Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* 
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Rule 25 - Tabling of motions for recommendations and resolutions
25.1.a. A recommendation
is a proposal by the Assembly addressed to the Committee of Ministers,
the implementation of which is beyond the competence of the Assembly,
but within that of governments.
25.1.b. A resolution embodies
a decision by the Assembly on a question of substance which it is
empowered to put into effect, or an expression of view for which
it alone is responsible. In addition, a resolution may deal with
a question of form, transmission, execution or procedure. 

25.2. A
motion for a recommendation or resolution not exceeding 300 words
shall be signed by at least twenty representatives or substitutes
belonging to at least five national delegations or be adopted with
the requisite quorum by a committee, as defined in Rule 47.3.
, provided that the motion
comes within the committee's specific terms of reference.
Once tabled, a motion
cannot be withdrawn by its authors and no signature may be withdrawn
or added to it.
shall not contain propaganda for commercial purposes or on behalf
of persons or associations whose ideas or activities are incompatible
with the Council of Europe’s principles. They shall also not contain
racist, xenophobic or intolerant language or words and expressions
whose meaning bears an affront to human dignity.

25.3. A
motion for recommendation to initiate a complementary joint procedure
between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly
in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory
obligations shall be presented in both official languages and signed
by at least one fifth of the component members (representatives
and substitutes) of the Assembly, belonging to at least three political
groups and fifteen national delegations. 

25.4. The
President shall decide whether such a motion is in order. He or
she may consult the committee concerned and possibly the Bureau.
A motion which is in order shall be printed and distributed as soon
as possible.