Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* 
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Rule 33 - Debate and consideration of texts
33.1. Each item
on the agenda shall be considered on the basis of a report
from the relevant committee or
from the Bureau.

33.2. Subject
to the provisions of Rules 7.
, 8.3.
, 9.2.
and 73.3.
and of paragraph 3 below, this report,
except for the Progress Report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee,
shall be distributed
least two weeks before the opening of the part-session. The main
committee’s report shall be made available to the committee for
opinion in time for the latter to draw up its opinion if possible
one week before the latter’s meeting. If the report is not distributed
within the time-limit laid down, and at least ten representatives
or substitutes belonging to at least five national delegations so
request when the draft agenda is considered, the debate shall be
postponed until a later part-session unless urgent procedure has
already been requested with respect to that report. However, if
at least ten representatives or substitutes belonging to at least
five delegations object, the postponement may be overruled by the
Assembly through a vote by a two-thirds majority.

33.3. In
the case of a debate under urgent procedure, the committee’s report
may not be considered until twenty-four hours after its distribution.
33.4. Following
the debate on the committee’s report or on the report of a Bureau
ad hoc committee on the observation of an election, the Assembly
shall vote on the draft text or texts which it may contain. Amendments
and sub-amendments to those draft texts may be tabled and considered
in accordance with the provisions of Rule 34
. When
all amendments and sub-amendments have been considered and voted,
the Assembly shall vote on the text as a whole. After the announcement
of the outcome of the vote, representatives or substitutes who have
not spoken in the proceedings may speak for not more than one minute
each to explain their votes.

33.5. The
Progress Report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee may contain
a special section or an appendix listing the decisions to be ratified
by the Assembly, in particular decisions taken on the basis of Rule 26
official documents. Adoption of a motion by a member to change a
Bureau decision shall require a majority of the votes cast. On any
such motion only the mover, one speaker against and the rapporteur
of the Bureau shall be heard.