Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
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Rule 31 - Reports of debates
31.1. An official
report of the debates of each part-session shall be issued. A provisional
report of each sitting shall be distributed as soon as possible.
The verbatim records of speeches delivered in any of the working
languages shall also be distributed.
31.2. In
addition to the speeches delivered, the report shall include texts
submitted by those representatives and substitutes on the list of
speakers who were unable to speak for lack of time, provided that
their author was present during the debate.
31.3. Any
correction by a speaker to his or her speech in the provisional
report shall be given to the Secretariat within twenty-four hours
of the report’s publication.