Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* 
Bureau, Presidential Committee and Standing Committee Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant
Rule 14 - Bureau of the Assembly and Presidential Committee
14.1. The
Bureau is responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of
the Assembly and of its committees. It assists the President in
his or her functions and guides the external relations
the Assembly.

14.2. The Bureau shall
take decisions on the organisation of part-sessions and plenary
sittings. It shall carry out other duties assigned to it under the
Rules of Procedure, by the complementary texts to the Rules or according
to decisions taken by the Assembly.
14.3. The Bureau
shall consist of the President, of twenty Vice-Presidents of the
Assembly elected according to the system of apportionment of Bureau
the chairpersons (or their representatives) of the political groups
and of the Assembly’s general committees. Chairpersons of the national
delegations of the member states holding the current, the previous
and the next two chairmanships of the Committee of Ministers shall
be ex officio members of the Bureau entitled to vote.
They may not be the Bureau's rapporteurs for its reports. They cannot
be replaced. The President does not participate in a vote except
in the case of a tie.

14.4. The Presidential
Committee shall consist of the President of the Assembly, the chairpersons
of the political groups (or their representatives) and the Secretary
General of the Assembly. The Presidential Committee is a consultative
body for the Bureau and the President of the Assembly. It shall
prepare meetings of the Bureau and may be entrusted by it with liaison tasks.