Promoting parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassment
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2274 | Promoting parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassment
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2150 | Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2271 | Strengthening co-operation with the United Nations in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • 09/04/2019 | Recommendation 2151 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2273 | Establishment of a European Union mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
  • 09/04/2019 | Resolution 2272 | Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: synergy needed on the part of all stakeholders, from parliaments to local authorities
  • 24/01/2019 | Resolution 2262 | Promoting the rights of persons belonging to national minorities
  • 24/01/2019 | Resolution 2261 | The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2018) and the periodic review of the honouring of obligations by Iceland and Italy
  • 24/01/2019 | Resolution 2260 | The worsening situation of opposition politicians in Turkey: what can be done to protect their fundamental rights in a Council of Europe member State?
  • 23/01/2019 | Resolution 2254 | Media freedom as a condition for democratic elections
  • 23/01/2019 | Resolution 2255 | Public service media in the context of disinformation and propaganda
  • 23/01/2019 | Recommendation 2144 | Internet governance and human rights
  • 23/01/2019 | Resolution 2256 | Internet governance and human rights
  • 22/01/2019 | Resolution 2252 | Sergei Magnitsky and beyond – fighting impunity by targeted sanctions
  • 22/01/2019 | Resolution 2253 | Sharia, the Cairo Declaration and the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 22/01/2019 | Resolution 2251 | Updating guidelines to ensure fair referendums in Council of Europe member States
  • 27/06/2018 | Recommendation 2134 | New restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 27/06/2018 | Resolution 2226 | New restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe member States
  • 26/06/2018 | Recommendation 2133 | Protecting human rights defenders in Council of Europe member States
  • 26/06/2018 | Resolution 2225 | Protecting human rights defenders in Council of Europe member States
  • 26/06/2018 | Resolution 2224 | The humanitarian situation of refugees in the countries neighbouring Syria
  • 27/04/2018 | Resolution 2220 | Integration, empowerment and protection of migrant children through compulsory education
  • 26/04/2018 | Recommendation 2129 | Copenhagen Declaration, appreciation and follow-up
  • 26/04/2018 | Recommendation 2128 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 26/04/2018 | Resolution 2216 | Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 25/04/2018 | Resolution 2213 | The status of journalists in Europe
  • 25/04/2018 | Resolution 2212 | The protection of editorial integrity
  • 24/04/2018 | Recommendation 2125 | State of emergency: proportionality issues concerning derogations under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 24/04/2018 | Resolution 2209 | State of emergency: proportionality issues concerning derogations under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • 24/04/2018 | Resolution 2210 | Climate change and implementation of the Paris Agreement
  • 26/01/2018 | Recommendation 2123 | Strengthening international regulations against trade in goods used for torture and the death penalty
  • 25/01/2018 | Resolution 2202 | The Israeli-Palestinian peace process: the role of the Council of Europe
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2200 | Good football governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Recommendation 2120 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2199 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2201 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 23/01/2018 | Resolution 2197 | The case for a basic citizenship income
  • 23/01/2018 | Recommendation 2118 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe
  • 23/01/2018 | Resolution 2196 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe